walking track update.
i just get my Queue number a few minute ago and registered through the registration corner of the POLY CLINIC at CHOA CHU KANG, although im living in AMK but yet make my damn long way down to CHOA CHU KANG by MRT included bus 190.
now it was 8:24AM; i am sitting right on a bench at the 2nd story waiting for my turn in the queue for my Xray im really lost in a way where i got no ideal what gonna come next with a pain in my vine of my bone and my right leg ankle, while feeling really fucked up sitting in the damn area surrounded by patient waiting for the queue with a typical irritating smell of the medicated building; bringing fear and negative mentality to me.
i am seated right in a 2nd bench from the front just directly facing the Registration counter for the level 2 room 51 & 52 of the building.
now felt a little tired didn't really had a proper sleep due to yesterday night went down to PAYA LEBAR to surprise a little friend of my JAZZLENE SIM for her birthday with the rest of my fellow ITE mate.
hanged around that area through the dawn while the night falling half away with a bit of morning rise. who was with me is; TOBIAS, JABEZ, DEXTER, ISAAC and LIANNA. ISAAC went of earlier due to his parental curfew. it's really weird for a NS guy to have a curfew from parent.
through the night supper with them something real terrible that just did is; i had been gossiping throughout the night, to my belief gossiping is a sin but to my human nature i really lose grip of it spitted it out.
actually i had my most lousiest supper at MR TEH TARIK food area located at PAYA LEBAR, the food there is really terrible to the core. the MUSHROOM SPAGHETTI i ordered at the western counter taste real bad, when i just order i tried smell it; it smell really bad which i cant explain it, it give a firmilier body odour smell of a person. there's a 2 gangsterish looking guy working in that store, i try not to stereo type them i, i go order a food from them not judging them by their appearance but they disappoint me, a friend of my JABEZ order a beef steak also another disappointment.
never ever go back there again, i spend $5 for it it consider really expansive, their mushroom cream don't taste like mushroom cream and i suspect their cheese powder rotten, give a different texture compared to other western food store i ever tried.
snapped photo on that night:

herrm..! i better not talk about it that's all for my yesterday story, so what exatly it's now it was a long minute passed; the queue number display is : 1171 for counter A and 1172 for counter B and my QUEUE number is 2279 im still way behind queue at 1st i been typing this text out i thought i missed my queue thank god. with a sound dingling by the queue display number switched to 1176 and 1174 and the time now is 8:43AM time flies.
i looked to my left to the ventilation of the building the sky seems bright but i didn't really inch much of my head if not i will look really retardard doing that. on my right is where the stair case that lead to 1st and 3rd story located.
i crammed my butts sitting on the bench waiting for my turn by the way the building here is really cooling without any air conditional because had lots of fan fixed closed up. ouch! the pain on my butts really irritating hope to get well soon, really pissed of waiting what a mental torture to me.
i keep on tilting my head to my top corner right non stop, looking at the display the sound of that thing dingling for every queue giving me a hope that my turn there but no sign of a turn for me.
with a sound waving across by the passed by vehicle distance away on my left with me yawning my queue is really close 2272 now. i better look at the time; it's 8:58AM.
what a shock my turn come just like that; really sudden with a sweet voice of the lady at the registration counter said to me in chinese:" your X-ray queue figure is X-14" and i optioned a small laminated card that printed with a black figure text ;X-14. now the X-ray queue is until X-10, my turn is coming i gonna get prepared, the time now is 9;03AM gonna update in a few minute time or longer.
9:46AM; updating about it now, close an hour had passed, i had went through the process of X-ray. i peep to see how my bone look like it look fine to me it's because i got no knowledge or ideal about it, the doctor will know it better. hope that the doctor find hope in that i can be healed completely. by the way the radiation of the X-ray process is really strong.
i can feel the heat rushing through my ankle like a ultraviolet ray from the sun. same goes to my back area. i am so scared of the radiation. 1stly after my turn of the queue the doctor asked me to change to a robe that provided at the clinic i am asked to lye on the x-ray table, it felt really nervous looking at my own bone make me goose bum. really humiliating.
more then 1 hour had passed; 11:13AM close to noon.
i got the result there's no problem with my bone i can't believe i fell from 2nd story to 1st story landing with my butt and ankle with a result of nothing happen to my bone; it's a thank god thingy.
by the way now im at the near by mac donald across the road from the POLY CLINIC, i bought a simple meal of MAC FILLET O FISH, quite a peace of mine. medical bill for today including X-ray is S$39.68 reasonable. should be cheaper a little more it's because i had to be rewarded with cheaper bill for my patient.
the doctor was a male spectacle guy quite handsome some how, to my stereo typing man doctor with spectacle is trustable.
i got to get well and be fit for my this coming 21 april RTT and my upcoming TP. by the way now im sitting at the area close to the glass panel facing the area where the motor cyclist delivery man, im kind of envy them for having a chance to ride a bike normally.
i really wanna had a chance to own my own license and ride on the road with peace. please let it be done.
now it's aredy 1:31AM: thinking what's more to add on, i just added on with the photo above on JAZZLENE BDAY, oh ya i havent share about the camp i went yet, the 1st night is the day where i injured myself.
it's actually my fault, the camp is NO LIMIT CAMP on MARCH 26, 2011 quite a long day back. overall i rate the camp good, it's because they kept really simple, the simple the food taste always the best. the camp doesn't provide food but a voucher for food and the last day is a the hiking day. really create lots of bond.
throughout the 3 day of the camp i really glad i manage to went through it despite my injured butt and ankle. i went through the hike with god blessing, i aready injured my self quite badly but god hold the pain for me.
some time people may ask why god hold the pain instead of heal it, he always have his reason. through the process of rest i realize god spoken to me that, human being need rest should not over work them self. i had been over working myself in work and not having enough sleep.
i never been taking care of my body, god want me to learn to prioritize rest and work. same goes for study.
i got my GPA point 2.3, there's a reason why i got 2.3 for my GPA point. i have not been honors in exam. integrity is really important in every where we go.
by the way some picture taken randomly in the camp:

A fellowship of the night actually it really got nothing to do with me, it's amoung them not me im just observing and taking photo of their fellowship. i shouldn't count myself in, im too old for it.
they are the new generation, im some how retired. or maybe god want to use me other way else i had to be prepared. definitely wont be around them.
i still love the hiking most, a long walk from BUKIT TIMAH to MERITCHIE a long whole hour walk for the 3rd day noon to the bright fall.
on that end of the hike i took out my phone to snap photo randomly, saw such beautiful view up the sky which is a beam of colors projected across the sky like a bow facing upward. it's called a rainbow:

i think that's all wow now i look at the time it's 2:32AM a hour had pass after typing down those text and uploading those photo.
now it was 8:24AM; i am sitting right on a bench at the 2nd story waiting for my turn in the queue for my Xray im really lost in a way where i got no ideal what gonna come next with a pain in my vine of my bone and my right leg ankle, while feeling really fucked up sitting in the damn area surrounded by patient waiting for the queue with a typical irritating smell of the medicated building; bringing fear and negative mentality to me.
i am seated right in a 2nd bench from the front just directly facing the Registration counter for the level 2 room 51 & 52 of the building.
now felt a little tired didn't really had a proper sleep due to yesterday night went down to PAYA LEBAR to surprise a little friend of my JAZZLENE SIM for her birthday with the rest of my fellow ITE mate.
hanged around that area through the dawn while the night falling half away with a bit of morning rise. who was with me is; TOBIAS, JABEZ, DEXTER, ISAAC and LIANNA. ISAAC went of earlier due to his parental curfew. it's really weird for a NS guy to have a curfew from parent.

actually i had my most lousiest supper at MR TEH TARIK food area located at PAYA LEBAR, the food there is really terrible to the core. the MUSHROOM SPAGHETTI i ordered at the western counter taste real bad, when i just order i tried smell it; it smell really bad which i cant explain it, it give a firmilier body odour smell of a person. there's a 2 gangsterish looking guy working in that store, i try not to stereo type them i, i go order a food from them not judging them by their appearance but they disappoint me, a friend of my JABEZ order a beef steak also another disappointment.
never ever go back there again, i spend $5 for it it consider really expansive, their mushroom cream don't taste like mushroom cream and i suspect their cheese powder rotten, give a different texture compared to other western food store i ever tried.
snapped photo on that night:

herrm..! i better not talk about it that's all for my yesterday story, so what exatly it's now it was a long minute passed; the queue number display is : 1171 for counter A and 1172 for counter B and my QUEUE number is 2279 im still way behind queue at 1st i been typing this text out i thought i missed my queue thank god. with a sound dingling by the queue display number switched to 1176 and 1174 and the time now is 8:43AM time flies.
i looked to my left to the ventilation of the building the sky seems bright but i didn't really inch much of my head if not i will look really retardard doing that. on my right is where the stair case that lead to 1st and 3rd story located.
i crammed my butts sitting on the bench waiting for my turn by the way the building here is really cooling without any air conditional because had lots of fan fixed closed up. ouch! the pain on my butts really irritating hope to get well soon, really pissed of waiting what a mental torture to me.
i keep on tilting my head to my top corner right non stop, looking at the display the sound of that thing dingling for every queue giving me a hope that my turn there but no sign of a turn for me.
with a sound waving across by the passed by vehicle distance away on my left with me yawning my queue is really close 2272 now. i better look at the time; it's 8:58AM.
what a shock my turn come just like that; really sudden with a sweet voice of the lady at the registration counter said to me in chinese:" your X-ray queue figure is X-14" and i optioned a small laminated card that printed with a black figure text ;X-14. now the X-ray queue is until X-10, my turn is coming i gonna get prepared, the time now is 9;03AM gonna update in a few minute time or longer.
9:46AM; updating about it now, close an hour had passed, i had went through the process of X-ray. i peep to see how my bone look like it look fine to me it's because i got no knowledge or ideal about it, the doctor will know it better. hope that the doctor find hope in that i can be healed completely. by the way the radiation of the X-ray process is really strong.
i can feel the heat rushing through my ankle like a ultraviolet ray from the sun. same goes to my back area. i am so scared of the radiation. 1stly after my turn of the queue the doctor asked me to change to a robe that provided at the clinic i am asked to lye on the x-ray table, it felt really nervous looking at my own bone make me goose bum. really humiliating.
more then 1 hour had passed; 11:13AM close to noon.
i got the result there's no problem with my bone i can't believe i fell from 2nd story to 1st story landing with my butt and ankle with a result of nothing happen to my bone; it's a thank god thingy.
by the way now im at the near by mac donald across the road from the POLY CLINIC, i bought a simple meal of MAC FILLET O FISH, quite a peace of mine. medical bill for today including X-ray is S$39.68 reasonable. should be cheaper a little more it's because i had to be rewarded with cheaper bill for my patient.
the doctor was a male spectacle guy quite handsome some how, to my stereo typing man doctor with spectacle is trustable.
i got to get well and be fit for my this coming 21 april RTT and my upcoming TP. by the way now im sitting at the area close to the glass panel facing the area where the motor cyclist delivery man, im kind of envy them for having a chance to ride a bike normally.
i really wanna had a chance to own my own license and ride on the road with peace. please let it be done.
now it's aredy 1:31AM: thinking what's more to add on, i just added on with the photo above on JAZZLENE BDAY, oh ya i havent share about the camp i went yet, the 1st night is the day where i injured myself.
it's actually my fault, the camp is NO LIMIT CAMP on MARCH 26, 2011 quite a long day back. overall i rate the camp good, it's because they kept really simple, the simple the food taste always the best. the camp doesn't provide food but a voucher for food and the last day is a the hiking day. really create lots of bond.

some time people may ask why god hold the pain instead of heal it, he always have his reason. through the process of rest i realize god spoken to me that, human being need rest should not over work them self. i had been over working myself in work and not having enough sleep.
i never been taking care of my body, god want me to learn to prioritize rest and work. same goes for study.
i got my GPA point 2.3, there's a reason why i got 2.3 for my GPA point. i have not been honors in exam. integrity is really important in every where we go.
by the way some picture taken randomly in the camp:

A fellowship of the night actually it really got nothing to do with me, it's amoung them not me im just observing and taking photo of their fellowship. i shouldn't count myself in, im too old for it.
they are the new generation, im some how retired. or maybe god want to use me other way else i had to be prepared. definitely wont be around them.
i still love the hiking most, a long walk from BUKIT TIMAH to MERITCHIE a long whole hour walk for the 3rd day noon to the bright fall.
on that end of the hike i took out my phone to snap photo randomly, saw such beautiful view up the sky which is a beam of colors projected across the sky like a bow facing upward. it's called a rainbow:

i think that's all wow now i look at the time it's 2:32AM a hour had pass after typing down those text and uploading those photo.