Monday, May 4, 2015
Monday, May 4, 2015
hmm...! didn't update for quite some time.
yeah gonna update it any way, conveniently i got a new Lap Top, which is a Asus Gaming Lap Top. kind of happy about it, things went up and down.
moment you earn something and moment you lost something. life is short any gonna skip all the sad part of life and fast forward to the happier one.
some time it's hard to get through part of it, where saying and word are cheap and easy. hands on is a difficult part.
picture of my Lap Top:
although it's not the best but still is a better one. here the specs:
its quite handy for me, did alot of things with it. helped me in my current taking of Diploma in Game design. at 1st i got an interest in Game design, think about it, it is not easy. programming is the killer part.
1stly have to learn a programming language which designed and created by someone. 2nd game is something human can live without it and survive without it, so is like creating something which doesn't really meet people needs.
is like in a situation where the world goes on disaster, power and supply are cutted off, you vehicle got a limited slot, there's 5 survivor including you, a vehicle can only have 5 people, the choice is made by you, there's a Car Mechanic, Farmer, Doctor, chef, electrician and a Game developer. you are surrounded by zombies you have to make a quick decision. sure you take someone which can enhance your scavenging group.
Had you ever heard of a word picture speak a thousand words, i heard it some where:
some where in between the previous post and today post, i gonna type it quick and as short as possible.
When cycle with some friends and been hanged out with someone which gave me a wrong idea, lucky i didnt make any rush decision; so im safe and loose nothing.
People treat me as family member, ill naturally will try to behave like one and treat them back as family member. thats my instinct, if i got drifted to the dead end i'll make sure i build something out of it.
base on the picture above, i been playing Diablo 3 Reaper of the soul, and just bought a Guitar Hero set not long.
and also did some art work in between:
Thats The Julias from the Little fighter i actually use it for me 3D game Project. story of the Julias after life. where he got exiled into the under world.

my 3D works and practice, Environmental, Object. human and animal figure is the hardest to make. i been practicing, i only better at environment and object.
The Vision in The Avenger 2 is damn cool.
few day back i Watched the Avenger 2 with a good friend of my Hui Yang, a friend and also a bro who i know since Sec 1, 9 years ago. lot of good friends i got back there but most of them i didn't really get to contact them, because everyone of them become busy and got their own life and got attached, which ain't got time for friends like me.
but Hui Yang is a special case, despite his army and busy schedule, but he still will make time to hang out or supper with friends like me. amazing isn't it, and i got another friend which i wanna be thankful about it, a friend which i know since Primary 1 till now, 16 years of friendship, which i still able to hang out with anytime and where, Tan Woon Jhong and Jonathan Lim.
im really glad i got friend like them, they are happen to be single like me haha^^ and i can't imagine they got into a relationship
i wonder are they a monk?
it seems funny, i ever asked them will they ever find any girl or relationship, all the statement almost the same, their perspective and respond is the same, no time for Materialistic people, the world gonna end soon no point getting worried in this kind of things.
most of them said there's so much more things like the world to worry about rather than worrying about those relationship thinging.
it kind of make me think about it.
yeah gonna update it any way, conveniently i got a new Lap Top, which is a Asus Gaming Lap Top. kind of happy about it, things went up and down.
moment you earn something and moment you lost something. life is short any gonna skip all the sad part of life and fast forward to the happier one.
some time it's hard to get through part of it, where saying and word are cheap and easy. hands on is a difficult part.
picture of my Lap Top:
although it's not the best but still is a better one. here the specs:
its quite handy for me, did alot of things with it. helped me in my current taking of Diploma in Game design. at 1st i got an interest in Game design, think about it, it is not easy. programming is the killer part.
1stly have to learn a programming language which designed and created by someone. 2nd game is something human can live without it and survive without it, so is like creating something which doesn't really meet people needs.
is like in a situation where the world goes on disaster, power and supply are cutted off, you vehicle got a limited slot, there's 5 survivor including you, a vehicle can only have 5 people, the choice is made by you, there's a Car Mechanic, Farmer, Doctor, chef, electrician and a Game developer. you are surrounded by zombies you have to make a quick decision. sure you take someone which can enhance your scavenging group.
Had you ever heard of a word picture speak a thousand words, i heard it some where:
some where in between the previous post and today post, i gonna type it quick and as short as possible.
When cycle with some friends and been hanged out with someone which gave me a wrong idea, lucky i didnt make any rush decision; so im safe and loose nothing.
People treat me as family member, ill naturally will try to behave like one and treat them back as family member. thats my instinct, if i got drifted to the dead end i'll make sure i build something out of it.
base on the picture above, i been playing Diablo 3 Reaper of the soul, and just bought a Guitar Hero set not long.
and also did some art work in between:
Thats The Julias from the Little fighter i actually use it for me 3D game Project. story of the Julias after life. where he got exiled into the under world.

my 3D works and practice, Environmental, Object. human and animal figure is the hardest to make. i been practicing, i only better at environment and object.
The Vision in The Avenger 2 is damn cool.
few day back i Watched the Avenger 2 with a good friend of my Hui Yang, a friend and also a bro who i know since Sec 1, 9 years ago. lot of good friends i got back there but most of them i didn't really get to contact them, because everyone of them become busy and got their own life and got attached, which ain't got time for friends like me.
but Hui Yang is a special case, despite his army and busy schedule, but he still will make time to hang out or supper with friends like me. amazing isn't it, and i got another friend which i wanna be thankful about it, a friend which i know since Primary 1 till now, 16 years of friendship, which i still able to hang out with anytime and where, Tan Woon Jhong and Jonathan Lim.
im really glad i got friend like them, they are happen to be single like me haha^^ and i can't imagine they got into a relationship
i wonder are they a monk?
it seems funny, i ever asked them will they ever find any girl or relationship, all the statement almost the same, their perspective and respond is the same, no time for Materialistic people, the world gonna end soon no point getting worried in this kind of things.
most of them said there's so much more things like the world to worry about rather than worrying about those relationship thinging.
it kind of make me think about it.