time passed by just like that. fast isn't it?
Sunday, November 6, 2011
im glad i recover from fever on time, FRIDAY woke up in an afternoon. over slept due to tidy up the damn house.
friday went to JABEZ place with HAFIZ; he came down with his bike. so i bring my BACARDI down; we bought SODA and some other mix etc.
he long pang me over to TOH GUAN RD; long distance in the night. some how scary especially squeeze in between buses and truck, looking at those huge tire i started imagine what if my head goes into that huge spinning tire of a truck or bus?
after all its fun.
who was there on FRIDAY drinking is: HAFIZ, SUHAILA and JABEZ.
blast music get alittle hyper.
hangover from sunday to the next day, SATURDAY: due to taking shots.
woke up feeling my head heavy; felt terrible for awhile. saturday service day, felt so sack don't feel like going out or moving. had my break fast at LONG JOHN SILVER with JABEZ.
after everything head down to TECK WHYE to wash up and change; to head down for service.
after service hang out with ma group member; that saturday is the last day of the MACDONALD MONO POLY thinging. we accumulate our instant win:

exchange all the instant win we got for those stuff, not so bad.
hanged the night off again. watched TINTIN:
great movie; exciting, adventurous, great story line which supremely indescribable, only can be watched with your eye, to know the supremacy of it.
journey to explore treasury and historical wonders.
illusual view of early intelligence living. where library is relied then compute technology.
worth watching it; it's a great classic comic story renewed and projected into 3d form.
after the movie ended hanged around to get something to drink, roaming around the early morning. when the movie ended it was 4AM+ close to 5AM. raining continuously non stop wonder why? any way MRT or BUS is coming so don't have to take cab. money saved.
head back home it was SUNDAY already.
reached back home go out for PRATA for breakfast, before the break fast played GTA SAN ANDREAS multiplayer online:

this is the example to show how the game play like, when i just enter into the game there's gun firing around with lots of havoc.
im glad i recover from fever on time, FRIDAY woke up in an afternoon. over slept due to tidy up the damn house.
friday went to JABEZ place with HAFIZ; he came down with his bike. so i bring my BACARDI down; we bought SODA and some other mix etc.
he long pang me over to TOH GUAN RD; long distance in the night. some how scary especially squeeze in between buses and truck, looking at those huge tire i started imagine what if my head goes into that huge spinning tire of a truck or bus?
after all its fun.
who was there on FRIDAY drinking is: HAFIZ, SUHAILA and JABEZ.
blast music get alittle hyper.
hangover from sunday to the next day, SATURDAY: due to taking shots.
woke up feeling my head heavy; felt terrible for awhile. saturday service day, felt so sack don't feel like going out or moving. had my break fast at LONG JOHN SILVER with JABEZ.
after everything head down to TECK WHYE to wash up and change; to head down for service.
after service hang out with ma group member; that saturday is the last day of the MACDONALD MONO POLY thinging. we accumulate our instant win:
exchange all the instant win we got for those stuff, not so bad.
hanged the night off again. watched TINTIN:

journey to explore treasury and historical wonders.
illusual view of early intelligence living. where library is relied then compute technology.
worth watching it; it's a great classic comic story renewed and projected into 3d form.
after the movie ended hanged around to get something to drink, roaming around the early morning. when the movie ended it was 4AM+ close to 5AM. raining continuously non stop wonder why? any way MRT or BUS is coming so don't have to take cab. money saved.
head back home it was SUNDAY already.
reached back home go out for PRATA for breakfast, before the break fast played GTA SAN ANDREAS multiplayer online:

this is the example to show how the game play like, when i just enter into the game there's gun firing around with lots of havoc.