Today thursday 1 more week school open now it's small early celebration for Xin Mei as a CG took place at Ang Mo Kio park just behind the MRT staion we play lantern and fellowship.
earlier i bought a small chocolate Birthday cake for Xin Mei ya as a friend not just friend a special friend she rededicate back to christ so she consider the same belonging.

we played with fire and some mad friend of us do some stupid dance and i play with ZIPPO haha^^

Looking Forward for SATURDAY 10 OCT Xin Mei real Birthday.
today i over slept should be meeting Xin Mei 8.30am at ang mo kio becoz she need go poly clinic but i over slept damn late aredy so i quickly rush down to the ang mo kio poly clinic to find her she still Queue-ing up for her medicine and MC.

then after that went to Long John silver to eat lunce then don't know wad to do go catch a movie Xin Mei wanted to watch the movie title: fame

quite a nice movie inspiring quite similer to high school musical but way better.

quite an entertaining show the dance and music and all kind of different talent they got there .
after the movie don'y know wad to do just went to bradell macdonald quite near to Xin Mei house there to slack Xin Mei serve net with her lab top.
chit chat for an hour then go back home getting sleepy.
today my church got meeting discussing about the new building got some problem here Kenneth invite people who not yet a member he invited Jie Wei, Shawn Chen and Xin Mei make them come all they way cannot attend the meeting.
i feel bad for them just hang around not going to the meeting company Xin Mei and kenneth also company chit chat explaining i went to the back door area to listen wad they talking about.
there's lot Thai lady around the cuppage plaza lol so irritating i went down to basement stair for a drink.

later on every thing over we went to tao huay John went back aredy he's not around so left with Ace Veron, Yao Ming, Kenneth, Xin Mei and me going to tao huay only later on i took MRT home with Xin Mei.
i reached back home my bro wanna buy snack so company him down i saw my house the 24 hr provision shop got sell chess board i buy it to decorate my room:

nice right??
i use blue tack to stig the chess to the board so can place on the wall.
Today thursday 1 more week school open now it's small early celebration for Xin Mei as a CG took place at Ang Mo Kio park just behind the MRT staion we play lantern and fellowship.
earlier i bought a small chocolate Birthday cake for Xin Mei ya as a friend not just friend a special friend she rededicate back to christ so she consider the same belonging.

we played with fire and some mad friend of us do some stupid dance and i play with ZIPPO haha^^

Looking Forward for SATURDAY 10 OCT Xin Mei real Birthday.
today i over slept should be meeting Xin Mei 8.30am at ang mo kio becoz she need go poly clinic but i over slept damn late aredy so i quickly rush down to the ang mo kio poly clinic to find her she still Queue-ing up for her medicine and MC.
then after that went to Long John silver to eat lunce then don't know wad to do go catch a movie Xin Mei wanted to watch the movie title: fame

quite a nice movie inspiring quite similer to high school musical but way better.

quite an entertaining show the dance and music and all kind of different talent they got there .
after the movie don'y know wad to do just went to bradell macdonald quite near to Xin Mei house there to slack Xin Mei serve net with her lab top.
chit chat for an hour then go back home getting sleepy.
today my church got meeting discussing about the new building got some problem here Kenneth invite people who not yet a member he invited Jie Wei, Shawn Chen and Xin Mei make them come all they way cannot attend the meeting.
i feel bad for them just hang around not going to the meeting company Xin Mei and kenneth also company chit chat explaining i went to the back door area to listen wad they talking about.
there's lot Thai lady around the cuppage plaza lol so irritating i went down to basement stair for a drink.

later on every thing over we went to tao huay John went back aredy he's not around so left with Ace Veron, Yao Ming, Kenneth, Xin Mei and me going to tao huay only later on i took MRT home with Xin Mei.
i reached back home my bro wanna buy snack so company him down i saw my house the 24 hr provision shop got sell chess board i buy it to decorate my room:

nice right??
i use blue tack to stig the chess to the board so can place on the wall.