Saturday, January 29, 2011
Saturday, January 29, 2011
HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR is coming close, i will be ended up casted in work sad case; hope i can go visitation instead of work.
by the way today SUPER JUNIOR concert is great worth the setup, flooded with alot of people to the extend where my followspot light got blocked by those audience. today i screwed up alot hope they do an adjustment for tommorrow show.
today reported at 12pm+ at indoor stadium:
before reaching the place i actually went over to KALLANG LEISURE PARK to buy SUSHI at basement COLDSTORAGE and some cooling tea with HAFIZ and JABEZ.
+ buy plastic cup for SHARON i got the receipt but forget to claim, reached the place food aredy provided end up can't finish the food due to my SASHIMI i bought.
i too picture around to make memory of those moment where i working with my friend.
by the way im kind of pissed off and disappointed in FERLICIAL and CECILIA for they bad behaviour in work what ever shit they wanna do together shouldn't be in the work place they do outside the work place or at home it's alright doesn't concern me but in work it really fucking piss people off, SHARON informed me about those shit.
hope they better change, when ever im around them i got no place to hide my face, pretend as a stranger that don't know them also cannot they will end up talking to me, so i rather just stay away from them.
what ever lestbian thing they wanna do should make sure im not around to see those shit.
been tolerating it for very long, soon gonna flare out after the whole super junior working process ended, i make sure i won't keep contact with them ever again. for now i still need them for the shake of my working responsibility.
for the rest of my friend they working fine im so happy working with them they ROX!
especially: HAFIZ, SUHAILA, JABEZ, HUI YANg, YONG TENG, FAIZ, ESTAR & LESTOR. they rox! they are a normal person which i work with instead of some extraordinary gay or lestbian.
picture taken randomly:

those yellow tag in my hand is the authorized personnel entry for the concert.
show you a panoramic view of rougthly of the stage:

it's kind of blur that the best i can do there, it's secretly took.
show you the effect and the stage:

taken during the rehearsal not the actual show, the actual show is not allowed to take picture of it, i feel like asking 1 audience who stand near to super junior to help me take and after everything pass me the camera.
show you the all access pass it look just like the KOREAN lady wore it i wanna get the chance to talk to her.
if im not wrong her english name is EUNESE .
HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR is coming close, i will be ended up casted in work sad case; hope i can go visitation instead of work.
by the way today SUPER JUNIOR concert is great worth the setup, flooded with alot of people to the extend where my followspot light got blocked by those audience. today i screwed up alot hope they do an adjustment for tommorrow show.
today reported at 12pm+ at indoor stadium:

+ buy plastic cup for SHARON i got the receipt but forget to claim, reached the place food aredy provided end up can't finish the food due to my SASHIMI i bought.
i too picture around to make memory of those moment where i working with my friend.
by the way im kind of pissed off and disappointed in FERLICIAL and CECILIA for they bad behaviour in work what ever shit they wanna do together shouldn't be in the work place they do outside the work place or at home it's alright doesn't concern me but in work it really fucking piss people off, SHARON informed me about those shit.
hope they better change, when ever im around them i got no place to hide my face, pretend as a stranger that don't know them also cannot they will end up talking to me, so i rather just stay away from them.
what ever lestbian thing they wanna do should make sure im not around to see those shit.
been tolerating it for very long, soon gonna flare out after the whole super junior working process ended, i make sure i won't keep contact with them ever again. for now i still need them for the shake of my working responsibility.
for the rest of my friend they working fine im so happy working with them they ROX!
especially: HAFIZ, SUHAILA, JABEZ, HUI YANg, YONG TENG, FAIZ, ESTAR & LESTOR. they rox! they are a normal person which i work with instead of some extraordinary gay or lestbian.
picture taken randomly:

those yellow tag in my hand is the authorized personnel entry for the concert.
show you a panoramic view of rougthly of the stage:

it's kind of blur that the best i can do there, it's secretly took.
show you the effect and the stage:

taken during the rehearsal not the actual show, the actual show is not allowed to take picture of it, i feel like asking 1 audience who stand near to super junior to help me take and after everything pass me the camera.
show you the all access pass it look just like the KOREAN lady wore it i wanna get the chance to talk to her.
if im not wrong her english name is EUNESE .