Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
i fell sick from 2 day ago till now still don't get well, so decided to see the doctor. i got a fever, flue and cough from my hand infection. it got too servier.
take a 2 day MC.
2 day ago i was making my way to work at around 8PM+ to DTS SHOWTECH office area, before going there i meet HAFIZ and FAIZ to bring me there.
was loading all the lighting into the vehicle to deploit at INDOOR STADIUM, i was so sick but i just carry on forcing myselve to work. in the end it got worst.
i went back home at around 4.30AM+, i chouldn't make it i just rest at 1 corner till those fucked up curse life passed by.
till a fucked up bright morning sky rise it was 7AM, HAFIZ and FAIZ woke me up. so decided to go to school straight after those cursed moment. it was an important days so have to go school, it's 15 FEBRUARY 2011 ; which is yesterday, my POWER POINT PRESENTATION on my entrepreneurship project + my Group Project 3.
it was lots of important things crashed up in 1 day + i am sick on that day too, without a time to see a doctor or any MC, i have to force myselve though those hell shit, without anyone mercy and grace. get through it till 11AM+ quickly rush back home to take a nab till 5PM quickly got up and change, called ALOYSIUS, took a cab down to pick him up and make my way to SINGAPORE INDOOR STADIUM.

my work pass to all access.

IRON MAIDEN performance really move mans heart, that time SUPER JUNIOR concert they move little girl heart.
the amazing things of IRON MAIDEN is they move the heart of MANS of all age.
List of people who not yet recieve their SUPER JUNIOR PAY:
im abit pissed off that things seems to be like my fault.
i fell sick from 2 day ago till now still don't get well, so decided to see the doctor. i got a fever, flue and cough from my hand infection. it got too servier.
take a 2 day MC.
2 day ago i was making my way to work at around 8PM+ to DTS SHOWTECH office area, before going there i meet HAFIZ and FAIZ to bring me there.
was loading all the lighting into the vehicle to deploit at INDOOR STADIUM, i was so sick but i just carry on forcing myselve to work. in the end it got worst.
i went back home at around 4.30AM+, i chouldn't make it i just rest at 1 corner till those fucked up curse life passed by.
till a fucked up bright morning sky rise it was 7AM, HAFIZ and FAIZ woke me up. so decided to go to school straight after those cursed moment. it was an important days so have to go school, it's 15 FEBRUARY 2011 ; which is yesterday, my POWER POINT PRESENTATION on my entrepreneurship project + my Group Project 3.
it was lots of important things crashed up in 1 day + i am sick on that day too, without a time to see a doctor or any MC, i have to force myselve though those hell shit, without anyone mercy and grace. get through it till 11AM+ quickly rush back home to take a nab till 5PM quickly got up and change, called ALOYSIUS, took a cab down to pick him up and make my way to SINGAPORE INDOOR STADIUM.

my work pass to all access.

IRON MAIDEN performance really move mans heart, that time SUPER JUNIOR concert they move little girl heart.
the amazing things of IRON MAIDEN is they move the heart of MANS of all age.
List of people who not yet recieve their SUPER JUNIOR PAY:
im abit pissed off that things seems to be like my fault.