Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
a best HARI RAYA HAJI ever.; hanged out with my favourite people: to watch HARRY POTTER & THE DEATHLY HALLOWS.
guest what? i watch it with XIN MEI; but it's part 1 only there's still part 2, i think they just cant wait to release it that's why they release half the part 1st.
those wand im holding is XIN MEI got it from the stuff there for free, amazing her.
i want to watch part 2, i must make sure i watch with XIN MEI for part 2.
before that saw my fellow D.IANCE by coincident you know why?; it's because im just mend to be a D.Iance. that is the fact im not surpose to be out or anything.
D.I must have me if without me; it's a D without an I= meaning a DINAMIC without an IMPACT.
so i need to be fit in the puzzer in order to called as a D.Iance.
that's what GOD wanna say, im afraid im the one who say it; too bad.
show you what the meaning of HARRY POTTER & THE DEATHLY HALLOWS mean:

this is not the full meaning obviously; to know the remainder 99% of the meaning: go get the ticket and catch it with your 1st sighted eye.
today i smilling; because i spend my long day hanging with XIN MEI; not just that hope i solve up those burdern out from her.
i think i should nto talk so much about it, OHH...! YEAH...! about to forget, thank GOD i looked down to my desk; which i leaning my hand to rest now.
those figuring i bought, i just love those little piece of things which i want to show. im so glad i went to BRADELL today, i wouldn't had went to BRADELL if i happen not to meet XIN MEI.
thanks to her some where some how, guest what? look! :

my FINAL FANTASY cute little figure! gonna intro it to you; from the left is YAZOO,TIFA, CLOUD, LOZ, KADAJ and lastly TITUS( from FFX ). for the rest is from FF7 ADVENT CHILDREN.

i think that's all for today!
a best HARI RAYA HAJI ever.; hanged out with my favourite people: to watch HARRY POTTER & THE DEATHLY HALLOWS.

those wand im holding is XIN MEI got it from the stuff there for free, amazing her.
i want to watch part 2, i must make sure i watch with XIN MEI for part 2.
before that saw my fellow D.IANCE by coincident you know why?; it's because im just mend to be a D.Iance. that is the fact im not surpose to be out or anything.
D.I must have me if without me; it's a D without an I= meaning a DINAMIC without an IMPACT.
so i need to be fit in the puzzer in order to called as a D.Iance.
that's what GOD wanna say, im afraid im the one who say it; too bad.
show you what the meaning of HARRY POTTER & THE DEATHLY HALLOWS mean:

this is not the full meaning obviously; to know the remainder 99% of the meaning: go get the ticket and catch it with your 1st sighted eye.
today i smilling; because i spend my long day hanging with XIN MEI; not just that hope i solve up those burdern out from her.
i think i should nto talk so much about it, OHH...! YEAH...! about to forget, thank GOD i looked down to my desk; which i leaning my hand to rest now.
those figuring i bought, i just love those little piece of things which i want to show. im so glad i went to BRADELL today, i wouldn't had went to BRADELL if i happen not to meet XIN MEI.
thanks to her some where some how, guest what? look! :

my FINAL FANTASY cute little figure! gonna intro it to you; from the left is YAZOO,TIFA, CLOUD, LOZ, KADAJ and lastly TITUS( from FFX ). for the rest is from FF7 ADVENT CHILDREN.

i think that's all for today!