Friday, March 19, 2010 / Saturday, March 20, 2010 /Sunday, March 21, 2010 / Monday, March 22, 2010 AND Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
damn shit i set alarm clock still can wake up late bloody hell late for meeting aiyo i really guilthy i thought it gonna dissapoint kenneth but in the end the result it's he sick he did not attent the meeting so didn't see him around.
only see people like kelvin they all.
meet at SMU. i missed the game i just can never get in volve dunno why?
i randomly took photo around.

my giant chocroach folded using mahjong papper.

after everything we went for lunce at PLAZA SING food court.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Sleeped whole day woke up around 7PM+ because of camp make me unleash my energy.
HUI YANG called me to go play lan with him i played LEFT 4 DEAD 2 and DOTA he actually i dun feel like going he say he wanna tread me so i come haha^^ but in the end i decided to pay my self abit bad make him tread me.
at raiders CYBER CAFE.
hang out with him after lan to his house to fix my ELECTRIC GUITAR at his house i lend him my M-PIFIRE spoild so connect it to his TV set can still be play haha^^
after that went to drink with him i bought CHANG it was reallyt sweet becoz maybe im too thirsty he bought jolly shandi.
abit blur then went back home bath and knock out.
around 6AM+ i knocked out.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Last day of camp packing prepare also for ODD BALL FIESTA event.
alot of picture it's taken gonna wait for it to be in facebook before i can direct it here so far only got 1:

that's from YONG SIANG the guy beside me haha^^
there alot of people very well dressed up wish to upload for u to see waiting for picture to appeal in face book.
here the picture:

this DI Photo.

Tobias as ZORO.

i tooked picture with Tobias me as Jack Sparrow.

lol damn EPIC picture.


This it's some pic took from the challenges.

DESTER the Devil and Ace the Medusa.

competetion scene freaking funny becoz of the host elton.

full pic of the compete..!

it's ace the medusa..!!

DEXTER the devil lol^^

i still remember the hell wrestler the guy who holding on to a belt.

Fake Lady gaga lol the singapore pirated version of lady gaga.

box man!

the SCREAM..!!

This 1 more lame the BEDOK PRINCESS lol...!!

the Bunny ????

this red guy more funny wear so nice and his shoe it's new balance he ther guy who i vote for haha^^


the zip face?

Corpe Bride?

Nonsence sia this 1 terrorist..!!

lol Self Proclaime SIngapore Poly Prince

Hell wrestler............!!

Unbelievable it's lady gaga haha^^

the red man dancing haha^^

the monkey dance

ACe and DEXTER..!!

That's me captain jeack sparrow


Amos and i forget who sia lol

lol it's Jazzlene Sim dunno dark angel or gothic doll?

JAZZ and DEX ..!!

JAZZ, DEX and ACE come in..!!

Jaeden Xin Mei and Shaleen..!!

ACE and Shaleen the saler moon i guest so.

Jaeden and DExter the devil.

ACE the Medusa and Jerone.

Jazzlene the gothic angel doll and Jerone.

DEx, Liyan, ACE and Jazz.

it's LiYan no ideal wad she dress as the red head boy friend favourite doll?

Woah Harley Davidson sia..!!

Isaac the gream reaper i guest so?

Lady GAGA ?

Another Epic ace the medusa and snow white.

DEx the Devil and snow white quite Epic

ACe the medusa and the Bedok Princess

ACe the medusa and Mario if im not wrong.

DEvil VS Mario who win?

ACe the medusa and me the jacksparrow lol epic?

it's Me...!!!

i got hunt by the devil lol epic right?

Shawn the Franken styne or halk i no ideal?

Another Epic scene.

DEx the devil and James the batman.

DEx the devil and the hollow.

the hollow.....!!!

Tobias the Zoro and the Dex the DEvil.

Spartern slaying a medusa.

Leonard and Vincent the spartern.

Epicly spartern and hollow.

This it's Vincent the Spartern.

Dex the devil and the godest of mercy i guest so.

That's me ofcoz haha^^


Kenneth and the Gream REaper..!!
and this it's a Epic group of brother and sister lol^^

i remember her this face lol now she not alone she got 2 body guard joint her lol^^

and a list of person who got Tao pock Yao Ming, Tobias and Kelvin.

look like he's fine lol.

he getting up.

the next victim kelvin.

his epic face lol.

i CPR him and see is he allright?.
this cute guy here it's leonard:

and unbelievable ace got a junior the next ace lol:

see the face alike right??
next tao pock victim AMOS LAM YAO MING.

lol look so poor thing a chip munk got tao pock i think he KO aredy lol.
that all for the ODD BALL FIESTA.......!
Saturday, March 20, 2010
I'm still not sleep yet catch my 1st train back 5.30AM from Pasir Ris to Yio Chu Kang becoz i last minute realize i did not prepare any stuff for the ADMISSION test so i have to go back home 1st to prepare then rush to the campus.

i meet out with JUN KAI at there he's Jaden Xin Mei friend.
the Test really pissed me off very delay sit in the room till bored give me a feeling like excive the test will never end mentally tourture.
1st papper it's about Drawing something out of this damn things:

this it's rougthly how the thing are formed we must draw something out of this damn box with our visuallizing skill.

this is the NAFA ADMISSION TEST 2 must try to draw a land scape view or an interior view out of this 3 line with ur visualizing creativity.
i really wish this thing can help u guys who apply for NAFA especially my good friend Jaeden Xin Mei i really wish she can make it because i believe her hard work she deserve more then me.
after the test it's about 3 to 4PM+ aredy i feel abit tired i went to CLARKE QUAY to find my mom.
then later on go back to DOWNTOWN EAST CAMP meet my fellow best friends.
stupid scene the true color of Kelvin Leong:
i dun have to say wad he do u can see it for ur self.


show u wad i brought to camp.

my Foldable Bicycler very convinient but also quite troublesome.

that's me trying out new hair style.
heard Xin Mei mom it's a salon i wanna try cut half my hair off see can or not.
Friday, March 19, 2010
Today it's the seed camp day im kind of not aware damn it i thought it was tommorow kind of loose track of time but end up it's tommorrow so im rushed for last minute preparation for camp.
rushed a cab down.
so i am damn late everyone was meeting around 9AM i reached there 1PM+ damn Jia Lat.
today i reached DOWNTOWN EAST Jaeden guide me to the gethering area.
today i never sleep because tommorrow it's my NAFA ADMISSION TEST.
have to be there by 9.30AM.

damn shit i set alarm clock still can wake up late bloody hell late for meeting aiyo i really guilthy i thought it gonna dissapoint kenneth but in the end the result it's he sick he did not attent the meeting so didn't see him around.
only see people like kelvin they all.
meet at SMU. i missed the game i just can never get in volve dunno why?
i randomly took photo around.

my giant chocroach folded using mahjong papper.

after everything we went for lunce at PLAZA SING food court.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Sleeped whole day woke up around 7PM+ because of camp make me unleash my energy.
HUI YANG called me to go play lan with him i played LEFT 4 DEAD 2 and DOTA he actually i dun feel like going he say he wanna tread me so i come haha^^ but in the end i decided to pay my self abit bad make him tread me.
at raiders CYBER CAFE.
hang out with him after lan to his house to fix my ELECTRIC GUITAR at his house i lend him my M-PIFIRE spoild so connect it to his TV set can still be play haha^^
after that went to drink with him i bought CHANG it was reallyt sweet becoz maybe im too thirsty he bought jolly shandi.
abit blur then went back home bath and knock out.
around 6AM+ i knocked out.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Last day of camp packing prepare also for ODD BALL FIESTA event.
alot of picture it's taken gonna wait for it to be in facebook before i can direct it here so far only got 1:

that's from YONG SIANG the guy beside me haha^^
there alot of people very well dressed up wish to upload for u to see waiting for picture to appeal in face book.
here the picture:

this DI Photo.

Tobias as ZORO.

i tooked picture with Tobias me as Jack Sparrow.

lol damn EPIC picture.


This it's some pic took from the challenges.

DESTER the Devil and Ace the Medusa.

competetion scene freaking funny becoz of the host elton.

full pic of the compete..!

it's ace the medusa..!!

DEXTER the devil lol^^

i still remember the hell wrestler the guy who holding on to a belt.

Fake Lady gaga lol the singapore pirated version of lady gaga.

box man!

the SCREAM..!!

This 1 more lame the BEDOK PRINCESS lol...!!

the Bunny ????

this red guy more funny wear so nice and his shoe it's new balance he ther guy who i vote for haha^^


the zip face?

Corpe Bride?

Nonsence sia this 1 terrorist..!!

lol Self Proclaime SIngapore Poly Prince

Hell wrestler............!!

Unbelievable it's lady gaga haha^^

the red man dancing haha^^

the monkey dance

ACe and DEXTER..!!

That's me captain jeack sparrow


Amos and i forget who sia lol

lol it's Jazzlene Sim dunno dark angel or gothic doll?

JAZZ and DEX ..!!

JAZZ, DEX and ACE come in..!!

Jaeden Xin Mei and Shaleen..!!

ACE and Shaleen the saler moon i guest so.

Jaeden and DExter the devil.

ACE the Medusa and Jerone.

Jazzlene the gothic angel doll and Jerone.

DEx, Liyan, ACE and Jazz.

it's LiYan no ideal wad she dress as the red head boy friend favourite doll?

Woah Harley Davidson sia..!!

Isaac the gream reaper i guest so?

Lady GAGA ?

Another Epic ace the medusa and snow white.

DEx the Devil and snow white quite Epic

ACe the medusa and the Bedok Princess

ACe the medusa and Mario if im not wrong.

DEvil VS Mario who win?

ACe the medusa and me the jacksparrow lol epic?

it's Me...!!!

i got hunt by the devil lol epic right?

Shawn the Franken styne or halk i no ideal?

Another Epic scene.

DEx the devil and James the batman.

DEx the devil and the hollow.

the hollow.....!!!

Tobias the Zoro and the Dex the DEvil.

Spartern slaying a medusa.

Leonard and Vincent the spartern.

Epicly spartern and hollow.

This it's Vincent the Spartern.

Dex the devil and the godest of mercy i guest so.

That's me ofcoz haha^^


Kenneth and the Gream REaper..!!
and this it's a Epic group of brother and sister lol^^

i remember her this face lol now she not alone she got 2 body guard joint her lol^^

and a list of person who got Tao pock Yao Ming, Tobias and Kelvin.

look like he's fine lol.

he getting up.

the next victim kelvin.

his epic face lol.

i CPR him and see is he allright?.
this cute guy here it's leonard:

and unbelievable ace got a junior the next ace lol:

see the face alike right??
next tao pock victim AMOS LAM YAO MING.

lol look so poor thing a chip munk got tao pock i think he KO aredy lol.
that all for the ODD BALL FIESTA.......!
Saturday, March 20, 2010
I'm still not sleep yet catch my 1st train back 5.30AM from Pasir Ris to Yio Chu Kang becoz i last minute realize i did not prepare any stuff for the ADMISSION test so i have to go back home 1st to prepare then rush to the campus.

i meet out with JUN KAI at there he's Jaden Xin Mei friend.
the Test really pissed me off very delay sit in the room till bored give me a feeling like excive the test will never end mentally tourture.
1st papper it's about Drawing something out of this damn things:

this it's rougthly how the thing are formed we must draw something out of this damn box with our visuallizing skill.

this is the NAFA ADMISSION TEST 2 must try to draw a land scape view or an interior view out of this 3 line with ur visualizing creativity.
i really wish this thing can help u guys who apply for NAFA especially my good friend Jaeden Xin Mei i really wish she can make it because i believe her hard work she deserve more then me.
after the test it's about 3 to 4PM+ aredy i feel abit tired i went to CLARKE QUAY to find my mom.
then later on go back to DOWNTOWN EAST CAMP meet my fellow best friends.
stupid scene the true color of Kelvin Leong:
i dun have to say wad he do u can see it for ur self.


show u wad i brought to camp.

my Foldable Bicycler very convinient but also quite troublesome.

that's me trying out new hair style.
heard Xin Mei mom it's a salon i wanna try cut half my hair off see can or not.
Friday, March 19, 2010
Today it's the seed camp day im kind of not aware damn it i thought it was tommorow kind of loose track of time but end up it's tommorrow so im rushed for last minute preparation for camp.
rushed a cab down.
so i am damn late everyone was meeting around 9AM i reached there 1PM+ damn Jia Lat.
today i reached DOWNTOWN EAST Jaeden guide me to the gethering area.
today i never sleep because tommorrow it's my NAFA ADMISSION TEST.
have to be there by 9.30AM.
