qutie a random day.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
nonsense thing my friend did, can't really say what exactly it is.
today went to school 1 hour late if im not wrong.

they are my formal classmate, memorable friend they are. gonna miss them when graduate.
today played jedi knight academy in class: i intro them the game. they like it, im amaze.
look amazingly garena can link jedi knight academy sia; i browse it in the CS 1.6 server. linke with my bro can play sia.
by the way just now i played; LoL with MING XIANG. my 1st time playing; im such a noob.
played against AI, im new in this game; if were to challenge player i'll be dead.
he's good in this game, actually he quite good in alot of game; even DOTA, BLACK SHOT or any other random game.
i think team fortress 2 he must be really good in it. i havent try played with him yet.
the game LoL (LEAGUE OF LEGEND) similar to DOTA; i think the creator of dota created that. interesting game.
but definitly will get sick of it very fast.
that's taken while it loading.
by the way about JEDI ACADEMY; the charactor JEDI TRAINER which i refer to. he's really cool looking:
that's the photo that i manage to found in GOOGLE search.
by the way today i follow HUI YANG go CMPB for medical health check booking, i book on OCT 7, the sept date is full. on sept 24 - oct 4 i will be at thailand so won't be available for that date.
after CMPB with HUI YANG; we head down to SMU to study, his ideal sia. weird sia got there; damn awkward.
never mind, had dinner with him at PLAZA SINGAPURA KFC.
played team fortress 2 while on the bus from tampines to SIM LIM square; im actually heading down to redhill; to take bus 145. meet HUI YANG that's why.
< >
oh yeah i saw my beloved online msn; i still dare not talk to her for some reason. i wanna talk to her; im afraid later end up irritates her.
i wonder how sia. the next round i will try; it will be weird if suddenly step in with a conversation. seriously im suck at that. any flirting method im an idiot in that.
i only will woo 1 person which is her, that's it. none; but i don't know how to do it.
how come im such a coward?; she online there for so long and i dare not nudge her. ok for some reason; that's why. haiz damn problematic!
today i didn't played my HARMONICA; oh no! i neglected it. gonna play a note out.
been practicing guitar; for LG god bless me so many guitar, the the extend where i don't know what to do with it. rather use it to practice for LG.
i seriously don't deserve it! im so worthless as i say; my value goes down to the core.
1 simple thing to help her also i fail; haiz! that's why i loose her lor. my heart only magnetize to her.
by the way only GARENA classic can link game that not in the list; for GARENA messanger won't work; i tried. but it end up disappoint me.
nonsense thing my friend did, can't really say what exactly it is.
today went to school 1 hour late if im not wrong.

they are my formal classmate, memorable friend they are. gonna miss them when graduate.
today played jedi knight academy in class: i intro them the game. they like it, im amaze.

look amazingly garena can link jedi knight academy sia; i browse it in the CS 1.6 server. linke with my bro can play sia.
by the way just now i played; LoL with MING XIANG. my 1st time playing; im such a noob.

he's good in this game, actually he quite good in alot of game; even DOTA, BLACK SHOT or any other random game.
i think team fortress 2 he must be really good in it. i havent try played with him yet.
the game LoL (LEAGUE OF LEGEND) similar to DOTA; i think the creator of dota created that. interesting game.
but definitly will get sick of it very fast.

that's taken while it loading.
by the way about JEDI ACADEMY; the charactor JEDI TRAINER which i refer to. he's really cool looking:

by the way today i follow HUI YANG go CMPB for medical health check booking, i book on OCT 7, the sept date is full. on sept 24 - oct 4 i will be at thailand so won't be available for that date.
after CMPB with HUI YANG; we head down to SMU to study, his ideal sia. weird sia got there; damn awkward.
never mind, had dinner with him at PLAZA SINGAPURA KFC.
played team fortress 2 while on the bus from tampines to SIM LIM square; im actually heading down to redhill; to take bus 145. meet HUI YANG that's why.
< >
oh yeah i saw my beloved online msn; i still dare not talk to her for some reason. i wanna talk to her; im afraid later end up irritates her.
i wonder how sia. the next round i will try; it will be weird if suddenly step in with a conversation. seriously im suck at that. any flirting method im an idiot in that.
i only will woo 1 person which is her, that's it. none; but i don't know how to do it.
how come im such a coward?; she online there for so long and i dare not nudge her. ok for some reason; that's why. haiz damn problematic!
today i didn't played my HARMONICA; oh no! i neglected it. gonna play a note out.
been practicing guitar; for LG god bless me so many guitar, the the extend where i don't know what to do with it. rather use it to practice for LG.
i seriously don't deserve it! im so worthless as i say; my value goes down to the core.
1 simple thing to help her also i fail; haiz! that's why i loose her lor. my heart only magnetize to her.
by the way only GARENA classic can link game that not in the list; for GARENA messanger won't work; i tried. but it end up disappoint me.