sunday june 7 2009 never update for so long getting sick of updating.
sunday june 7 2009
heading make by me using Aobe photo shops cs 3 haha^^ Pein my fav charactor he so cool^^ animated

never update for so long getting sick of updating quite troublesome those who blog will understand today it's sunday sebath day shouldn'tbe going out any where i burn my morning of by sleeping too late kirby and james called me out i think about 3 + pm like that they call me to meet them in ang mo kio area for practice they practice their singing i practice my guitar there's a song we need to practice.
we eat and have a great time practice and fellowship together then after getting late we go of i went back home knid of bored thinking of my stupidlity i got a feeling i offended some one no ideal who i offended.
then i thinking that im short of cash been over spending so must go get some money by pleasing my mom in chinatown i go dawn over her place help her out and fix my uncle internet and my bro lab top which i bring over so i can online haha^^ benefit me also.
kind of bored staying in her place too long will get bored im also feel lonely wish there's some one who can company me i went to clarke quay alone for a walk and also for a drink or some thing and chilling to getrid of my boring-ness haiz i also took some picture around.
just take this time to update it since im so free i also feeling bad for can't help my friend Badma in refomating her com.
heading make by me using Aobe photo shops cs 3 haha^^ Pein my fav charactor he so cool^^ animated

never update for so long getting sick of updating quite troublesome those who blog will understand today it's sunday sebath day shouldn'tbe going out any where i burn my morning of by sleeping too late kirby and james called me out i think about 3 + pm like that they call me to meet them in ang mo kio area for practice they practice their singing i practice my guitar there's a song we need to practice.
we eat and have a great time practice and fellowship together then after getting late we go of i went back home knid of bored thinking of my stupidlity i got a feeling i offended some one no ideal who i offended.
then i thinking that im short of cash been over spending so must go get some money by pleasing my mom in chinatown i go dawn over her place help her out and fix my uncle internet and my bro lab top which i bring over so i can online haha^^ benefit me also.
kind of bored staying in her place too long will get bored im also feel lonely wish there's some one who can company me i went to clarke quay alone for a walk and also for a drink or some thing and chilling to getrid of my boring-ness haiz i also took some picture around.

just take this time to update it since im so free i also feeling bad for can't help my friend Badma in refomating her com.