Friday, February 14, 2014
Friday, February 14, 2014
this week is quite a slack week, but damn boring week to pass. i hate staying in camp.
by the way few day back on Wednesday which is 12 of February, i bought myself a PS4 (Playstation 4): it's quite average product, think about it actually if you are a game freak who live life only for game; will be worth buying. if you are a kind like me which don't just wanna play game, but wanna have multientertainment like: watching movie, listen to song and like to use the Playstation to open the Portable drive to screen movie, PS3 is enough. i got a confusion of mix feeling wonder am i regret on spending that amount on PS4?
PS3 there's a function which can wirelessly open media file from my computer through sharing the same wifi. so i can just play a HD movie using the PS3, not like the damn PS4 cant even do much thing, only can game.
the damn package come in a way where is a must to purchase the Extra controller and 1 more game.
which cost me S$800 + financial killing.
the One game i get is Battle Field 4 quite an awesome game to play, great multiplayer function and great graphic and story line.
last time the old BAttle field doesn't have story line just challenge for the sake of it.
i think of getting FIFA 14 for my PS4. haiz! the game Destiny no yet release i seen then preview about the co-op game is super damn awesome, it already released in US, have to wait till Sept for Singapore to be release. when i went to the Game shop with my bunk mate Eugene Chiam, i used his membership to get game with a discount, but not much but better than nothing.
the shop only got very few PS4 game available. Singapore release very little game for PS4, my finger are able to count.
any way today my camp 40SAR got battalion games day, my company managed to win the trophy for the games challenge.
i volenteer in the Party skipping game, which see which team can fit the skipping process with more people win.
we got the higher record. think about i don't really give a damn or interested in those shit stuff in camp.
what come to my mind is a Win Win situation, win trophy back as a team, we as a team must get a off or something. i glad i did pratice with the team yesterday, skip till my leg aching.
a few person of the painting and decoration done, due to shitty thing are there to pass the time.
check this out:
Dance the Horse like the lion, this figure of Horse dance i designed for this year Chinese New year in camp.
my company Braves get 1st for the mascot things due to our creativity, hard work and effort, while other company buy the mascot instead.
our mascot is completely make from scrap of card board, broom, Saf Ground sheet and some other random item.
also wanna thank the 2 person who got the guards to perform the horse dance and some to people to drum the rhythm.
this is one of the memory that gonna leave behind for the next MONO to take over.
one more thing that we gonna left behind is the Wall painting which i not yet completed: The journey to finish the years of service in the Singapore Amoured Regiment, the next Mono come they will see this painting to show them the process of being an ORD personnel.
after going through those moment of training at oversea.
i painted some gonna get it done soon.
by the way today should book out way earlier but ended up got some delay don't know why.
after book out i went to my mom place to play the PS3:
if can, go buy a PS3: its a best console game ever exist so far. PS4 got a good graphic but can't do much thing like what the PS3 did.
by the way few day back on Wednesday which is 12 of February, i bought myself a PS4 (Playstation 4): it's quite average product, think about it actually if you are a game freak who live life only for game; will be worth buying. if you are a kind like me which don't just wanna play game, but wanna have multientertainment like: watching movie, listen to song and like to use the Playstation to open the Portable drive to screen movie, PS3 is enough. i got a confusion of mix feeling wonder am i regret on spending that amount on PS4?
PS3 there's a function which can wirelessly open media file from my computer through sharing the same wifi. so i can just play a HD movie using the PS3, not like the damn PS4 cant even do much thing, only can game.
the damn package come in a way where is a must to purchase the Extra controller and 1 more game.
which cost me S$800 + financial killing.
the One game i get is Battle Field 4 quite an awesome game to play, great multiplayer function and great graphic and story line.
last time the old BAttle field doesn't have story line just challenge for the sake of it.
i think of getting FIFA 14 for my PS4. haiz! the game Destiny no yet release i seen then preview about the co-op game is super damn awesome, it already released in US, have to wait till Sept for Singapore to be release. when i went to the Game shop with my bunk mate Eugene Chiam, i used his membership to get game with a discount, but not much but better than nothing.
the shop only got very few PS4 game available. Singapore release very little game for PS4, my finger are able to count.
any way today my camp 40SAR got battalion games day, my company managed to win the trophy for the games challenge.
i volenteer in the Party skipping game, which see which team can fit the skipping process with more people win.
we got the higher record. think about i don't really give a damn or interested in those shit stuff in camp.
what come to my mind is a Win Win situation, win trophy back as a team, we as a team must get a off or something. i glad i did pratice with the team yesterday, skip till my leg aching.
a few person of the painting and decoration done, due to shitty thing are there to pass the time.
check this out:
Dance the Horse like the lion, this figure of Horse dance i designed for this year Chinese New year in camp.
my company Braves get 1st for the mascot things due to our creativity, hard work and effort, while other company buy the mascot instead.
our mascot is completely make from scrap of card board, broom, Saf Ground sheet and some other random item.
also wanna thank the 2 person who got the guards to perform the horse dance and some to people to drum the rhythm.
this is one of the memory that gonna leave behind for the next MONO to take over.
one more thing that we gonna left behind is the Wall painting which i not yet completed: The journey to finish the years of service in the Singapore Amoured Regiment, the next Mono come they will see this painting to show them the process of being an ORD personnel.
after going through those moment of training at oversea.
i painted some gonna get it done soon.
by the way today should book out way earlier but ended up got some delay don't know why.
after book out i went to my mom place to play the PS3:

if can, go buy a PS3: its a best console game ever exist so far. PS4 got a good graphic but can't do much thing like what the PS3 did.