i short update for the pass few ay till sep 30

today group event take place in MARINA BARRAGE i prepared a SAND WICH before i go out of my house they been waiting for me there so im late by abit
i leave my home around 2 pm they aredy there morning so haiz i still manage to joint the fun i go by MRT i reached the bus stop i saw daniel came with his kite he also late with me he also did prepare sand wich haha^^
reached MARRINA BARRAGE i faster go fly kite im so excited in flying kite haha.

the kite can fly quite high i fly it till maximum wish i chould have extent the string haiya.

that's Yao ming he walking haha^^
after that around 5pm we as DI Zao aredy later on the NYP side come over they so late then come ok still manage to talk abit.
DI seperated to 2 group my side having CG at my mom Place at CLARKE QUAY so another side having at SMU i think.
my side theres:
Kenneth (Leader), James, Jie Wei and me quite small
the other side there's:
Ace Veron (Leader), Isaac, Jeremy, Daniel, Yao ming and Jin MEi
our group gether at the central Long John Silver waiting for John, Peter and Xin Mei
ya i think peter the 1st 1 to came he pass me the 2 photo graph that he washed out:

he taken on Saturday, September 26, 2009 service day ya!
Xin Mei did came for CG haha^^

yesterday was 28 to day was 29 yesterday i heard from my sis that today gonna be my father B-day i told my sis ofcoz it's a great day we have to plan something i told i her i got plan in mind but actually i didn't know when my father b-day only when she told me so today i go shop to buy ingredient:
1 pack of spagetti noodle
1 pack of macoroni
1 bot of spegatti souce
1 can if tomato ketchup
2 Pieces of Onion
1 cann of Mushroom
2 cann of creamy musroom shoup stock
1 Lourve od bread
3 pack of cheese
dun have to buy sausage and any meat freezer i got planty of meat inside
actually with all this ingredient i can make spegatti, Pasta and Pizza aredy
i spend on all this gonna be broke soon and very soon so pass on the b-day cake for my sis to buy.
in the process of cooking it's look crappy but ateast i get a good comment from my friend who tried my pizza he have it 2 slice my father also did try my pizza haha^^
oh ya i got a remainding ingredient in the freezer so i can use it for tommorrow sand wich making at MARINA BARRAGE thank GOD.
1 more thing to share today i arrange all the plate i used accordingly back to my plate holder after washing it then Johnathan ask me and my bro out for a dessert so i went out with him so i come back home my bro ask me to stop moving he say the floor it's flood with broken glass so im stunt 1 of the plate i arranged explote
it was a transparent glass plate thank GOD johnathan called me out for a dessert if not it chould have explote right in my face phew..!!
how i know weather it explote i see the plate holder filled with glass chip and the floor also filled and the shirt i hang on top also got some glass chip if the plate drop or just crack it will not fly up to the shirt i hang on top so obviously it's an explote maybe chemical reaction.
can be going throught a process of microwave or the chemical i use to wash the plate
service day today no joseph in he never get to join the photo haiz..!!
the service just ended Peter that fat guy in this picture wan to take this picture he taken this picture with his digital camerar ok ok not that bad not that good quality.

actually today there's nothing special just go to meridiern food court to eat oh ya i got some thing to share today i saw a indian shop in the meridiern food court got no business i been sitting and stairing at the indian shop for quite long wondering should i surport or not suddently i just give a try i go buy 2 TOSAI 2 indian bread just to surpport them.
suddently i see the indian shop Queue become so long flooded with a group of indian man buying i was shock suddently i see they all buying exactly same as wad i buy 2 TOSAI 2 indian bread and the crowd the sit some where behind me.
oh ya i got the photo to show where the indian sitting just nice peter that fat guy pass me the photo he wash out the photo.

the quality look wierd becoz my pc spoild i cant use the scanner so i just use my camerar phone to take it SAMSUNG TOCCO.

same for this picture i find the quality not bad can stil see the face how it look like

today group event take place in MARINA BARRAGE i prepared a SAND WICH before i go out of my house they been waiting for me there so im late by abit
i leave my home around 2 pm they aredy there morning so haiz i still manage to joint the fun i go by MRT i reached the bus stop i saw daniel came with his kite he also late with me he also did prepare sand wich haha^^
reached MARRINA BARRAGE i faster go fly kite im so excited in flying kite haha.

the kite can fly quite high i fly it till maximum wish i chould have extent the string haiya.

that's Yao ming he walking haha^^
after that around 5pm we as DI Zao aredy later on the NYP side come over they so late then come ok still manage to talk abit.
DI seperated to 2 group my side having CG at my mom Place at CLARKE QUAY so another side having at SMU i think.
my side theres:
Kenneth (Leader), James, Jie Wei and me quite small
the other side there's:
Ace Veron (Leader), Isaac, Jeremy, Daniel, Yao ming and Jin MEi
our group gether at the central Long John Silver waiting for John, Peter and Xin Mei
ya i think peter the 1st 1 to came he pass me the 2 photo graph that he washed out:

he taken on Saturday, September 26, 2009 service day ya!
Xin Mei did came for CG haha^^

yesterday was 28 to day was 29 yesterday i heard from my sis that today gonna be my father B-day i told my sis ofcoz it's a great day we have to plan something i told i her i got plan in mind but actually i didn't know when my father b-day only when she told me so today i go shop to buy ingredient:
1 pack of spagetti noodle
1 pack of macoroni
1 bot of spegatti souce
1 can if tomato ketchup
2 Pieces of Onion
1 cann of Mushroom
2 cann of creamy musroom shoup stock
1 Lourve od bread
3 pack of cheese
dun have to buy sausage and any meat freezer i got planty of meat inside
actually with all this ingredient i can make spegatti, Pasta and Pizza aredy
i spend on all this gonna be broke soon and very soon so pass on the b-day cake for my sis to buy.
in the process of cooking it's look crappy but ateast i get a good comment from my friend who tried my pizza he have it 2 slice my father also did try my pizza haha^^
oh ya i got a remainding ingredient in the freezer so i can use it for tommorrow sand wich making at MARINA BARRAGE thank GOD.
1 more thing to share today i arrange all the plate i used accordingly back to my plate holder after washing it then Johnathan ask me and my bro out for a dessert so i went out with him so i come back home my bro ask me to stop moving he say the floor it's flood with broken glass so im stunt 1 of the plate i arranged explote
it was a transparent glass plate thank GOD johnathan called me out for a dessert if not it chould have explote right in my face phew..!!
how i know weather it explote i see the plate holder filled with glass chip and the floor also filled and the shirt i hang on top also got some glass chip if the plate drop or just crack it will not fly up to the shirt i hang on top so obviously it's an explote maybe chemical reaction.
can be going throught a process of microwave or the chemical i use to wash the plate
service day today no joseph in he never get to join the photo haiz..!!
the service just ended Peter that fat guy in this picture wan to take this picture he taken this picture with his digital camerar ok ok not that bad not that good quality.

actually today there's nothing special just go to meridiern food court to eat oh ya i got some thing to share today i saw a indian shop in the meridiern food court got no business i been sitting and stairing at the indian shop for quite long wondering should i surport or not suddently i just give a try i go buy 2 TOSAI 2 indian bread just to surpport them.
suddently i see the indian shop Queue become so long flooded with a group of indian man buying i was shock suddently i see they all buying exactly same as wad i buy 2 TOSAI 2 indian bread and the crowd the sit some where behind me.
oh ya i got the photo to show where the indian sitting just nice peter that fat guy pass me the photo he wash out the photo.

the quality look wierd becoz my pc spoild i cant use the scanner so i just use my camerar phone to take it SAMSUNG TOCCO.

same for this picture i find the quality not bad can stil see the face how it look like