ton over and over!
Saturday, August 20, 2011
yesterday i found my HARMONICA:
i search all over and over; till i get so angry. i suddenly found it at my sister room wall. i over turn the living room for nothing; how idiot i am.
i misses my HARMONICA alot, but found it back finall it was a joy. thank god for that; i still don't deserve it.
think about misses, i actually still miss my everything; i just can never stopping missing her. nothing i can do about it. my brain and my heart just want that everything which i missed.
how can i get it back; i got no clue or solution; but just sadness and sorrow. heart still aching. once i go for that it's just really persist in; no way i can go against my own brain and heart. it's as good as killing my self.
stupid act i did; screwed up everything. i see no sign; like hope of getting back isn't there.
i gonna be as good as a monk.
about today actually: im out all the way. after noon i reached back home at 1PM+ i quickly head down to SIMLIM square to BOOT CAMP my mac book. now it contain WINDOW AND MACINTOS. i can play game and use software on MAC.
i saperate partition, my MAC will be my MICROSOFT OFFICE, design and drawing software. my WINDOW will be my game area and entertainment area.
show you:
that's what i talking about, see my laptop screen below there's a word MacBookPro; see what OS im running and what software im running.
it's WINDOW and GARENA, i can start playing game like how i used to be. hopw it gonna keep me entertaint and keep my mind busy from thinking of those dissapointment. but that won't stop my hear and brain from loving my everything.
im curently so into STARWARS JEDI KNIGHT ACADEMY, i play it every where i go; in class, in bus, while waiting for people, at home, while eating, before sleep, when those sad thinking comes and any where.
the reason is i must keep my mind busy.
i show you the BOOT CAMP ICON to switch OS to MAC:
the black color diamond looking thing.
it's a great thing to do. by the way today after send my laptop for boot camp; while waiting for them to complete the process, i actually head down to CMPB by: taking train to REDHILL change to bus 145 down. i reached there at 6PM+ realize the damn bloody shit place closed; ended up i have to make a wasted trip back to SIMLIM to collect my laptop; suddenly JING MEI JABEZ called me; asking where am i, i replied: im heading down to SIMLIM. so she decided to meet me at SIMLIM, to hang out.
so i meet her some where there, she ended work wanna hang out. so hanged out with her for dinner. she treat me HOKKIEN MEE; it sucks. i usally like HOKKIEN mee, but this HOKKIEN me @ DHOBY GHAUT KOPITIAM suck.
so hanged out for a chit and time spend till late, roam around suntec city and marina bay sand.
i shared to her some problem; so she cheered me up. im some how quite touch by such good and sincere friend i got.
later on it was late the plan of watching movie is cancelled so went to her house at JURONG to ton over. (NO MISUNDERSTANDING AND SHIT THING) clear conscious!; just there to listen to her problem to cheer her up and intro her song.
im staying loyal and clear conscious, there's only 1 which i dying for.
by the way JABEZ cat is cute and healthy. it well taken care of.
yesterday i found my HARMONICA:

i misses my HARMONICA alot, but found it back finall it was a joy. thank god for that; i still don't deserve it.
think about misses, i actually still miss my everything; i just can never stopping missing her. nothing i can do about it. my brain and my heart just want that everything which i missed.
how can i get it back; i got no clue or solution; but just sadness and sorrow. heart still aching. once i go for that it's just really persist in; no way i can go against my own brain and heart. it's as good as killing my self.
stupid act i did; screwed up everything. i see no sign; like hope of getting back isn't there.
i gonna be as good as a monk.
about today actually: im out all the way. after noon i reached back home at 1PM+ i quickly head down to SIMLIM square to BOOT CAMP my mac book. now it contain WINDOW AND MACINTOS. i can play game and use software on MAC.
i saperate partition, my MAC will be my MICROSOFT OFFICE, design and drawing software. my WINDOW will be my game area and entertainment area.
show you:

it's WINDOW and GARENA, i can start playing game like how i used to be. hopw it gonna keep me entertaint and keep my mind busy from thinking of those dissapointment. but that won't stop my hear and brain from loving my everything.
im curently so into STARWARS JEDI KNIGHT ACADEMY, i play it every where i go; in class, in bus, while waiting for people, at home, while eating, before sleep, when those sad thinking comes and any where.
the reason is i must keep my mind busy.
i show you the BOOT CAMP ICON to switch OS to MAC:

it's a great thing to do. by the way today after send my laptop for boot camp; while waiting for them to complete the process, i actually head down to CMPB by: taking train to REDHILL change to bus 145 down. i reached there at 6PM+ realize the damn bloody shit place closed; ended up i have to make a wasted trip back to SIMLIM to collect my laptop; suddenly JING MEI JABEZ called me; asking where am i, i replied: im heading down to SIMLIM. so she decided to meet me at SIMLIM, to hang out.
so i meet her some where there, she ended work wanna hang out. so hanged out with her for dinner. she treat me HOKKIEN MEE; it sucks. i usally like HOKKIEN mee, but this HOKKIEN me @ DHOBY GHAUT KOPITIAM suck.
so hanged out for a chit and time spend till late, roam around suntec city and marina bay sand.
i shared to her some problem; so she cheered me up. im some how quite touch by such good and sincere friend i got.
later on it was late the plan of watching movie is cancelled so went to her house at JURONG to ton over. (NO MISUNDERSTANDING AND SHIT THING) clear conscious!; just there to listen to her problem to cheer her up and intro her song.
im staying loyal and clear conscious, there's only 1 which i dying for.
by the way JABEZ cat is cute and healthy. it well taken care of.