uploaded again the 2 day later.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
my heart felt really vulnerable now for liking someone, it's my heart decide; where my mine can change the feel of the heart. i trying to avoid it for the time being.
weather or not is still my heart, my heart is as stubborn as me and persistent like me.
< >
oh yeah story writing time.
the hidden tree castle in a mysterious rainforest.
the late evening under the glow of the moon light, the blood rushed from the vassal of my heart to all over my body with a hyper rush scatter all over my nerve, where it trigger my throat to howl out loud.
looking around the cold dark breezing blue night of the forest ambience; it flow a peace of aura to my spirit, where i closed my eye to feel the freshness of the night that comes. the sky goes darker in an inch, i blink open up my eye looking into the sky where star are sparkling twinklingly, where the presence of aurora take place filling up the sky with a gorgeous lime green.
A sudden shock of an arrow penetrate through the air, crushing into a rock right beside me, with my wolf form i stealth my self strolling away through the night of the forest; where hunter see or sense no sign of me, with a persistent chase from the hunter, it gave me no peace, where i have to keep running.
A stick of fire fly by, ember up my fur at my side; giving me a pinch of pain. i was wondering why does the hunter keep chasing after me, just because im a wolf man?
after the long escape through the run from tree to tree, i manage to found a hiding spot, this rain forest giving me a presence of home compared to else where, i manage to settle down and think through the sorrow that happens. i started talking to my self :"why am i so different from the rest of the other? they are all normal human and im a wolf man? where do i belong, im an adopted guy by a lady who are really merciful enough to hide my identity. i make a mess up where hunter found out that im a wolf man, i have to follow the lady last word; by finding my real home at the HIDDEN TREE CASTLE. before the last breath of the lady i remember she whispered the location to my ear. i have to find my home".
With misery i felt, tears flow down from my eye, suddenly a loud noise of a gun firing stormed up the air, with shock i carry on running. through the forest, it refresh up my memory with deja vu. it give me a memory of passing by here before, a foot print of a wolf symbol came across my mine.
i look around trying to recall the lost memory, saw an old grand tree ahead where remind me of a lady with a crown carrying me to escape to some where else, where she bite my soldier to gave me a mark. i started to realize that the scar of a wolf bite on my soldier is one of a symbol.
i head toward the grand tree to take a look at it; saw a dark cave hole on it suddenly a noise of a foot step from the hunter came by, i quickly get in the hole where it lead me to a dark cave, the cave lead me through a path to hidden area where green glowing rock is filled up the whole cave. it caught my eye, making me feel the beauty of this cave. suddenly a piece of glowing stone fell drop on my head, another scene of memory came by reminded me of the letter that hidden by a wolf lady. i started searching around for clew to the letter. i saw a weird looking chunk of glowing rock formed up, i dig it and pull up a scroll.
i look into the scroll it's a written letter by a lady name called QUEEN MOZERELLA, to PRINCE MACHO. i started wondering prince macho refer to who?
i started reading through the letter.
MY dear son, the kingdom of the wolf is under go corruption, where your father the king has been poisoned by his mistress. the prophesy by the oracle mention that; you will be the next king to carry up the new role as a king to govern the TREE CASTLE KINGDOM with peach. the father of the mistress founded out about the prophecy, he decided to get rid of you, with greed of being the new king; he plan to send wolf assassin to make an ambush into my room. we are safe by a loyal wolf templar rushing into my room giving me info in advance of the assassination. i can't bare to let you die, i decided to plan an escape for you to be safe, even it will forfeit my life i willing to do so to rise you up as a new king some day. i handed you over to a lady in the human realm which trust worthy enough to adopt you, before i handed you over i bitten a mark on your soldier when you are still a little. now you have to come back to rule the kingdom as you are suppose to do.
i entrust the kingship necklace to the lady who adopt you. you have to take it to shine your present as the king.
before im gone i wanna say i love you my son.
i rad through the letter with tears, it still don't give me full detail about what is happening. now all i need is the kingship necklace. i have to make all my way back to mom house which happen to be the lady who adopt me.
so after dawn where sun rise i change my form back as a human. i sneak my way back, assassinate the hunter to obtain his clothes, to disguise myself as a hunter back to the area where i left.
after the journey back to the house, the house is under go investigation, through the street i see post of wanted photo of me around with a bounty point of 1000 tonne of gold. i went into the room where the lady whisper to me the escape root, there's 3 hunter investigating the room, single one of them asked me the hunter code; which i know nuts about it. I know im gonna be so dead, i quickly transform into my wolf form to slay down the 3 hunter and quickly search around the room for the kingship necklace. i over turn things around suddenly a drop of box fell on the ground. i quickly open up the box saw a weird looking necklace with a diamond teeth on it, i wore it and get my self out of the place.
i head back to the cave to look for a hidden path to the wolf kingdom.
( im think i gonna stop by here kind of tired typing, continue some other time.)
no motivation to write story, i got lot of story in mine but kind of lazy to keep typing down.
i so gonna draw the wolf and his wolf princess.
wondering how many previous story i been writting here haha hard for me to track it back 1 by 1 sia.
< >
by the way today i went to school, 1 hour late yeah. start building up my body. gym and work out. i wanna builded up body.

make sure no 1 can ever call me a skinny bastard ever again.
my heart felt really vulnerable now for liking someone, it's my heart decide; where my mine can change the feel of the heart. i trying to avoid it for the time being.
weather or not is still my heart, my heart is as stubborn as me and persistent like me.
< >
oh yeah story writing time.
the hidden tree castle in a mysterious rainforest.

looking around the cold dark breezing blue night of the forest ambience; it flow a peace of aura to my spirit, where i closed my eye to feel the freshness of the night that comes. the sky goes darker in an inch, i blink open up my eye looking into the sky where star are sparkling twinklingly, where the presence of aurora take place filling up the sky with a gorgeous lime green.
A sudden shock of an arrow penetrate through the air, crushing into a rock right beside me, with my wolf form i stealth my self strolling away through the night of the forest; where hunter see or sense no sign of me, with a persistent chase from the hunter, it gave me no peace, where i have to keep running.
A stick of fire fly by, ember up my fur at my side; giving me a pinch of pain. i was wondering why does the hunter keep chasing after me, just because im a wolf man?
after the long escape through the run from tree to tree, i manage to found a hiding spot, this rain forest giving me a presence of home compared to else where, i manage to settle down and think through the sorrow that happens. i started talking to my self :"why am i so different from the rest of the other? they are all normal human and im a wolf man? where do i belong, im an adopted guy by a lady who are really merciful enough to hide my identity. i make a mess up where hunter found out that im a wolf man, i have to follow the lady last word; by finding my real home at the HIDDEN TREE CASTLE. before the last breath of the lady i remember she whispered the location to my ear. i have to find my home".
With misery i felt, tears flow down from my eye, suddenly a loud noise of a gun firing stormed up the air, with shock i carry on running. through the forest, it refresh up my memory with deja vu. it give me a memory of passing by here before, a foot print of a wolf symbol came across my mine.
i look around trying to recall the lost memory, saw an old grand tree ahead where remind me of a lady with a crown carrying me to escape to some where else, where she bite my soldier to gave me a mark. i started to realize that the scar of a wolf bite on my soldier is one of a symbol.
i head toward the grand tree to take a look at it; saw a dark cave hole on it suddenly a noise of a foot step from the hunter came by, i quickly get in the hole where it lead me to a dark cave, the cave lead me through a path to hidden area where green glowing rock is filled up the whole cave. it caught my eye, making me feel the beauty of this cave. suddenly a piece of glowing stone fell drop on my head, another scene of memory came by reminded me of the letter that hidden by a wolf lady. i started searching around for clew to the letter. i saw a weird looking chunk of glowing rock formed up, i dig it and pull up a scroll.
i look into the scroll it's a written letter by a lady name called QUEEN MOZERELLA, to PRINCE MACHO. i started wondering prince macho refer to who?
i started reading through the letter.
MY dear son, the kingdom of the wolf is under go corruption, where your father the king has been poisoned by his mistress. the prophesy by the oracle mention that; you will be the next king to carry up the new role as a king to govern the TREE CASTLE KINGDOM with peach. the father of the mistress founded out about the prophecy, he decided to get rid of you, with greed of being the new king; he plan to send wolf assassin to make an ambush into my room. we are safe by a loyal wolf templar rushing into my room giving me info in advance of the assassination. i can't bare to let you die, i decided to plan an escape for you to be safe, even it will forfeit my life i willing to do so to rise you up as a new king some day. i handed you over to a lady in the human realm which trust worthy enough to adopt you, before i handed you over i bitten a mark on your soldier when you are still a little. now you have to come back to rule the kingdom as you are suppose to do.
i entrust the kingship necklace to the lady who adopt you. you have to take it to shine your present as the king.
before im gone i wanna say i love you my son.
i rad through the letter with tears, it still don't give me full detail about what is happening. now all i need is the kingship necklace. i have to make all my way back to mom house which happen to be the lady who adopt me.
so after dawn where sun rise i change my form back as a human. i sneak my way back, assassinate the hunter to obtain his clothes, to disguise myself as a hunter back to the area where i left.
after the journey back to the house, the house is under go investigation, through the street i see post of wanted photo of me around with a bounty point of 1000 tonne of gold. i went into the room where the lady whisper to me the escape root, there's 3 hunter investigating the room, single one of them asked me the hunter code; which i know nuts about it. I know im gonna be so dead, i quickly transform into my wolf form to slay down the 3 hunter and quickly search around the room for the kingship necklace. i over turn things around suddenly a drop of box fell on the ground. i quickly open up the box saw a weird looking necklace with a diamond teeth on it, i wore it and get my self out of the place.
i head back to the cave to look for a hidden path to the wolf kingdom.
( im think i gonna stop by here kind of tired typing, continue some other time.)
no motivation to write story, i got lot of story in mine but kind of lazy to keep typing down.
i so gonna draw the wolf and his wolf princess.
wondering how many previous story i been writting here haha hard for me to track it back 1 by 1 sia.
< >
by the way today i went to school, 1 hour late yeah. start building up my body. gym and work out. i wanna builded up body.

make sure no 1 can ever call me a skinny bastard ever again.