Monday, May 17, 2010
Monday, May 17, 2010
yesterday night left my house at 11PM+ to go CLARKE QUAY i totally got nothing to say i was stunt and not mentally prepare, when i took out the key open the door i see the place was empty.
i got no ideal what's going on no 1 inform me i unlock the room door it's an empty room i was so afraid that something worst coming i took out my phone to ring my mom she told me that she wanna close down her business.
i was totally got no ideal what her plan she ask me to stay the night off till the the morning rise i just stay on but i was just feeling sad becoz trouble come so suddent and so unexpected.
i need some 1 to talk to i got no 1 to talk to i saw a man around her place it was a homeless man who travel around i don't really know him but just talk to him since i need some1 to talk to.
i got a sketch of him becoz i know i don't get to see him again obviously he was a homeless wonderer who got into deep shit in gambling:
AH YU was a man who study up to just secondary school he used to work in a sea weed company in the pass he was distracted by the surrounding and he choosed not to carry on with his job.
he decided to be a wonderer he got into an adidiction of gambling he travel aroung the country to gamble and he lost out financially he gone broke and decided to just sleep around the street till he contact a friend for a temporary job to earn atleast a sum of money.
but he spend his money on gambling he totally got no home to stay, no family he was from a broken family he lsot contact with his sibling since he was young his parent passed away along time ago he was seems hopeless but 1 thing about him is he can endure througth this kind of life and he got alot of connection with people around he got his way to get into cruise and even travel all the way to GENTINE ISLAND to gamble in the casino.
he's a guy who cannot stay still he always have a urge to travel around even thougth he is a broken guy.
he's now 48 YEAR OLD SINGLE MAN a non married guy he hate working.
he sleep around the street how he lives is he don't carry much clothing with him just a small bag with him and he wash his clothing at a shop.
CONCLUSION: he started to wake me up and make me think twice to not be happy go luck in life but gonna start upgrading my self, got proper income find my LOVE 1 ofcoz but not gonna mention who i am very secretive.
i wonder if AH YU sick how he gonna survive througth this there's no 1 to be there to give him family care and love.
1: wake up at CLARKE QUAY shower change and get ready for school.
2: school was 10AM to 1AM i am 1 hour late damn glad CHING CHYE is there to explane to me it's a shame obviously.
3: after school rushed to BISHAN to meet my XIN MEI dun wan to be late obviously i dun wan her to be angry took MRT with her to PAREGON M1 area she got something to do i no ideal what thing?
3: have a late LUNCH with her at KFC no ideal where after that we study till late everning i don't know how i pissed her off she just walk away like that i was heart broken.
this painful scene still in my mind i can shadow it out how XIN MEI PANG SEH me.
4: i SMS her ask where she is she say she took a bus home aredy leave me at ORCHARD like a retardard fool sia.
5: took MRT home with a broken heart obviously.
actually while studying i got kind of stressed out just stop awhile and did an random ugly drawing:
man protecting his baby!

yesterday night left my house at 11PM+ to go CLARKE QUAY i totally got nothing to say i was stunt and not mentally prepare, when i took out the key open the door i see the place was empty.
i got no ideal what's going on no 1 inform me i unlock the room door it's an empty room i was so afraid that something worst coming i took out my phone to ring my mom she told me that she wanna close down her business.
i was totally got no ideal what her plan she ask me to stay the night off till the the morning rise i just stay on but i was just feeling sad becoz trouble come so suddent and so unexpected.
i need some 1 to talk to i got no 1 to talk to i saw a man around her place it was a homeless man who travel around i don't really know him but just talk to him since i need some1 to talk to.
i got a sketch of him becoz i know i don't get to see him again obviously he was a homeless wonderer who got into deep shit in gambling:
AH YU was a man who study up to just secondary school he used to work in a sea weed company in the pass he was distracted by the surrounding and he choosed not to carry on with his job.
he decided to be a wonderer he got into an adidiction of gambling he travel aroung the country to gamble and he lost out financially he gone broke and decided to just sleep around the street till he contact a friend for a temporary job to earn atleast a sum of money.
but he spend his money on gambling he totally got no home to stay, no family he was from a broken family he lsot contact with his sibling since he was young his parent passed away along time ago he was seems hopeless but 1 thing about him is he can endure througth this kind of life and he got alot of connection with people around he got his way to get into cruise and even travel all the way to GENTINE ISLAND to gamble in the casino.
he's a guy who cannot stay still he always have a urge to travel around even thougth he is a broken guy.
he's now 48 YEAR OLD SINGLE MAN a non married guy he hate working.
he sleep around the street how he lives is he don't carry much clothing with him just a small bag with him and he wash his clothing at a shop.
CONCLUSION: he started to wake me up and make me think twice to not be happy go luck in life but gonna start upgrading my self, got proper income find my LOVE 1 ofcoz but not gonna mention who i am very secretive.
i wonder if AH YU sick how he gonna survive througth this there's no 1 to be there to give him family care and love.
1: wake up at CLARKE QUAY shower change and get ready for school.
2: school was 10AM to 1AM i am 1 hour late damn glad CHING CHYE is there to explane to me it's a shame obviously.
3: after school rushed to BISHAN to meet my XIN MEI dun wan to be late obviously i dun wan her to be angry took MRT with her to PAREGON M1 area she got something to do i no ideal what thing?
3: have a late LUNCH with her at KFC no ideal where after that we study till late everning i don't know how i pissed her off she just walk away like that i was heart broken.
this painful scene still in my mind i can shadow it out how XIN MEI PANG SEH me.
4: i SMS her ask where she is she say she took a bus home aredy leave me at ORCHARD like a retardard fool sia.
5: took MRT home with a broken heart obviously.
actually while studying i got kind of stressed out just stop awhile and did an random ugly drawing:
man protecting his baby!
