Saturday, July 17, 2010
Saturday, July 17, 2010
upload every photo from ma HP.
today don't know night festival or art festival human being in singapore hosting an artistic event at outside the art MUSEUM look kind of happening but it doesn't involve me at all but at most just being a passer by i didnt bring ma camera so no sub shooter for now but XIN MEI did use the phone that she lend me to take picture of what exactly happen her camera anglering is good that's why the picture look great i just feels bad complimenting people that's just me:

there's 6 radar facing the 1 direction it's not use as what radar usually used for it's just use as a projecter displayer it works like a video to display randoms stuff of arts to symbolize a GALACTICAL visual with different stretch of HUE with some HOMOGENIZATION will sound nicer then using the word SPERM and blazzing video graphic to my point of view it look like a bond of different ELEMENT.
the sound effect giving a atmosphere of tramblant fear like a theme of a disaster i think it have a message behind give you a HINT when u boil the water for too long what will happen?
walked around with JOSEPH, XIN MEI and HUI YANG at FESTIVAL taken place after my great dinner with ACE VERON, JABEZ and members at HANiS just lazy to list down all.
saw a demostration of a MARTIAL ARTs that how THAILAND had influenced from history till now modern age teenage to adult hmm passed on legalcy by the way the thing that they passed on is known as a MODERN MUAY THAI it's a simplified version of MUAY BORAN to made it as sport in the pass where the BERMIST WAR the THAI are captured as a slaves where MUAY THAI are born it washed out to 2 different category the DEFENDER & ATTACKER which is MAE MUAY THAI CHAIYA & MAE MUAY MAE you can browse into google to find out what's the different.

modern muay thai still have it tradition to symbolize the life style, environment & ANIMALS.

is was raining suddently hmm..! they got a young style ART where they recieve SMS and change the huge sign according to the SMS.

can you see the word SMS?
XIN MEI the 1 who took all those photo in the FESTIVAL it wasnt me who took by the way this picture is i took it at the GRAND CATHAY where real roses are placed around.
< ...................... >
hmm..! missed those days think back it really just a pass thinking about those day i breath i still can recall abit looking at my hand and recall how long had it been with me after so much things around come and gone so this is a memory where i used my right hand to opperate my camera to take this photo:

i still can recall the feeling of walking by here walking under an evening sky feeling the wind blow blinking my eye and every second had gone by grabing onto the handrail with my left hand feeling the rougth fading paint in my left hand taking a deep breath and feeling the smell of the river that moment of days where i on my ITE uniform.

things go differently when time pass remember those feeling from where i on my secondary uniform went home after school seeing my mom at home like a normal life style sitting on the dinning area sharing to her about what happen in school while waiting for lunce to be serve.
to the life style change where i on my ITE BEDOK uniform a change of environment comes in where ma house was moved to pungol it was an after school timing where i went back from school to home things go differently still remember i jump onto the brown sofa layed down it was so silent where i hear no voice of my mom becoz she moved to CHINA town started to miss the feeling back.
after a year pass where ma house was moved from pungol to ANG MO KIO things just go differently where i went home from BEDOK ITE to home sit down on the sofa hearing the noise of vehicle passes by having a different momentum of feeling still recal those exciting moment where my mom moved from CHINATOWN to CLARKE QUAY it was a bigger place where i went to find her for lunch step in breathing a different air of moment but losed the feeling of seeing my mom and dad in the same roof.
till this year where i get into higher nitec in MARINE OFFSHORE in TAMPINES ITE learning a different things as the pass in BEDOK ITE now currently missed ARCHITECTURE and my mom move againt to CHUA CHU KANG it was another different feeling of life travel in an least firmiler direction to find my mom those feeling in the pass turned into just memory.
upload every photo from ma HP.
today don't know night festival or art festival human being in singapore hosting an artistic event at outside the art MUSEUM look kind of happening but it doesn't involve me at all but at most just being a passer by i didnt bring ma camera so no sub shooter for now but XIN MEI did use the phone that she lend me to take picture of what exactly happen her camera anglering is good that's why the picture look great i just feels bad complimenting people that's just me:

there's 6 radar facing the 1 direction it's not use as what radar usually used for it's just use as a projecter displayer it works like a video to display randoms stuff of arts to symbolize a GALACTICAL visual with different stretch of HUE with some HOMOGENIZATION will sound nicer then using the word SPERM and blazzing video graphic to my point of view it look like a bond of different ELEMENT.
the sound effect giving a atmosphere of tramblant fear like a theme of a disaster i think it have a message behind give you a HINT when u boil the water for too long what will happen?
walked around with JOSEPH, XIN MEI and HUI YANG at FESTIVAL taken place after my great dinner with ACE VERON, JABEZ and members at HANiS just lazy to list down all.
saw a demostration of a MARTIAL ARTs that how THAILAND had influenced from history till now modern age teenage to adult hmm passed on legalcy by the way the thing that they passed on is known as a MODERN MUAY THAI it's a simplified version of MUAY BORAN to made it as sport in the pass where the BERMIST WAR the THAI are captured as a slaves where MUAY THAI are born it washed out to 2 different category the DEFENDER & ATTACKER which is MAE MUAY THAI CHAIYA & MAE MUAY MAE you can browse into google to find out what's the different.

modern muay thai still have it tradition to symbolize the life style, environment & ANIMALS.

is was raining suddently hmm..! they got a young style ART where they recieve SMS and change the huge sign according to the SMS.

can you see the word SMS?

< ...................... >
hmm..! missed those days think back it really just a pass thinking about those day i breath i still can recall abit looking at my hand and recall how long had it been with me after so much things around come and gone so this is a memory where i used my right hand to opperate my camera to take this photo:

i still can recall the feeling of walking by here walking under an evening sky feeling the wind blow blinking my eye and every second had gone by grabing onto the handrail with my left hand feeling the rougth fading paint in my left hand taking a deep breath and feeling the smell of the river that moment of days where i on my ITE uniform.

things go differently when time pass remember those feeling from where i on my secondary uniform went home after school seeing my mom at home like a normal life style sitting on the dinning area sharing to her about what happen in school while waiting for lunce to be serve.
to the life style change where i on my ITE BEDOK uniform a change of environment comes in where ma house was moved to pungol it was an after school timing where i went back from school to home things go differently still remember i jump onto the brown sofa layed down it was so silent where i hear no voice of my mom becoz she moved to CHINA town started to miss the feeling back.
after a year pass where ma house was moved from pungol to ANG MO KIO things just go differently where i went home from BEDOK ITE to home sit down on the sofa hearing the noise of vehicle passes by having a different momentum of feeling still recal those exciting moment where my mom moved from CHINATOWN to CLARKE QUAY it was a bigger place where i went to find her for lunch step in breathing a different air of moment but losed the feeling of seeing my mom and dad in the same roof.
till this year where i get into higher nitec in MARINE OFFSHORE in TAMPINES ITE learning a different things as the pass in BEDOK ITE now currently missed ARCHITECTURE and my mom move againt to CHUA CHU KANG it was another different feeling of life travel in an least firmiler direction to find my mom those feeling in the pass turned into just memory.