got free LED lights from DECO room; thank god!
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
hmm..! today im late for school more then 2hour late.
christmas feel just came:
i got lots of free LED lights from DECO, today i went to help out DECO to clear up the room; then there are lots of LED light with lots of different type; the blue LED light is the nicest, i brought back alot of it, including other color as well.
they plan to throw the LED light away, i look at the un-open boxes of LED light to take a look what is inside which they wanna throw; so i quickly gather all the box to 1 corner and look for a power supply to give a quick light test to every LED light.
so many of them are working beautifully; without a word i quickly gather and pack up all the LED light to save it. 1 thing i did is tell them that the LED light is still working great; they consider keeping it; ended up i regret even telling them haha.
the boss suddenly alow me to take it, that's great i brought back alot of it in a huge plastic bag. help out till 10PM took cab back with the DECO boss, free transport and i save my strength in carrying all those LED light.
when i look at all the LED light; my mind started to create a plan out what to do with all those LED light.
that's the rain bow color LED lights:
i plan to take out all the crystal color LED light to fix into my living room cabinet to project a blue light around which gonna give a gorgeous effect, can't wait to setup the light.
gonna take picture of it soon. prepare dark tape to paste it around my cabinet and area where my TERMINATOR figure are.
i took some picture of the cabinet which i wanna surround the edge of the cabinet with led light which will light up my figuring collection.
that's some of the figure which i transfer from my room area out, because i brought back 3 more figure which even larger; where it take up space.
i consider transfer my FINAL FANTASY figures out.
there's some box of final fantasy figure which i haven't open up yet. oh yeah i nearly forget about the MAMA AWARD concert at indoor stadium, gonna ask KELVIN to keep me reminded; he should be my reminded. because i intro him that LOBANG.
that's the cabinet:

im been staring at the cabinet thinking where to locate the LED light?
yeah get back to the topic:
heard from my sister is some big event which alot more artist will be there, i didn't even know about that. i was shock feeling so honoured to work for those big event. i remember Y.O.G opening and closing ceremony i was there working; hope to get more big event lobang.
i suddenly realize those lobang is not just to cover up my lost of money in my bloody traffice police test, but instead is something for me to get involve with.
thanks to my fateful friends too. im also excited for the next month SNSD concert; hope it will clear of my misery and cheer me up.
this few day i been thinking alot; i been trying to figure out AUTODESK MAYA just to keep my mind busy. so i won't think so much about those incident.
< >
i already said: "get her or stay widowed". that's the word which i cannot take back. if i take back my word i cannot call my self a man.
my heart just will never change, even if it turns harden or soften it won't switch to others.
how hurt it become, that feelings will never go off. i don't know why? maybe im on depression or going crazy soon.
my brain trigger a current of blood into my heart; telling me that there's no one else is better for me. because GOD gave me this heart and brain to think. god give me a heart so that i will got a feeling; ended up feeling for someone now.
GOD gave me a brain; ended up i keep thinking of that one person. GOD have the power to change my heart and to change my choice but he did not do that.
instead he let me make a choice and that's my choice. liking her so persistently.
hmm..! today im late for school more then 2hour late.
christmas feel just came:

they plan to throw the LED light away, i look at the un-open boxes of LED light to take a look what is inside which they wanna throw; so i quickly gather all the box to 1 corner and look for a power supply to give a quick light test to every LED light.
so many of them are working beautifully; without a word i quickly gather and pack up all the LED light to save it. 1 thing i did is tell them that the LED light is still working great; they consider keeping it; ended up i regret even telling them haha.
the boss suddenly alow me to take it, that's great i brought back alot of it in a huge plastic bag. help out till 10PM took cab back with the DECO boss, free transport and i save my strength in carrying all those LED light.
when i look at all the LED light; my mind started to create a plan out what to do with all those LED light.
that's the rain bow color LED lights:

gonna take picture of it soon. prepare dark tape to paste it around my cabinet and area where my TERMINATOR figure are.
i took some picture of the cabinet which i wanna surround the edge of the cabinet with led light which will light up my figuring collection.
that's some of the figure which i transfer from my room area out, because i brought back 3 more figure which even larger; where it take up space.
i consider transfer my FINAL FANTASY figures out.
there's some box of final fantasy figure which i haven't open up yet. oh yeah i nearly forget about the MAMA AWARD concert at indoor stadium, gonna ask KELVIN to keep me reminded; he should be my reminded. because i intro him that LOBANG.
that's the cabinet:

im been staring at the cabinet thinking where to locate the LED light?
yeah get back to the topic:
heard from my sister is some big event which alot more artist will be there, i didn't even know about that. i was shock feeling so honoured to work for those big event. i remember Y.O.G opening and closing ceremony i was there working; hope to get more big event lobang.
i suddenly realize those lobang is not just to cover up my lost of money in my bloody traffice police test, but instead is something for me to get involve with.
thanks to my fateful friends too. im also excited for the next month SNSD concert; hope it will clear of my misery and cheer me up.
this few day i been thinking alot; i been trying to figure out AUTODESK MAYA just to keep my mind busy. so i won't think so much about those incident.
< >
i already said: "get her or stay widowed". that's the word which i cannot take back. if i take back my word i cannot call my self a man.
my heart just will never change, even if it turns harden or soften it won't switch to others.
how hurt it become, that feelings will never go off. i don't know why? maybe im on depression or going crazy soon.
my brain trigger a current of blood into my heart; telling me that there's no one else is better for me. because GOD gave me this heart and brain to think. god give me a heart so that i will got a feeling; ended up feeling for someone now.
GOD gave me a brain; ended up i keep thinking of that one person. GOD have the power to change my heart and to change my choice but he did not do that.
instead he let me make a choice and that's my choice. liking her so persistently.