Wednessday, July 28, 2010
Wednessday, July 28, 2010
that's my classmate ARAFAT & RAZZLY drew it yesterday went maths class just end so for laugthing sake got the surrounding laugth haha^^ look kind of sick i know that's the whole purpose.
today woke up from a terrible NIGHTMARE haiz it really scary i got traumatized after the nightmare at 1st i woke up from the nightmare and went back to sleep the nightmare did carry on in my sleep fear just came into my mind.
im late for school damn..! late reached school at 12.30PM went to school with huiyang missed STATIC & MATHS sad case only attend ENGINEERING GRAPHIC the AUTOCAD getting more and more difficult due to more difficult things to do i aready mastered drawing 3D product using autocad but about the SOLVIEW, MVSETUP command function really killing me damn it was too confident didnt bother listening to lecture in class end up screwed up gonna got catch things back.
i opened up my eyes wondering why am i lying on my kitchen feeling confused looking out of the window it was seems fine hot sunny weather out of the blue moon the thunder came so suddently i was shocked thunder happening in the sunny weather it doesn't happen this way.
a sound of a knocking door came to my ear. there's someone outside shouting for help i was curious and went to check what's happening. it was a stranger, he's an unknown guy who needs a shelter so i decided let him in my house.
suddently the sound of the thunder keep storming continously it was so frightening seeing the lightning being so unusual. that strange guy shouted over to me when i was in the kitchen. he said there's a lot of shooting stars. i quickly rushed over to take a look. i had never seen a shooting star with my naked eye before. the shooting stars look real stange, there were countless of them dashing across. seeing an opening of the ADMOSPHERE, it really looks like there's no more protection on this earth. the layer of SPHERES broke up and what's in my sight is i see lots of stars flying in. it was a hopeless scene happening right infront me.
feeling fears trembling in me, the weather became hotter. after seeing lots of smoke, that strange guy asked me to quickly close the door and windows. he gave me a warning about the strong rain is coming. i panicky rushed to close the door and windows, i was feeling real scared. that strange guy took out a radio and set to the news.
the news is giving an hopeless broadcast, what is said through the radio is really hopeless message saying " fellow human being we as mankind had reached a long century this far lets cheers for a long record of existent now it's time to pass on the battern to the next creature that gonna be form to take over this earth TITAN like DINOSOUR had passed the battern to us now it's time for us to pass on the battern to the next living being lets pass the battern to the next living being who gonna take over together we lets join hand as 1 extistent of mankind say our last word"
after hearing all this message tears fell out from my eyes. the continous storm of the thunder seems to slow down and the sky turned blueish dark. cold wind came across the hot weather feel the rain coming it was really kind of a hopeless feeling. the rain became stronger and stronger. i was hidding with that strange guy, hearing the sound of the rain getting stronger, it was so scary. suddently the man asked me to open up the kitchen window.
i scolded him insane. however, he told me it's gonna flood and leaving the windows closed is useless. the flood gonna come in and if we were to leave the window close we will be stuck in the house and be drowned.
so i decided to open the window. it was raining heavily, and the water level keeps increasing enlessly. it reached up to the window height and the water was rushing into the house. we quickly swam out of the window. we managed to grab onto a floating car. holding on to the car for many hours makes me feel uncertain and insecure, it was a mental torture. Questions keep popping up my mind; what's underneath the water, are there any dangerous water creature. suddently, i saw a boat came by, it is a old china looking man that happens to pass by. he invited us to his boat.
the old man brought us to a higher ground. i asked the old man with this boat are we safe, and the old man said: "this situation can't be guranteed and we just gonna use this boat temperory. the bigger wave of flood is coming we will have to be reported at the safety zone where all our identity book kept there we have to go collect our identity and enter the space shuttle"
i was really shocked that things flow hopelessly for this earth. the old man quickly drove the boat to a safety zone. i saw many people QEUE-ING up to grab the identity book and rushing up the stairs. i was rushing with the old man and the strange guy. we managed to grab an identity book each, it was distributed by a man with an army uniform. i looked into the identity book, and it wasn't even my identity. the NAME is XIA LE XUAN which is not me. i quickly told the uniform man it wasnt mine. he replied "just take and run not much time left" i was feeling really guilty for taking other people's identity.
the old man and the stange man asked me to quickly run up the stairs. i stopped and started thinking about all my friends and family. i was afraid of not being able to see them ever again. i really missed every single 1 of them. i was so afraid that i broke down and cry. mentioning everyone of their name visual those faces i seen those voices i used to hear i teared continously. i was hesitant to go up the stairs. it's gonna be so painful keeping just memory of every single 1 of them it was really a sorrow that burn my head making me seated on the floor grabbing onto my hair where i got nothing dependable to grab on. suddently the strange guy offered me a CIGERETTE by passing the box of ciggerette to me it was a green box with some unknown brand with some CONTRABANN STEAKER on it.
i get really even more sad suddently when i woke up i was really thankfull to god that it was just a NIGHTMARE but my eye is really wet after that damn horrifying nightmare 1 thing i wanna thank god for this is all not real but just a nightmare.

today woke up from a terrible NIGHTMARE haiz it really scary i got traumatized after the nightmare at 1st i woke up from the nightmare and went back to sleep the nightmare did carry on in my sleep fear just came into my mind.
im late for school damn..! late reached school at 12.30PM went to school with huiyang missed STATIC & MATHS sad case only attend ENGINEERING GRAPHIC the AUTOCAD getting more and more difficult due to more difficult things to do i aready mastered drawing 3D product using autocad but about the SOLVIEW, MVSETUP command function really killing me damn it was too confident didnt bother listening to lecture in class end up screwed up gonna got catch things back.

a sound of a knocking door came to my ear. there's someone outside shouting for help i was curious and went to check what's happening. it was a stranger, he's an unknown guy who needs a shelter so i decided let him in my house.
suddently the sound of the thunder keep storming continously it was so frightening seeing the lightning being so unusual. that strange guy shouted over to me when i was in the kitchen. he said there's a lot of shooting stars. i quickly rushed over to take a look. i had never seen a shooting star with my naked eye before. the shooting stars look real stange, there were countless of them dashing across. seeing an opening of the ADMOSPHERE, it really looks like there's no more protection on this earth. the layer of SPHERES broke up and what's in my sight is i see lots of stars flying in. it was a hopeless scene happening right infront me.
feeling fears trembling in me, the weather became hotter. after seeing lots of smoke, that strange guy asked me to quickly close the door and windows. he gave me a warning about the strong rain is coming. i panicky rushed to close the door and windows, i was feeling real scared. that strange guy took out a radio and set to the news.
the news is giving an hopeless broadcast, what is said through the radio is really hopeless message saying " fellow human being we as mankind had reached a long century this far lets cheers for a long record of existent now it's time to pass on the battern to the next creature that gonna be form to take over this earth TITAN like DINOSOUR had passed the battern to us now it's time for us to pass on the battern to the next living being lets pass the battern to the next living being who gonna take over together we lets join hand as 1 extistent of mankind say our last word"
after hearing all this message tears fell out from my eyes. the continous storm of the thunder seems to slow down and the sky turned blueish dark. cold wind came across the hot weather feel the rain coming it was really kind of a hopeless feeling. the rain became stronger and stronger. i was hidding with that strange guy, hearing the sound of the rain getting stronger, it was so scary. suddently the man asked me to open up the kitchen window.
i scolded him insane. however, he told me it's gonna flood and leaving the windows closed is useless. the flood gonna come in and if we were to leave the window close we will be stuck in the house and be drowned.
so i decided to open the window. it was raining heavily, and the water level keeps increasing enlessly. it reached up to the window height and the water was rushing into the house. we quickly swam out of the window. we managed to grab onto a floating car. holding on to the car for many hours makes me feel uncertain and insecure, it was a mental torture. Questions keep popping up my mind; what's underneath the water, are there any dangerous water creature. suddently, i saw a boat came by, it is a old china looking man that happens to pass by. he invited us to his boat.
the old man brought us to a higher ground. i asked the old man with this boat are we safe, and the old man said: "this situation can't be guranteed and we just gonna use this boat temperory. the bigger wave of flood is coming we will have to be reported at the safety zone where all our identity book kept there we have to go collect our identity and enter the space shuttle"
i was really shocked that things flow hopelessly for this earth. the old man quickly drove the boat to a safety zone. i saw many people QEUE-ING up to grab the identity book and rushing up the stairs. i was rushing with the old man and the strange guy. we managed to grab an identity book each, it was distributed by a man with an army uniform. i looked into the identity book, and it wasn't even my identity. the NAME is XIA LE XUAN which is not me. i quickly told the uniform man it wasnt mine. he replied "just take and run not much time left" i was feeling really guilty for taking other people's identity.
the old man and the stange man asked me to quickly run up the stairs. i stopped and started thinking about all my friends and family. i was afraid of not being able to see them ever again. i really missed every single 1 of them. i was so afraid that i broke down and cry. mentioning everyone of their name visual those faces i seen those voices i used to hear i teared continously. i was hesitant to go up the stairs. it's gonna be so painful keeping just memory of every single 1 of them it was really a sorrow that burn my head making me seated on the floor grabbing onto my hair where i got nothing dependable to grab on. suddently the strange guy offered me a CIGERETTE by passing the box of ciggerette to me it was a green box with some unknown brand with some CONTRABANN STEAKER on it.
i get really even more sad suddently when i woke up i was really thankfull to god that it was just a NIGHTMARE but my eye is really wet after that damn horrifying nightmare 1 thing i wanna thank god for this is all not real but just a nightmare.