update for sept 12 2009 to Sept 23 2009
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
WFL day im late haha 22 court day? there's no such thing as 22 court day haha^^

after WFL have sherperding with kenneth, John, Shawn and Jie Wei at the Ochart Central Mos Burger i make this white T-sue Bull
Monday, September 21, 2009,
Today it's family day wahh....!!!
X2 Family day there's sport game, challenge, team work and friends
today i from clarke Quay MRt to Jurong East to meet the X2 people
i only take some picture of my group DI only the rest if they send me those other pic looking forward to update in:

before that i a clark quay i prepare my money to pay fine i pass it to my uncle he got ideal to make me no need go court tommorrow by paying compound fine in the AX machine at cubordinate court outside he drove me there so no need go court lo haha^^ then if i tommorow go court the fine will be more because have to pay court fee the police and judge there are not free.

this it's Suborinate Court near china town there
after the event it's was going to night go have dinner together i bought a woodeb sleeper i like it sia but abit tight before that i take the picture of the sky to see wad time it's it

looking forward for the next event Night Cycling haha^^
Saturday, September 20, 2009 Service day
today Xin Mei did come haha^^ im not the only ite bedok aredy Got Xin Mei with me muahahaha.!!
today i ate for service damn it sia but i didnt get to miss the dance show becoz there's failure before i reach the have to redance so just nice i reach on time for the dance haha^^ thank god.
after service dinner with the group Xin Mei after dinner she have to go meet her friend aredy at paya lebar i think.
later on need to gether and discuss about 2 more day monday 21 Family day event haha at West Coast park.
i saw this nice flying unicorn picture pic on the wall at meridiern 2nd storey:

i find it nice just take a picture of it
wah..! suddently think of the 22 court day 1 day after the 21 sadcase depress aredy
Wednessday, September 16, 2009
Went to CMPB at 9 am 7.30 am im aredy awake preparing to go Red hill to take bus to CMPB by the way i hate CMPB i hate NS i hate the process of health check in CMPB i hate the IQ test the most not because i got no IQ becoz ask so many question till im tired.
i blood test i nearly faint see huge amount of bood flowing out of my arm

located at Depot Road those who went for heath check will find this firmiler
i got into Phas B becoz im way too under weight damn it i wan Phas A not becoz i want to serve the nation becoz once in a life time i wanna explore minitary more
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
wake up early in the morning 6.30 am have to meet joseph and his bro need to send joseph to camp joseph bro alvin driving
have to go pasir ris to take shutter bus and change to boat not ba sia they using Penguin Ship:

joseph have to go Pulao Tekong CAmp.
i never get to go school coz they end every thing so late damn it.
Monday, September 14, 2009
today cannot wake up yesterday hang around till so late today im late for school by the way today go PE did nothing because i did went to the Youth Olympic thingy to help out so can take a break off PE haha^^ i went to Clarke Quay to find my mom time for me to spend time with my self been spending time with people must take some day to spend time with my self by hanging around clarke Quay take photo and drink abit also

oh ya today it's 14 so fast 1 more day joseph have to go in army aredy and 3 more day it's 16 i got medical health check at CMPB.
Sunday, September 13, 2009 Sabeth day
today kind of bored sia morning i did go market with my father and sibling to have break fast then later on i sleep whole day thinking of meeting joseph out wanting to call Seko and purema but Seko went malaysia so cannot really meet out so im just pissed of dun know wad to do for joseph so i delay abit till night i think joseph wake up or something call seko she came back from malaysia then she say wanna skate so i bring my skate board to go find her in the end she dissapoint me by changing her mind so i go eat dinner at the vegeterian store with joseph then later on joseph bring me along to go find his friend and drink at the harris Bar saw Jack working there.
oh ya i today drink Cider strong whole i get to drink today haha yesterday i tried Xin Mei Cider it's was great today can try haha^^

that's the bar i hanged around by the way i not on proper attire haha^^ i where like those im going to go for a skate but end up in the bar drinking haha^^
at the bar drinking with joseph half way Li Li came haha joseph called her to come joint drinking so hang around to bar abit onger waiting for jack who's Li Li Boy friend then later we go bishan meet Yao yong then go find the Punggol Nasi lemak store to eat supper haha^^ kind of hungry.
Saturday, September 12, 2009 SERVICE DAY
quite a great day service was great Xin Mei did come after service went to Central Point Mac to eat with the group people people who in the same table as me it's Joseph Lum, John Lum, Xin Mei and James i think ater on bored after eating wak around to take a look i saw a jazz Ban not bad 1 Gutar, Doupha Base and Saxerphonist:

later on i think this day it's the last few day to see joseph hair he going in army gonna got shaved haha^^ so joseph drive us to east coast area to chill and drink at the pub there's Joseph , John, Xin Mei and me obviously i take some picture in the pub:

Joseph Drink Guiness, John Henneken Xin Mei Cider i think all i know i drink Kilkiney a formy kind of beer not ba but Cider better should have buy Cider haiz..! i tried Xin Mei 1 thats why i realize

Yey my Kilkiney!!

after that i felt abit drunk im quite sencertive to alcohol then later slack around mac for awhile joseph kind of hungry
hang till quite late then later go home.
WFL day im late haha 22 court day? there's no such thing as 22 court day haha^^

after WFL have sherperding with kenneth, John, Shawn and Jie Wei at the Ochart Central Mos Burger i make this white T-sue Bull
Monday, September 21, 2009,
Today it's family day wahh....!!!
X2 Family day there's sport game, challenge, team work and friends
today i from clarke Quay MRt to Jurong East to meet the X2 people
i only take some picture of my group DI only the rest if they send me those other pic looking forward to update in:

before that i a clark quay i prepare my money to pay fine i pass it to my uncle he got ideal to make me no need go court tommorrow by paying compound fine in the AX machine at cubordinate court outside he drove me there so no need go court lo haha^^ then if i tommorow go court the fine will be more because have to pay court fee the police and judge there are not free.

this it's Suborinate Court near china town there
after the event it's was going to night go have dinner together i bought a woodeb sleeper i like it sia but abit tight before that i take the picture of the sky to see wad time it's it

looking forward for the next event Night Cycling haha^^
Saturday, September 20, 2009 Service day
today Xin Mei did come haha^^ im not the only ite bedok aredy Got Xin Mei with me muahahaha.!!
today i ate for service damn it sia but i didnt get to miss the dance show becoz there's failure before i reach the have to redance so just nice i reach on time for the dance haha^^ thank god.
after service dinner with the group Xin Mei after dinner she have to go meet her friend aredy at paya lebar i think.
later on need to gether and discuss about 2 more day monday 21 Family day event haha at West Coast park.
i saw this nice flying unicorn picture pic on the wall at meridiern 2nd storey:

i find it nice just take a picture of it
wah..! suddently think of the 22 court day 1 day after the 21 sadcase depress aredy
Wednessday, September 16, 2009
Went to CMPB at 9 am 7.30 am im aredy awake preparing to go Red hill to take bus to CMPB by the way i hate CMPB i hate NS i hate the process of health check in CMPB i hate the IQ test the most not because i got no IQ becoz ask so many question till im tired.
i blood test i nearly faint see huge amount of bood flowing out of my arm

located at Depot Road those who went for heath check will find this firmiler
i got into Phas B becoz im way too under weight damn it i wan Phas A not becoz i want to serve the nation becoz once in a life time i wanna explore minitary more
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
wake up early in the morning 6.30 am have to meet joseph and his bro need to send joseph to camp joseph bro alvin driving
have to go pasir ris to take shutter bus and change to boat not ba sia they using Penguin Ship:

joseph have to go Pulao Tekong CAmp.
i never get to go school coz they end every thing so late damn it.
Monday, September 14, 2009
today cannot wake up yesterday hang around till so late today im late for school by the way today go PE did nothing because i did went to the Youth Olympic thingy to help out so can take a break off PE haha^^ i went to Clarke Quay to find my mom time for me to spend time with my self been spending time with people must take some day to spend time with my self by hanging around clarke Quay take photo and drink abit also

oh ya today it's 14 so fast 1 more day joseph have to go in army aredy and 3 more day it's 16 i got medical health check at CMPB.
Sunday, September 13, 2009 Sabeth day
today kind of bored sia morning i did go market with my father and sibling to have break fast then later on i sleep whole day thinking of meeting joseph out wanting to call Seko and purema but Seko went malaysia so cannot really meet out so im just pissed of dun know wad to do for joseph so i delay abit till night i think joseph wake up or something call seko she came back from malaysia then she say wanna skate so i bring my skate board to go find her in the end she dissapoint me by changing her mind so i go eat dinner at the vegeterian store with joseph then later on joseph bring me along to go find his friend and drink at the harris Bar saw Jack working there.
oh ya i today drink Cider strong whole i get to drink today haha yesterday i tried Xin Mei Cider it's was great today can try haha^^

that's the bar i hanged around by the way i not on proper attire haha^^ i where like those im going to go for a skate but end up in the bar drinking haha^^
at the bar drinking with joseph half way Li Li came haha joseph called her to come joint drinking so hang around to bar abit onger waiting for jack who's Li Li Boy friend then later we go bishan meet Yao yong then go find the Punggol Nasi lemak store to eat supper haha^^ kind of hungry.
Saturday, September 12, 2009 SERVICE DAY
quite a great day service was great Xin Mei did come after service went to Central Point Mac to eat with the group people people who in the same table as me it's Joseph Lum, John Lum, Xin Mei and James i think ater on bored after eating wak around to take a look i saw a jazz Ban not bad 1 Gutar, Doupha Base and Saxerphonist:

later on i think this day it's the last few day to see joseph hair he going in army gonna got shaved haha^^ so joseph drive us to east coast area to chill and drink at the pub there's Joseph , John, Xin Mei and me obviously i take some picture in the pub:

Joseph Drink Guiness, John Henneken Xin Mei Cider i think all i know i drink Kilkiney a formy kind of beer not ba but Cider better should have buy Cider haiz..! i tried Xin Mei 1 thats why i realize

Yey my Kilkiney!!

after that i felt abit drunk im quite sencertive to alcohol then later slack around mac for awhile joseph kind of hungry
hang till quite late then later go home.