pathetic of me!
Saturday, August 27, 2011
just another day; no cannot my heart just pumb so fast. her present attract my heart; where i can't bare with it. only thing i can do is run away lor. my heart is deeply tattooed with her name; it's impossible to remove. if remove off her name i'll be dead.
today service LIYAN the preacher; her voice pitch too high, i tak boleh tahan; ear drum damn pain sia.
i decided not to listen to her preaching; she sing only, i started goose bum . for a reason i don't bother listen to her preaching; she got nothing better to share then bragging about her self. instead of listening i decided to keep my self busy; drawing something endless:

i look ahead what i see is her back view: my hand suppose to draw something endless and random. but ended up my brain trigger my hand to sketch automatically; nearly out her back view. quickly i scribble over with pen and pencil to divert the topic if not i will end up being an idiot; drawing some cute stuff instead of listening to the sermon.
manage to cover up till it's not obvious is her back view. instead of cute stuff; i draw cool stuff. the 5 mighty WARRIORS gun slinger.
they are surrounded by zombies; it's countless of it. massively spraying and killing all of it with their bullets.
it was like PHEW.....! why like that? , why is she too attractive? ok gonna change the topic about those stuff.
hmm..! actually today i was very bored; no 1 wanna fellowship with me. only some of a loyale 1 like: KIRBY and OLIVER. their the 1 who there's talk to me. other then that is my MAC BOOK PRO; it's not even a human or even a soul.
i thought god created the church to fellowship and build bonding?; it don't seems to be.
i love spending time with my fellow ITE group member; but they just won't really bother doing so. ended up their among them self left me behind; make me become so patheticly lone ranger.
no that cannot be i must think of and ideal and solution to make them fellowship with me: something come to my mind. hmm...! ; look like MATTHEW XIANG WEI like PLAY NATION; so i decided to go play xbox with him and the rest. who was there is: the LOYALE KIRBY, ACE KHOO, NIGEL CHIA, YAO MING, JAMES and MATTHEW.
yeah glad did fellowship. played till late; everyone go home left with KIRBY, JAMES and ME. so the fellowship cannot end there; decided to head down to YISHUN to play lan, with the rest of them.
through the DOTA and BLACK SHOT; i did communicate with them haha^^. so now atleast got fellowship. long hour of fellowship.
it's good.
oh yeah by the way today election time; hmm!! all the president all got TAN. think about it i think because TAN is a very capable person. i got a friend name of TAN WOON JHONG; he's just very capable and talented in various thing.
i think it's a good choice of letting all of it be TAN. loyal type of people it is.
LKY is really a asia miracle; without him. i will end up living in the 3rd world country; but he make me living in the 1st world country now.
inspiration comes and education comes to me; that's where i got an ideal of drawing the MARINA BAY sand. GOD appoint LKY to be the head; means i must obey. no 1 can question why; because the action is already there to be seen.
oh yeah; sad case. i didn't receive the election card; because during the general election. i did not elect; the problem is they never give me the election card how can i elect sia? i didn't even know it's a offence.
why things seems to be like trying to sabo me sia? i really very disappointed in this life.
my bursary gone, and this shit happen. im now confuse.
hmm display the different contrast:

that's the 3 contrast. and a:

zoom in; i try to draw it as detail as possible; but cannot make it. this is the worst drawing i got; im freaking disappointed.
my hand really tired.