Friday, March 9, 2012
im kind of free this time; im graduated. no longer concerned about school and stuff, Jobless in progress.
time passes by i really thankful in alot of things happen this year. i finally braced up my teeth. i been having a crooked teeth for more then 10 years.
oh ya i gonna do a short and fast catch up on what happen for the pass few days.

last month some where before my exam i actually working for SUPERSHOW 4. it was great, things a screwed up for the 1st day of the concert; but amazingly good in the 2nd show. everyone did real good for the 2nd show.
kind of proud of everyone.
manage to see the artist so closely, EUNHYUK suddenly came by to make his exit; at 1st i was talking with my friend while walking to the exit half way some one blocked me. i was shock wonder why the security block me? suddenly saw EUNHYUK came by i was stunned for a few second staring at him; he was waving to my direction with a smile.
what come to my mine is so cool!! even SNSD also not as friendly as them.
i saw SHINDONG too, he was walking out some where near the washroom no 1 spotted him or even notice, he look just like a typecal crew member. it take atleast 20 second for me to notice. i was shock at 1st, but i just pretend like as if i didnt notice don;t want to draw any attention.
regarding my TP; actually recieved my 2B LICENSE card, kind of happy. but shock of 1 big thing. my MOTOR BIKE, i decided not to get VESPA; fucked up expansive. i going for HONDA SP.
some sport bike i think i suppose to aim for. having a MOTOR BIKE means alot to me.
i remember yesterday night i was amaze that JOSEPH LUM came by with his HONDA SP to visit me, he want to bring me out for a ride, but i left my damn helmet in my mom place. sad case can't get to try his BIKE. his BIKE getting nicer and nicer.
been playing GRANADO ESPADA for the pass few month.
fun game to play, very artistic and every character have it own story line and back ground.
the middle lady is ADELINA ESPERANZA.
im kind of free this time; im graduated. no longer concerned about school and stuff, Jobless in progress.
time passes by i really thankful in alot of things happen this year. i finally braced up my teeth. i been having a crooked teeth for more then 10 years.
oh ya i gonna do a short and fast catch up on what happen for the pass few days.

last month some where before my exam i actually working for SUPERSHOW 4. it was great, things a screwed up for the 1st day of the concert; but amazingly good in the 2nd show. everyone did real good for the 2nd show.
kind of proud of everyone.
manage to see the artist so closely, EUNHYUK suddenly came by to make his exit; at 1st i was talking with my friend while walking to the exit half way some one blocked me. i was shock wonder why the security block me? suddenly saw EUNHYUK came by i was stunned for a few second staring at him; he was waving to my direction with a smile.
what come to my mine is so cool!! even SNSD also not as friendly as them.
i saw SHINDONG too, he was walking out some where near the washroom no 1 spotted him or even notice, he look just like a typecal crew member. it take atleast 20 second for me to notice. i was shock at 1st, but i just pretend like as if i didnt notice don;t want to draw any attention.
regarding my TP; actually recieved my 2B LICENSE card, kind of happy. but shock of 1 big thing. my MOTOR BIKE, i decided not to get VESPA; fucked up expansive. i going for HONDA SP.
some sport bike i think i suppose to aim for. having a MOTOR BIKE means alot to me.
i remember yesterday night i was amaze that JOSEPH LUM came by with his HONDA SP to visit me, he want to bring me out for a ride, but i left my damn helmet in my mom place. sad case can't get to try his BIKE. his BIKE getting nicer and nicer.

fun game to play, very artistic and every character have it own story line and back ground.
the middle lady is ADELINA ESPERANZA.