Monday, January 10, 2011
Monday, January 10, 2011
using mac book to update my blog again:

i didn't make it to school today although i kind of missed school; due to work yesterday. i spend my whole day at home watching movie through MIO TV.
i watched THE GLASS HOUSE:
it's an exciting show, it's al about the 16 year old girl RUBY and her 11 year old brother went through a down fall of life.
interesting story of a smartness. this movie is filmed on the year 2000 if im not wrong. america technology is advancingly great during those point of time.
it expire on the 31 jan 2011; go catch it before it expire.
rot ny day at home, the problem here is my damn singtel line over dued, will be cut of temporary. now im using a HI CARD.
looking through for the next movie, see what they got in MIO TV. fucked up singtell, i see through the net alot of bastard thing they do.
if u realize how cheater they are, u will definitly feel like cursing singtel.
singtel should be greatful that singapore is not like some other country which black magic; the whole singtel building will gonna get curse with black magic.
next movie i watch in MIO TV is THE FIGHTER'S BLUES:

this movie is really a sad story, it's a year 2000 HONG KONG MOVIE, filmed in THAILAND; base on thai chinese.
filmed by ANDY LAO as MONG FU, TAKAKO TOKIWA as SISTER MIOKO, Intira Jaroenpura as Pim Nathasiri and Apichaya Thanatthanapong as Ploy.
ploy is mong fu daughter in this movie, interesting sia. should watch and find out the whole story about. quite inspiring.
abit of ending disappointment.
using mac book to update my blog again:

i didn't make it to school today although i kind of missed school; due to work yesterday. i spend my whole day at home watching movie through MIO TV.
i watched THE GLASS HOUSE:

interesting story of a smartness. this movie is filmed on the year 2000 if im not wrong. america technology is advancingly great during those point of time.
it expire on the 31 jan 2011; go catch it before it expire.
rot ny day at home, the problem here is my damn singtel line over dued, will be cut of temporary. now im using a HI CARD.
looking through for the next movie, see what they got in MIO TV. fucked up singtell, i see through the net alot of bastard thing they do.
if u realize how cheater they are, u will definitly feel like cursing singtel.
singtel should be greatful that singapore is not like some other country which black magic; the whole singtel building will gonna get curse with black magic.
next movie i watch in MIO TV is THE FIGHTER'S BLUES:

this movie is really a sad story, it's a year 2000 HONG KONG MOVIE, filmed in THAILAND; base on thai chinese.
filmed by ANDY LAO as MONG FU, TAKAKO TOKIWA as SISTER MIOKO, Intira Jaroenpura as Pim Nathasiri and Apichaya Thanatthanapong as Ploy.
ploy is mong fu daughter in this movie, interesting sia. should watch and find out the whole story about. quite inspiring.
abit of ending disappointment.