Monday, July 26, 2010
Monday, July 26, 2010

morning woke up tought i was too sick to go school skeeped school hmm..!! was bored at home glad HUI YANG did come over to visit me he bought me HERBAL TEA and SWEET not bad he still practice my OLD GROUP systerm visit the brother or sis when ever they are not feeling well hmm..!!
not bad ! planned to go GYM went to GYM with HUI YANG and my BROTHER train like mad hmm! tommorrow comfirm muscle arch.
gonna sleep well good to be strong im fine now thank god for those prayer.....!! whoever did pray for me really wanna thank god for you!! also wanna thank god for creating such creature like you LORD IM AMAZED BY YOU...!!
no matter what i do how i screwed up it doesn't mean that JESUS is not real JESUS is always real god is always real...!!
wanna explane to u the feeling of yesterday night:
feel the surrounding where the wind getting stronger rushing across my neck looking out of the window seeing the leaf flying pass the lamb pole the smell of the rain came where giving me a sign where the rain is coming seeing stranger down the street running across the street with their hand trying to cover their head. closed my eye and take a deep breath smelling the rain feeling the weather goes colder loosen my muscler feel the night sky in my mind feel the rain drizzling hearing the sound of the dizzler it soften down my heart bit.

gonna sleep well good to be strong im fine now thank god for those prayer.....!! whoever did pray for me really wanna thank god for you!! also wanna thank god for creating such creature like you LORD IM AMAZED BY YOU...!!
no matter what i do how i screwed up it doesn't mean that JESUS is not real JESUS is always real god is always real...!!
wanna explane to u the feeling of yesterday night:
