Friday, October 1, 2010
Friday, October 1, 2010
feeling damn crap for not working for weeks, felling sick soon kind of lost a purpose of living. i must work or do something to gain a will of living on, if not i will end up falling ill and degrade.
today i meet up with XIN MEI AND JABEZ to hang out for dinner and movie.
fuck up disappointment is failed to get ticket for HUI YANG due to no more seat left, damn it should have call him earlier to ask; thought usually friday he will meet out with friends?
went to GRAND CATHAY for dinner and movie:

while getting ticket at the ticket box area happen to saw this huge futuristic papper bike mok out, it look really cool snap picture of it.
it will be good if i got a bike that look like that; i mean real bike not a mok out 1 obviously.
dinner at basement of the GRAND CATHAY, bought an OYSTER MEE SUA it was great. after the dinner it was about 10PM+ went up to the ticket box area bought 3 WALL STREET movie ticket; with a discount from XIN MEI NEBU card so it cost only $8+.
this time is i got a picture of the wall papper display of the movie instead don't have to go online to find it haha^^; asked XIN MEI help me snap this:

it's more about capitalistic. the movie is great and interesting but kind of complicated, due to because it was base on a man who live in the city that facing down turn.
lots of risk taking scene like investment and share. it shows alot about shares buyer, shares holder and bits of property investment scene.
about greed and over effort that affect mankind relationship, show alot of things that involve in share and project, eg; speculation material like process plant and silicon value that affect the stock market.
but it's obviously the movie doens't give any ideal or knowledge in any investment plan. no 1 will ever share their fishing spot. they will only leak their greatness and how good they are but not what they exactly doing.
by the way about the movie i not gonna spoild the movie, go and purchase the ticket and watch it fully and get the whole picture of it, who knows it may help you or save your life in future? haha^^.
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nice boots they got there am i right? what you gonna do about it seeing those nice and cool boots that they got there?; lick it like a dog? stare at it for the rest of your life or even mention about it continuously?
after starring, licking it or mentioning about it, one thing i wanna say is; "you have just wasted your time and life in those cool boots". i suggest you should make your own boots that you can kick asses out there and even make them lick it.
only if those cool boots earn you a huge sum that worth investing your stare, your tongue or your breath on it, you may go ahead.
< by the way fuck my luck man!, i could have do something better. >
feeling damn crap for not working for weeks, felling sick soon kind of lost a purpose of living. i must work or do something to gain a will of living on, if not i will end up falling ill and degrade.
today i meet up with XIN MEI AND JABEZ to hang out for dinner and movie.
fuck up disappointment is failed to get ticket for HUI YANG due to no more seat left, damn it should have call him earlier to ask; thought usually friday he will meet out with friends?
went to GRAND CATHAY for dinner and movie:

it will be good if i got a bike that look like that; i mean real bike not a mok out 1 obviously.
dinner at basement of the GRAND CATHAY, bought an OYSTER MEE SUA it was great. after the dinner it was about 10PM+ went up to the ticket box area bought 3 WALL STREET movie ticket; with a discount from XIN MEI NEBU card so it cost only $8+.
this time is i got a picture of the wall papper display of the movie instead don't have to go online to find it haha^^; asked XIN MEI help me snap this:

lots of risk taking scene like investment and share. it shows alot about shares buyer, shares holder and bits of property investment scene.
about greed and over effort that affect mankind relationship, show alot of things that involve in share and project, eg; speculation material like process plant and silicon value that affect the stock market.
but it's obviously the movie doens't give any ideal or knowledge in any investment plan. no 1 will ever share their fishing spot. they will only leak their greatness and how good they are but not what they exactly doing.
by the way about the movie i not gonna spoild the movie, go and purchase the ticket and watch it fully and get the whole picture of it, who knows it may help you or save your life in future? haha^^.
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after starring, licking it or mentioning about it, one thing i wanna say is; "you have just wasted your time and life in those cool boots". i suggest you should make your own boots that you can kick asses out there and even make them lick it.
only if those cool boots earn you a huge sum that worth investing your stare, your tongue or your breath on it, you may go ahead.
< by the way fuck my luck man!, i could have do something better. >