Friday, July 2, 2010
Friday, July 2, 2010
hmm..! great teaching from DR. A.R BERNARD he just came to SINGAPORE to preach he's a godly successful speaker heard story that he started preaching when he was 6 year old interesting location he was 1 of the speaker for ASIA CONFERENCE but today learned alot place used HEART OF GOD CHURCH i think god plan for me to learn something from him he used my sis to invite me:


FAME - "in a moment" you can aim to be a STAR but 1 thing is it only last for awhile.
GREATNESS - "LONGEVITY" compare greatness and fame greatness is something that will remain but fame is becoming a star but wont remain a star for long.
"COSMOLOGY" life will be good if u discover the greatness in life because jesus bring us life that for us to live it good.
about OPPORTUNITY come in many ways SIN can also come in away to disguise as an OPPORTUNITY.
so we need to have something called "CORE VALUE" and "CORE PURPOSE" cannot give you the answer what is that mean you have to discover it your self because it's your growth get through it and finds out.
everything is ORDINARY nothing is EXTRAORDINARY example a SUCCESSFUL MAN do ORDINARY things in an EXTRAORDINARY way no do EXTRA ORDINARY!

we have to keep growing may not be fater or taller it can also be more and more successful.
just like a MASTARD SEED that grow into tree.
just like how successful you can be?? as successful as you can be.
that's why "CORE VALUE" must come in it will protect our mind set the DEVIL can make us do unessary thing that that's why u must ask your self do it have VALUE?

all this also do apply to EVENT like SPORT, BUSINESS & WORKING.
during ADAM time human body can keep renewing every 7 years that why those day human can live up to about 900+ years.
but SIN launce in with a group of sickness and disease to currupt human.
life becomes bad becoz ADAM let it comes but there's still good thing from god remain for us.
we are called to renew.
we may do great today but tommorrow we must do even greater!
discover more i lazy to type everything down...!!!
really have a great time with ma sis and friends never really hang around with them since the BBQ they invite me just have a night supper with them was talking crap all the way!
carry on with ma STORY on the MONSTERICAL PLANT what exactly happen in the school during they making the way to the SCIENCE LAB:

they are making their way to the SCIENCE LAB it located 2nd floor looking for the staircase to 2nd floor in the same time they are discussing about the science lab:
LOZ: hey! are you scared? is the school haunted??
JADE: zz..!! stop it you morron! you are frightening me!
LOZ: hehehe..!! so sorry ma friend it was just a joke!
JADE: ha ha ha~! nothing funny at all!
LOZ: ok fine..!!
JADE: hey..!! look! we reached the stair already!
LOZ: ok let run up there's not much time left we gonna go find for a signal ASAP!
JADE: ok! we have to be careful as well!
they are running up the stair to the 2nd floor getting close to the science lab.

reached the 2nd floor LOZ was pending after so much of a run.
JADE: LOZ...!! are you alright??
LOZ: yeah..!! i'm fine just didn;t work out for some time.
JADE: this gonna be a good time for you to work out haha..!!
LOZ: what ever..!!
after a chat LOZ stood up straight hearing a sound of a gun RELOADING..!

hearing a reloading noise THAK! THAK!
LOZ: wait did you hear that?
JADE: arrgg..! watch out...!!
LOZ: awrr...!! damn..!!

there's someone gave a unexpecting gun pointing right on LOZ head saying: STOP RIGHT WHERE YOU ARE HANDS UP THE AIR SEXY...!!
LOZ: OKAY! OKAY! chill...!!

it was their classmate MARTIN who pointing the PISTOL on LOZ head.
LOZ & JADE: hey...!! it's you..?? MARTIN!

look like they are not the only 1 hanging around the street in this midts of time.
MARTIN: call me daddy in order to remove the pistol away from your head!
JADE: hey! MARTIN..!! stop it!
MARTIN: okay...!! i'm just joking..!!
LOZ: hey! not funny dude! playing with something dangerous like this?
MARTIN: ok sorry..!! by the way hmm..! amazing look like there's some more people hanging around in this midts of time.
LOZ: .....? what happen did you missed the reporting time to the REFUGEE ZONE??
MARTINE: not exactly im just hanging around to have fun haha^^ sounds cool isn't it?
LOZ: woah..!! you are so cool..! MARTIN!
MARINE: muahaha...!!
JADE: hey! wait sound like there's more people hanging around?
MARTIN: yeah..! most is from the yesterday late night school event it ended late that all of us went home late and missed the rescuing session.
LOZ: what you mean by the rescuing session?
MARTIN: did you heard of a MUSTACHE CO-OPERACY?
LOZ: nop! what's that?
MARTIN: let's talk about it later come with me got meet the rest of our friend at the computer lab!
JADE: cool we not the only 1 haha^^
hmm..! great teaching from DR. A.R BERNARD he just came to SINGAPORE to preach he's a godly successful speaker heard story that he started preaching when he was 6 year old interesting location he was 1 of the speaker for ASIA CONFERENCE but today learned alot place used HEART OF GOD CHURCH i think god plan for me to learn something from him he used my sis to invite me:


FAME - "in a moment" you can aim to be a STAR but 1 thing is it only last for awhile.
GREATNESS - "LONGEVITY" compare greatness and fame greatness is something that will remain but fame is becoming a star but wont remain a star for long.
"COSMOLOGY" life will be good if u discover the greatness in life because jesus bring us life that for us to live it good.
about OPPORTUNITY come in many ways SIN can also come in away to disguise as an OPPORTUNITY.
so we need to have something called "CORE VALUE" and "CORE PURPOSE" cannot give you the answer what is that mean you have to discover it your self because it's your growth get through it and finds out.
everything is ORDINARY nothing is EXTRAORDINARY example a SUCCESSFUL MAN do ORDINARY things in an EXTRAORDINARY way no do EXTRA ORDINARY!

we have to keep growing may not be fater or taller it can also be more and more successful.
just like a MASTARD SEED that grow into tree.
just like how successful you can be?? as successful as you can be.
that's why "CORE VALUE" must come in it will protect our mind set the DEVIL can make us do unessary thing that that's why u must ask your self do it have VALUE?

all this also do apply to EVENT like SPORT, BUSINESS & WORKING.
during ADAM time human body can keep renewing every 7 years that why those day human can live up to about 900+ years.
but SIN launce in with a group of sickness and disease to currupt human.
life becomes bad becoz ADAM let it comes but there's still good thing from god remain for us.
we are called to renew.
we may do great today but tommorrow we must do even greater!
discover more i lazy to type everything down...!!!
really have a great time with ma sis and friends never really hang around with them since the BBQ they invite me just have a night supper with them was talking crap all the way!
carry on with ma STORY on the MONSTERICAL PLANT what exactly happen in the school during they making the way to the SCIENCE LAB:

they are making their way to the SCIENCE LAB it located 2nd floor looking for the staircase to 2nd floor in the same time they are discussing about the science lab:
LOZ: hey! are you scared? is the school haunted??
JADE: zz..!! stop it you morron! you are frightening me!
LOZ: hehehe..!! so sorry ma friend it was just a joke!
JADE: ha ha ha~! nothing funny at all!
LOZ: ok fine..!!
JADE: hey..!! look! we reached the stair already!
LOZ: ok let run up there's not much time left we gonna go find for a signal ASAP!
JADE: ok! we have to be careful as well!
they are running up the stair to the 2nd floor getting close to the science lab.

reached the 2nd floor LOZ was pending after so much of a run.
JADE: LOZ...!! are you alright??
LOZ: yeah..!! i'm fine just didn;t work out for some time.
JADE: this gonna be a good time for you to work out haha..!!
LOZ: what ever..!!
after a chat LOZ stood up straight hearing a sound of a gun RELOADING..!

hearing a reloading noise THAK! THAK!
LOZ: wait did you hear that?
JADE: arrgg..! watch out...!!
LOZ: awrr...!! damn..!!

there's someone gave a unexpecting gun pointing right on LOZ head saying: STOP RIGHT WHERE YOU ARE HANDS UP THE AIR SEXY...!!
LOZ: OKAY! OKAY! chill...!!

it was their classmate MARTIN who pointing the PISTOL on LOZ head.
LOZ & JADE: hey...!! it's you..?? MARTIN!

look like they are not the only 1 hanging around the street in this midts of time.
MARTIN: call me daddy in order to remove the pistol away from your head!
JADE: hey! MARTIN..!! stop it!
MARTIN: okay...!! i'm just joking..!!
LOZ: hey! not funny dude! playing with something dangerous like this?
MARTIN: ok sorry..!! by the way hmm..! amazing look like there's some more people hanging around in this midts of time.
LOZ: .....? what happen did you missed the reporting time to the REFUGEE ZONE??
MARTINE: not exactly im just hanging around to have fun haha^^ sounds cool isn't it?
LOZ: woah..!! you are so cool..! MARTIN!
MARINE: muahaha...!!
JADE: hey! wait sound like there's more people hanging around?
MARTIN: yeah..! most is from the yesterday late night school event it ended late that all of us went home late and missed the rescuing session.
LOZ: what you mean by the rescuing session?
MARTIN: did you heard of a MUSTACHE CO-OPERACY?
LOZ: nop! what's that?
MARTIN: let's talk about it later come with me got meet the rest of our friend at the computer lab!
JADE: cool we not the only 1 haha^^