Monday, February 28, 2011
Monday, February 28, 2011
today i didn't sleep all the way till 5AM due to study till late, sleep away the 12 hour of the day; woke up at 5PM yet feel so tired. hated this feeling.

today i watched the HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON, really inspiring and awsome movie to watch. interesting story line ever, it's similar as the CLOUDY MEAT BALL.
great movie to catch, 3D graphic movie can really inspire people too.
today i sleeped my day away, after watched HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON; i 2 movie half way 1st i was watching the movie called the PIRANHA (2010) movie; with such fucked up graphic and story line, i can't believe a PIRANHA will eat up a boat.
i thought piranha will get attracted to blood? do boat bleed?
why the PIRANHA can jump up to the air to eat person? a group of people on a boat get killed with a mess of piranha, it sounds like the piranha hated them.
there's a main charactor guy went to dive on the piranha river and he seems fine to me, look like the piranha don't seems to hate him that much, it don't attack him with a group.
that man simply just took out a knife and swing it and he managed to kill those PIRANHA.
half way i just stop the movie and try watch the movie TEKKEN, thought it gonna be cool but end up the actor and actresses just don't match the charactor in the game, especially the JIN and his girl friend, they think putting hot stuff in the movie, lust and kissing will attract audience.
they got a wrong mine set, the whole movie ruined by that JIN lustfull face and KARA orgasm looking face. used the wrong actor and actresses.
trying so hard to follow the 3d game will make things worst.
best game base movie to me so far is the HONG KONG MOVIE Future Cops (1993)

best STREET FIGHTER movie include dragon ball, they make the movie very epic and comedy base; it will really attract people to watch it.
they don't imitate so accurately, they just follow abit of a concept and show their originality.
the FUTURE COPS is a old movie from a years back, still not recognized during those year back where entertainment gadget wasn't that convinient as now.
to find out HONG KONG old movie concept is entertaining should try watch the movie:
they are entertaining not because of those romantic scene is the comedy base that makes people laugth.
< >
today took picture of my collection art again:

it's just a hobby.
today i didn't sleep all the way till 5AM due to study till late, sleep away the 12 hour of the day; woke up at 5PM yet feel so tired. hated this feeling.

today i watched the HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON, really inspiring and awsome movie to watch. interesting story line ever, it's similar as the CLOUDY MEAT BALL.
great movie to catch, 3D graphic movie can really inspire people too.
today i sleeped my day away, after watched HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON; i 2 movie half way 1st i was watching the movie called the PIRANHA (2010) movie; with such fucked up graphic and story line, i can't believe a PIRANHA will eat up a boat.
i thought piranha will get attracted to blood? do boat bleed?
why the PIRANHA can jump up to the air to eat person? a group of people on a boat get killed with a mess of piranha, it sounds like the piranha hated them.
there's a main charactor guy went to dive on the piranha river and he seems fine to me, look like the piranha don't seems to hate him that much, it don't attack him with a group.
that man simply just took out a knife and swing it and he managed to kill those PIRANHA.
half way i just stop the movie and try watch the movie TEKKEN, thought it gonna be cool but end up the actor and actresses just don't match the charactor in the game, especially the JIN and his girl friend, they think putting hot stuff in the movie, lust and kissing will attract audience.
they got a wrong mine set, the whole movie ruined by that JIN lustfull face and KARA orgasm looking face. used the wrong actor and actresses.
trying so hard to follow the 3d game will make things worst.
best game base movie to me so far is the HONG KONG MOVIE Future Cops (1993)

best STREET FIGHTER movie include dragon ball, they make the movie very epic and comedy base; it will really attract people to watch it.
they don't imitate so accurately, they just follow abit of a concept and show their originality.
the FUTURE COPS is a old movie from a years back, still not recognized during those year back where entertainment gadget wasn't that convinient as now.
to find out HONG KONG old movie concept is entertaining should try watch the movie:
they are entertaining not because of those romantic scene is the comedy base that makes people laugth.
< >
today took picture of my collection art again:

it's just a hobby.