Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
today whole morning at home doing my port folio about to complete less then half done.
after that meet Xin Mei at Dhoby Ghaut Cathay around 6PM+ bought movie ticket ALICE AND THE WONDER LAND then go ISHI MURAH have my lunch then go watch movie.
watched 3D freaking nice effect and good story line make me think of it by the way ALICE is pretty:
i check it out whos the actress that act as ALICE it's MIA WASIKOWSKA kind of wierd name but unique also:
after the movie went to PLAZA SINGAPURA to meet out with DEXTER AND JAZZLENE they eating KFC so go joint them so i eat my dinner ofcoz.
after that chit chat awhile then JAZZ & DEX catch a bus home together then nothing much then me took train with Xin Mei back drop by BRADDEL to company Xin Mei to install ACAD and help her out in her 3D work.
in the same time i also play around with her lab top making my cream structure haha^^: it's a rubbishly sketch.

marine structure with under water sub way.
i rougthly wanna show how i wan the subway line to be. then later on hang around with her till late actually i plan to jog but never mind i happen to pass by a petrol kiosk i bought a foldable bicycler cost S$99 kind of worth it to me by the way i got no bicycler any way.
so cycler back home with it.
reached home suddently feel like unleash my skill on GOOGLER SKETCH UP been talking to Xin Mei about unleashing the full potential so i gonna do it becoz i always use word without action = DISSAPOINMENT.
my golden temple:
a video of my building drawing with speciall effect.
and a picture of it:

this the damn shit statue took me forever to complete it i trying to make a golden statue of a pirate but failed too hard aredy more like just a man with a hat.

today whole morning at home doing my port folio about to complete less then half done.

after that meet Xin Mei at Dhoby Ghaut Cathay around 6PM+ bought movie ticket ALICE AND THE WONDER LAND then go ISHI MURAH have my lunch then go watch movie.
watched 3D freaking nice effect and good story line make me think of it by the way ALICE is pretty:

i check it out whos the actress that act as ALICE it's MIA WASIKOWSKA kind of wierd name but unique also:

after the movie went to PLAZA SINGAPURA to meet out with DEXTER AND JAZZLENE they eating KFC so go joint them so i eat my dinner ofcoz.
after that chit chat awhile then JAZZ & DEX catch a bus home together then nothing much then me took train with Xin Mei back drop by BRADDEL to company Xin Mei to install ACAD and help her out in her 3D work.
in the same time i also play around with her lab top making my cream structure haha^^: it's a rubbishly sketch.

marine structure with under water sub way.

i rougthly wanna show how i wan the subway line to be. then later on hang around with her till late actually i plan to jog but never mind i happen to pass by a petrol kiosk i bought a foldable bicycler cost S$99 kind of worth it to me by the way i got no bicycler any way.
so cycler back home with it.
reached home suddently feel like unleash my skill on GOOGLER SKETCH UP been talking to Xin Mei about unleashing the full potential so i gonna do it becoz i always use word without action = DISSAPOINMENT.
my golden temple:
a video of my building drawing with speciall effect.
and a picture of it:

this the damn shit statue took me forever to complete it i trying to make a golden statue of a pirate but failed too hard aredy more like just a man with a hat.
