Friday, October 28, 2011
hmm..! i so freaking sick of typing down the story line. today i end school at 9AM start 8AM for SPORT AND WELLNESS; damn this is my 1st time going S&W for this year. my attendent 0% for S&W. MR JOHN LEONG; had a talk with me about S&W regarding my attendent.
he's really nice; he give me chance for me to clear all those task which i own for S&W. so i gonna catch things up.
today ended school real early; im still not on a proper sleep yet; head getting real heavy. reached back home still can't be able to sleep due to need to clear those mess which im called to get it done by my dad. seriously thanks to my GRAND MOTHER; she mess up the kitchen. i have to shot things up; not a simple cleaning to do.
her wet cloth accumulate with her mass uses of water causing water to leak down to the cabinet below my kitchen tap; the wooden cabinet corroded by long term absorption of water. there's turmite infestation and mess numbers of coackroaches egg infesting from the inner wood to the exterior. now the situation here is; im not just doing house chore but instead; PEST EXTERMINATOR, DEMOLISHING ROTTEN CABINET.
the worst is the cabinet rot the the extend where brown dusty liquid keep flowing out to mess up my kitchen floor with wooden chip and muddy looking stuff to the extend where my whole kitchen floor couldn't be recognize.
i use my bare hand grab up all those shitty wood rush out to dunk it while rushing out brown dirty liquid leak through out the path; where i have to wipe those shit up after dunking the mess. those mess give me a headache. when im lifting up all the stacked rotten wet wood how exactly it feels like is: when i lift it up man hand keep contact with the disgusting rotten wood which i feel the crackness of the cockroach eggs and muddy brown liquid flowing and wet my hand with black liquid.
my heand turn black to the extend where darker then a indian or even a black man. the wood smells like crap; cockroach and shit smell.
after clearing those mess up; i actually use a water host to spray all over my kitchen ground to flood it with water follow by using feb (laundry washing powder) skater it all over the ground. quickly take out the brush stick to scrap the whole kitchen floor. scrap it as white as possible.
after the scrap; another round of water host flush the floor pushing all the alkaline and shit down the drain; make sure no dots of dust is allow. continuously flushing and flood my kitchen floor; till the pool of water look clear, making sure no dot of any dust of black stuff around.
later on took out a wiper to push all the water down the drain. bought disposable cleaning material to spam all over my kitchen item around; throw all the disgusting looking things away. make sure my kitchen look a fine as it can be.
after everything carry on with washing all the fan and house keeping.
how exactly suck is it can u imagine? im suppose to be meeting my friend to hang out; because today is friday i suppose to have fun to hang the night off; end up i miss everything. my friend hanged out while im confined by those task to be done.
msn really disappoint me; both hotmail account gone!! i think msn doesn't want me to use it; so i have to move on to GMAIL.
google rocks seriously.
oh yeah i actually didn't update my blog yesterday, it's because im carry on with my story typing of the MUD DEMON; im kind of sick and tired of typing down. take up alot of time and space.
i did a drawing of it with pencil again, to show how exactly MAKO take harvest lumber with his wizard ability:
i think i should continue the story in a conclusion way instead of a walk through. if were to walk through i think the sun could have been risen up.
the story i type until SARAH woken up from a terrible nightmare and she later on realize MAKO return safe and sound which causes her a relief.
MAKO found the location of the portal for the MUD DEMON to be send back; through the process of solving the problem their obviously feeling with develop. facing tough time with the other party will draw them closer.
they go through lots of disaster just to lure the MUD demon to the area where it 1st stepped in to this dimension. the duration from SARAH 1st step in into the dimension to the mud demon return back to it dimension; it takes 3months for them to solve it.
lots of trap and boundary have to be setup up which takes times for them to do it.
the MUD demon arrive when the sun set; the right timing which they figure it out is sending the mud demon back when the sun rise. which they figure it out by collecting sample of the MUD DEMON mud stain and place it on the located area where it 1st arrive.
through the process when the MUD DEMON got lured to the returning spot; the glory hole is formed to flush down the mud demon like a black hole.
few minute after the MUD DEMON raptured. the network begin to link MAKO FOX to their present DIMENSION; where MAKO and his FOX reunite, MAKO shared tears of joy hugging his FOX. the last moment where MAKO keep a constant eye contact with SARAH wondering is this really their last moment together?
the task of DIMENSION error had been solved; the gate begin to open for every individual to return back home to their dimension. MAKO face expression changed, he reached his hand to grab SARAH hand tightly saying:"i never love and long to protect anyone so deeply till i met you". SARAH inch here head toward looking at her own hand which hold by MAKO hand with her tears dripping down onto their hand for their last moment.
SARAH misses MAKO so much where she hugged MAKO and their last moment of deep kiss begin. MAKO last word is:"those memory of our love will be tattoo deep in my heart, i treasure every moment with you till every obstacle and though time is like a joy instead; because you are with me". SARAH got deeply moved her last word before the separation for their return:"every thing seems so lost in this world till i met you, i don't know what can replace this love? wish the universe will give us another task and chance to meet again. MAKO! i LOVE you!". their surrounding goes brighter with a strong spin of wind rush around them which 2 different portal appear to vacuum them. the gravity turns 0 where both of them floated up which their body goes real light.
their eye lost sight of each other, the last things to dwell is their voices before the sound of the voice muted.
SARAH back home, at her bed room; every moment is like a dream. she was really shock tears flow down of her eye, thinking why would she cry over such dream? she look into the mirror seeing her cloth and her messy hair realize it wasn't a dream; quickly she took out her journal to read through; everything is real. she saw her sketch of MAKO on her journal.
after a second her mom came in the room with tear on her eye, screamed out with concern:"where have you been..? i been searching around for months just to look for you, how could you even leave without a word instead causing me to live a sorrowful life". SARAH don't know how to explane to her mom about it.
how's MAKO? hmm....! back to MOUNT BREATHLAND with his fox? met his master?
i can't believe conclusion can be this long. im suck seroiusly
show you all the try of snap shot on my drawing:

i always give alot of shot to pick which is the best shot; the best will be my main.
hmm..! i so freaking sick of typing down the story line. today i end school at 9AM start 8AM for SPORT AND WELLNESS; damn this is my 1st time going S&W for this year. my attendent 0% for S&W. MR JOHN LEONG; had a talk with me about S&W regarding my attendent.
he's really nice; he give me chance for me to clear all those task which i own for S&W. so i gonna catch things up.
today ended school real early; im still not on a proper sleep yet; head getting real heavy. reached back home still can't be able to sleep due to need to clear those mess which im called to get it done by my dad. seriously thanks to my GRAND MOTHER; she mess up the kitchen. i have to shot things up; not a simple cleaning to do.
her wet cloth accumulate with her mass uses of water causing water to leak down to the cabinet below my kitchen tap; the wooden cabinet corroded by long term absorption of water. there's turmite infestation and mess numbers of coackroaches egg infesting from the inner wood to the exterior. now the situation here is; im not just doing house chore but instead; PEST EXTERMINATOR, DEMOLISHING ROTTEN CABINET.
the worst is the cabinet rot the the extend where brown dusty liquid keep flowing out to mess up my kitchen floor with wooden chip and muddy looking stuff to the extend where my whole kitchen floor couldn't be recognize.
i use my bare hand grab up all those shitty wood rush out to dunk it while rushing out brown dirty liquid leak through out the path; where i have to wipe those shit up after dunking the mess. those mess give me a headache. when im lifting up all the stacked rotten wet wood how exactly it feels like is: when i lift it up man hand keep contact with the disgusting rotten wood which i feel the crackness of the cockroach eggs and muddy brown liquid flowing and wet my hand with black liquid.
my heand turn black to the extend where darker then a indian or even a black man. the wood smells like crap; cockroach and shit smell.
after clearing those mess up; i actually use a water host to spray all over my kitchen ground to flood it with water follow by using feb (laundry washing powder) skater it all over the ground. quickly take out the brush stick to scrap the whole kitchen floor. scrap it as white as possible.
after the scrap; another round of water host flush the floor pushing all the alkaline and shit down the drain; make sure no dots of dust is allow. continuously flushing and flood my kitchen floor; till the pool of water look clear, making sure no dot of any dust of black stuff around.
later on took out a wiper to push all the water down the drain. bought disposable cleaning material to spam all over my kitchen item around; throw all the disgusting looking things away. make sure my kitchen look a fine as it can be.
after everything carry on with washing all the fan and house keeping.
how exactly suck is it can u imagine? im suppose to be meeting my friend to hang out; because today is friday i suppose to have fun to hang the night off; end up i miss everything. my friend hanged out while im confined by those task to be done.
msn really disappoint me; both hotmail account gone!! i think msn doesn't want me to use it; so i have to move on to GMAIL.
google rocks seriously.
oh yeah i actually didn't update my blog yesterday, it's because im carry on with my story typing of the MUD DEMON; im kind of sick and tired of typing down. take up alot of time and space.
i did a drawing of it with pencil again, to show how exactly MAKO take harvest lumber with his wizard ability:

the story i type until SARAH woken up from a terrible nightmare and she later on realize MAKO return safe and sound which causes her a relief.
MAKO found the location of the portal for the MUD DEMON to be send back; through the process of solving the problem their obviously feeling with develop. facing tough time with the other party will draw them closer.
they go through lots of disaster just to lure the MUD demon to the area where it 1st stepped in to this dimension. the duration from SARAH 1st step in into the dimension to the mud demon return back to it dimension; it takes 3months for them to solve it.
lots of trap and boundary have to be setup up which takes times for them to do it.
the MUD demon arrive when the sun set; the right timing which they figure it out is sending the mud demon back when the sun rise. which they figure it out by collecting sample of the MUD DEMON mud stain and place it on the located area where it 1st arrive.
through the process when the MUD DEMON got lured to the returning spot; the glory hole is formed to flush down the mud demon like a black hole.
few minute after the MUD DEMON raptured. the network begin to link MAKO FOX to their present DIMENSION; where MAKO and his FOX reunite, MAKO shared tears of joy hugging his FOX. the last moment where MAKO keep a constant eye contact with SARAH wondering is this really their last moment together?
the task of DIMENSION error had been solved; the gate begin to open for every individual to return back home to their dimension. MAKO face expression changed, he reached his hand to grab SARAH hand tightly saying:"i never love and long to protect anyone so deeply till i met you". SARAH inch here head toward looking at her own hand which hold by MAKO hand with her tears dripping down onto their hand for their last moment.
SARAH misses MAKO so much where she hugged MAKO and their last moment of deep kiss begin. MAKO last word is:"those memory of our love will be tattoo deep in my heart, i treasure every moment with you till every obstacle and though time is like a joy instead; because you are with me". SARAH got deeply moved her last word before the separation for their return:"every thing seems so lost in this world till i met you, i don't know what can replace this love? wish the universe will give us another task and chance to meet again. MAKO! i LOVE you!". their surrounding goes brighter with a strong spin of wind rush around them which 2 different portal appear to vacuum them. the gravity turns 0 where both of them floated up which their body goes real light.
their eye lost sight of each other, the last things to dwell is their voices before the sound of the voice muted.
SARAH back home, at her bed room; every moment is like a dream. she was really shock tears flow down of her eye, thinking why would she cry over such dream? she look into the mirror seeing her cloth and her messy hair realize it wasn't a dream; quickly she took out her journal to read through; everything is real. she saw her sketch of MAKO on her journal.
after a second her mom came in the room with tear on her eye, screamed out with concern:"where have you been..? i been searching around for months just to look for you, how could you even leave without a word instead causing me to live a sorrowful life". SARAH don't know how to explane to her mom about it.
i can't believe conclusion can be this long. im suck seroiusly
show you all the try of snap shot on my drawing:

i always give alot of shot to pick which is the best shot; the best will be my main.