Tuesday, October 19, 2010 fuck SUMATRA for burning the damn forest!
Tuesday, October 19, 2010 hazzy focast now; due to SUMATRA burning forest.
their damn excuse is the climate change weather turns hot that burned the forest: they are just lying, it's all lies that make up by them.
so persist in burning forest and not giving a damn what happening to the surounding.

look at the haze; it blured out the far sight and causing me to had a slight caugth.
look at here those navy view i capture for today:

barely see a far ahead ship, it just got blured out by the damn haze.
by the way today my school start at 9AM end at 5PM, but i rushed off from school at 4PM; be called down for work. and i also in need of money. wanting to clear my motor prac in a short.
today my ENGINEERING science lecture did a very interesting things:
by testing the whole class individually 1 person in a time. those who failed have to QUEUE all over againt for the next try.
asking ask all those fomulae stated randomly, those who memorize it will get to go off, otherwise will have to stay back untill he/she passes the task.
thanks HAFIZ for passing me this sheet to memorize and also thanks CHEN HONG for writting this list down to pass it around.
by the way:
today i went to school on time but stucked outside the gate for atleast a hour if im not wrong; due to school on fire( that's what the rest of the other people said during outside the gate waiting.)
i was fedup in wasting time staying outside the school gate under the sun; i rather go in SAFRA to slack. so i decided to went off to SAFRA.
i still not sure weather what exactly happen to the school, but today is a fine day, felt freaking guilthy for rushing off the work half way of the lesson.
by the way i rushed off to work with HAFIZ:

reached SENTOSA bought food for the rest of my SOS friend, freaking trouble me.
today working while taking picture of lightings, fire work and effects:

manage to capture the laser by abit, snapped the wrong timing.
so far my favourite is still the fire work and water cannon.
< >
yesterday night i can't sleep, don't know why like that.

while sleeping, my phone was with me, snapped this!
their damn excuse is the climate change weather turns hot that burned the forest: they are just lying, it's all lies that make up by them.
so persist in burning forest and not giving a damn what happening to the surounding.

look at the haze; it blured out the far sight and causing me to had a slight caugth.
look at here those navy view i capture for today:

barely see a far ahead ship, it just got blured out by the damn haze.
by the way today my school start at 9AM end at 5PM, but i rushed off from school at 4PM; be called down for work. and i also in need of money. wanting to clear my motor prac in a short.
today my ENGINEERING science lecture did a very interesting things:

asking ask all those fomulae stated randomly, those who memorize it will get to go off, otherwise will have to stay back untill he/she passes the task.
thanks HAFIZ for passing me this sheet to memorize and also thanks CHEN HONG for writting this list down to pass it around.
by the way:

i was fedup in wasting time staying outside the school gate under the sun; i rather go in SAFRA to slack. so i decided to went off to SAFRA.
i still not sure weather what exactly happen to the school, but today is a fine day, felt freaking guilthy for rushing off the work half way of the lesson.
by the way i rushed off to work with HAFIZ:

reached SENTOSA bought food for the rest of my SOS friend, freaking trouble me.
today working while taking picture of lightings, fire work and effects:

manage to capture the laser by abit, snapped the wrong timing.
so far my favourite is still the fire work and water cannon.
< >
yesterday night i can't sleep, don't know why like that.

while sleeping, my phone was with me, snapped this!