Thursday, August 12, 2010
Thursday, August 12, 2010
work from yesterday 4PM+ till to day morninng 6AM+ dying sia! knocked out at 7AM+ woke up at 4PM+ quickly prepare rushed to work againt at MARINA PLATFORM for the YOG thingy.
followspot light as usuall damn boring, just to slacky.
those lighting item and work are incharge by a group of GERMAN their item are all identified with the word PROCON and also PRG, it look cool by the way.
i always being so pissed off by those GERMAN, feeling sorry for MR. TOH the guy who incharge of the crew and command for the lighting.
the fucking GERMAN always push things to him, all the blame go to him, its really sad for him, he was cursing and swearing. he really answer for everyone for us, the GERMAN just take thing so luxoriously, treating those ASIANS so lousily see this thing since the day 1 of rehersing till now.
what ever name it's i don't remember, althought they never really piss me directly but i just hated their attitude.
so sorry if i use the word GERMAN, because i don't know what to call them.
by the way today worked till quite late where no more bus and train, tooked a cab with HUI YANG back home, i still remember the TAXI number: SH/7424/Y good service quick and smooth really thankful to be serve by this TAXI driver i don't know how to thank him.
i still remember i did record down when it happen: 08/08/2010 3:42AM this TAXI number i record gonna complane he gonna pay for what he had done i really damn pissed off, my friend was there witnessed it, a friend of my HUI YANG told him the direction clearly go to YION CHU KANG station, even HAFIZ and I did hear it.
but he go a damn bloody long way and purposely talk rotten stuff to distact us and take a long way he still say we going CHUA CHU KANG, tell him to change direction he say his direction nearer, there 2 direction we need to stop WOODLAND & YIO CHU KANG but he say will pass WOODLAND 1st, by right from CITY HALL should pass YIO CHU KANG 1st then WOODLAND, really wasted money and time fuck him, still haven't punce his face for speaking all the negative stuff about our GOVERMENT and our SENIOUR MINSTER LEE yet, in SINGAPORE it's a serious offence to gossip about the GOVERMENT, PRESIDENT or MINSTER LEE.
his TAXI number i did record down: SH/6214/E gonna make him pay the prize good thing the TAXI fair can be CLAIME from the person incharge.
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boom a word:
the feeling of seeing home for a few hour and have to leave home all the time, a man stepping out of his comfirt, zone feeling real sad get to see his most confirtable place for awhile which is called HOME. only thing he get to do after getting up from bed is forcing himself to wash up with a tired-ness, feeling the pain in his eye is like a weight that forcing his eye to close, his head was feeling heavy, where he have to force his head up straight and his eye to open.
he stepped in his wash room turning on the heater and take a shower feeling the warm water spraying toward his face, flowing down his neck to his leg, saying in his mind "no place like home".
it was too refreshing during the shower, he just don't feel like leaving his wash room he don't have the choice, only thing he can do is switch off the tap and dry his body, to prepare to step out of his house.
while drying his hair with a towel, he walking in his room seeing his bed, he just feel like jumping back to his bed but he just have to force himself to prepare. when he was rubbing his face with a towel he was imaginning about what if the tower was a pillow and he was lying on the bed with nothing bothering, but it was too bad for him it's just an imagination he have to crack back to work.
sadly he felt, preparing his stuff and get out while opening his door to get out, he was rubbing the hander of the door thinking how long more will he still get to open this door again. the more he count it the more he feel the time passing slowly.
after getting out of his house, closed and locked the door. he was looking back to his house, thiking how he wish he can carry on resting at home.
after a month had passed he was thinking how many time have him go through those same thing over and over again, but when the time come where his reward go to him he think back, it was really worth it.
think about it those process are all temporary, he only get to experience it for this 1 life he had. he have to get through it knowing what his purpose of achivement and will it last with him for long?
everyone will retire, but what have you got for retire?

followspot light as usuall damn boring, just to slacky.
those lighting item and work are incharge by a group of GERMAN their item are all identified with the word PROCON and also PRG, it look cool by the way.
i always being so pissed off by those GERMAN, feeling sorry for MR. TOH the guy who incharge of the crew and command for the lighting.
the fucking GERMAN always push things to him, all the blame go to him, its really sad for him, he was cursing and swearing. he really answer for everyone for us, the GERMAN just take thing so luxoriously, treating those ASIANS so lousily see this thing since the day 1 of rehersing till now.
what ever name it's i don't remember, althought they never really piss me directly but i just hated their attitude.
so sorry if i use the word GERMAN, because i don't know what to call them.
by the way today worked till quite late where no more bus and train, tooked a cab with HUI YANG back home, i still remember the TAXI number: SH/7424/Y good service quick and smooth really thankful to be serve by this TAXI driver i don't know how to thank him.
i still remember i did record down when it happen: 08/08/2010 3:42AM this TAXI number i record gonna complane he gonna pay for what he had done i really damn pissed off, my friend was there witnessed it, a friend of my HUI YANG told him the direction clearly go to YION CHU KANG station, even HAFIZ and I did hear it.
but he go a damn bloody long way and purposely talk rotten stuff to distact us and take a long way he still say we going CHUA CHU KANG, tell him to change direction he say his direction nearer, there 2 direction we need to stop WOODLAND & YIO CHU KANG but he say will pass WOODLAND 1st, by right from CITY HALL should pass YIO CHU KANG 1st then WOODLAND, really wasted money and time fuck him, still haven't punce his face for speaking all the negative stuff about our GOVERMENT and our SENIOUR MINSTER LEE yet, in SINGAPORE it's a serious offence to gossip about the GOVERMENT, PRESIDENT or MINSTER LEE.
his TAXI number i did record down: SH/6214/E gonna make him pay the prize good thing the TAXI fair can be CLAIME from the person incharge.
< >
boom a word:
the feeling of seeing home for a few hour and have to leave home all the time, a man stepping out of his comfirt, zone feeling real sad get to see his most confirtable place for awhile which is called HOME. only thing he get to do after getting up from bed is forcing himself to wash up with a tired-ness, feeling the pain in his eye is like a weight that forcing his eye to close, his head was feeling heavy, where he have to force his head up straight and his eye to open.
he stepped in his wash room turning on the heater and take a shower feeling the warm water spraying toward his face, flowing down his neck to his leg, saying in his mind "no place like home".
it was too refreshing during the shower, he just don't feel like leaving his wash room he don't have the choice, only thing he can do is switch off the tap and dry his body, to prepare to step out of his house.
while drying his hair with a towel, he walking in his room seeing his bed, he just feel like jumping back to his bed but he just have to force himself to prepare. when he was rubbing his face with a towel he was imaginning about what if the tower was a pillow and he was lying on the bed with nothing bothering, but it was too bad for him it's just an imagination he have to crack back to work.
sadly he felt, preparing his stuff and get out while opening his door to get out, he was rubbing the hander of the door thinking how long more will he still get to open this door again. the more he count it the more he feel the time passing slowly.
after getting out of his house, closed and locked the door. he was looking back to his house, thiking how he wish he can carry on resting at home.
after a month had passed he was thinking how many time have him go through those same thing over and over again, but when the time come where his reward go to him he think back, it was really worth it.
think about it those process are all temporary, he only get to experience it for this 1 life he had. he have to get through it knowing what his purpose of achivement and will it last with him for long?
everyone will retire, but what have you got for retire?