Sunday, October 10, 2010
Sunday, October 10, 2010 i still be able to wake up without any prob after the celebration of XIN MEI B-DAy.
it gave me even more energy instead, today went to woke woke up at 7AM, sleep just an hour back at about 4-5AM; surprisingly im still not tired.
had my breakfast with my father, bro & sis. after the breakfast; went off with my sis for work.
today work is awesomely bored, the pain is got a sun burn:

got my face and body redish, gonna get tent soon.
today work is helping out in the PERFECT 10 SUNDAY event, not much but stopping car and taxi from entering the prohibited area.
was bored that's why i took photo randomly, the guy on the bargy is emran if im not wrong:

after everything went back to the WARE house:

slack around with HUI YANG and the rest, we played guitar and bass there. HUI YANG do play well obviously.
later on went had late lunce with him at the hokker next to the HARBOUR FONT int and went off.
woo..!! today is XIN MEI official birthday 10/10/10, a blessing day i believe.
i wanna treasure every moment today for XIN MEI birthday, but i missed by a few minute damn sad. thought i gonna see XIN MEI face in her actuall BIRTHDAY.
but glad i did meet out with her, Thank god for JOSEPH LUM pillion me with his bike over to bradell to meet XIN MEI to pass her thing.
JOSEPH LUM gave me a good ideal of making a red packet for her. really glad; i still feel the godly leaderhood in him, the spirit of a CL is still in him; touched in a way.
not seeing her for her birthday gave me a sick feeling i don't know why.
it gave me even more energy instead, today went to woke woke up at 7AM, sleep just an hour back at about 4-5AM; surprisingly im still not tired.
had my breakfast with my father, bro & sis. after the breakfast; went off with my sis for work.
today work is awesomely bored, the pain is got a sun burn:

got my face and body redish, gonna get tent soon.
today work is helping out in the PERFECT 10 SUNDAY event, not much but stopping car and taxi from entering the prohibited area.
was bored that's why i took photo randomly, the guy on the bargy is emran if im not wrong:

after everything went back to the WARE house:

slack around with HUI YANG and the rest, we played guitar and bass there. HUI YANG do play well obviously.
later on went had late lunce with him at the hokker next to the HARBOUR FONT int and went off.
woo..!! today is XIN MEI official birthday 10/10/10, a blessing day i believe.
i wanna treasure every moment today for XIN MEI birthday, but i missed by a few minute damn sad. thought i gonna see XIN MEI face in her actuall BIRTHDAY.
but glad i did meet out with her, Thank god for JOSEPH LUM pillion me with his bike over to bradell to meet XIN MEI to pass her thing.
JOSEPH LUM gave me a good ideal of making a red packet for her. really glad; i still feel the godly leaderhood in him, the spirit of a CL is still in him; touched in a way.
not seeing her for her birthday gave me a sick feeling i don't know why.