5 JANUARY 2010 Tuesday working today also today.
5 JANUARY 2010 Tuesday working today also today.
sry i did not take any photo for today no camerar phone lost aredy so now i'm still trying to draw how Bi Qi look like sorry!!

some damn rougth sketch!! ugly i know but never mind cant get it accurately atleast some thing similer

Jobanjit Singth trying to draw him but not that accurate sia just draw wad's in my mind.

Landel cant recall how he look like so draw him by looking.
so everything it's not copy righted.
not bad working was great enjoy it not because i like working it's the people that make it fun people play apart in my life make life flow colorfully i love everyone around my work place today i work with:
Jobanjit Singth from INDIA BUNJABI
Landel from PHilipine
Bi Qi (angry hehe^^)
Muhamad noor
they are all nice people to work with working with time time passed fast hehe^^
today i woke up at 2pm sleep at around 9 to 11AM today yesterday all the way editing blog HTML so rush to work from tired work till awake haha^^
by the way tommorrow it's my Motor Prac 2..!! im so worry hope to pass all!!
my dream bike Phantom i sketch this to wish to ride it!!

ya gonna post the picture of 31 DECEMBER 2009 THURSDAY Count Down in work place hehe^^ not bad the people are also great:
Faiz, Cherlene, Reezal, Christine and Jobanjit
Jobanjit it's a tall indian guy he look handsome he can be a model remind me of the top man model:

This look like Jobanjit.
i got a lame story for him imagine customer passes by COFFEE CLUB without knowing it's coffee club saw Jobanjit standing and thought that it's a display model for the dressing up store.
Christine took it i gonna show u how does coffee club look like? :

Coffee Club Floor where i usually stand.

lol that's me.

that's faiz he poser.

he stil actioning.

that's really wad it called cool guy.

wah that 1 too handsome aredy cant be help.

hey that's christine and me my manager she's very nice manager good to work with nice person like her.

back rolle from left Reezal, Jobanjit and me.
front rolle from Cherlene Left Christine right.

COFFEE CLUB a cup above the rest!!

another view of floor.

me twist..!!

i know i kind of look like ghost but cool any way to me.

From left jobanjit, me and Cherlene Cherlene it's a a cute girl u can guest wad her age she small girl..!!

from Left Cherlene, Reezal, Jobanjit and Me.
sry i did not take any photo for today no camerar phone lost aredy so now i'm still trying to draw how Bi Qi look like sorry!!

some damn rougth sketch!! ugly i know but never mind cant get it accurately atleast some thing similer

Jobanjit Singth trying to draw him but not that accurate sia just draw wad's in my mind.

Landel cant recall how he look like so draw him by looking.
so everything it's not copy righted.
not bad working was great enjoy it not because i like working it's the people that make it fun people play apart in my life make life flow colorfully i love everyone around my work place today i work with:
Jobanjit Singth from INDIA BUNJABI
Landel from PHilipine
Bi Qi (angry hehe^^)
Muhamad noor
they are all nice people to work with working with time time passed fast hehe^^
today i woke up at 2pm sleep at around 9 to 11AM today yesterday all the way editing blog HTML so rush to work from tired work till awake haha^^
by the way tommorrow it's my Motor Prac 2..!! im so worry hope to pass all!!
my dream bike Phantom i sketch this to wish to ride it!!

ya gonna post the picture of 31 DECEMBER 2009 THURSDAY Count Down in work place hehe^^ not bad the people are also great:
Faiz, Cherlene, Reezal, Christine and Jobanjit
Jobanjit it's a tall indian guy he look handsome he can be a model remind me of the top man model:

This look like Jobanjit.
i got a lame story for him imagine customer passes by COFFEE CLUB without knowing it's coffee club saw Jobanjit standing and thought that it's a display model for the dressing up store.
Christine took it i gonna show u how does coffee club look like? :

Coffee Club Floor where i usually stand.

lol that's me.

that's faiz he poser.

he stil actioning.

that's really wad it called cool guy.

wah that 1 too handsome aredy cant be help.

hey that's christine and me my manager she's very nice manager good to work with nice person like her.

back rolle from left Reezal, Jobanjit and me.
front rolle from Cherlene Left Christine right.

COFFEE CLUB a cup above the rest!!

another view of floor.

me twist..!!

i know i kind of look like ghost but cool any way to me.

From left jobanjit, me and Cherlene Cherlene it's a a cute girl u can guest wad her age she small girl..!!

from Left Cherlene, Reezal, Jobanjit and Me.