Saturday, July 3, 2010
Saturday, July 3, 2010
today service woot..! power great movie my church got there THE CLIMB:

was crying during the movie glad im not the only 1 crying.
< >
carry on with ma story THE MONSTERICAL PLANT - LOZ & JADE met MATIN in the school and MATIN intro them to the rest of the school mate:

they where class mate after all LOZ was scared by the PISTOL pointed on his head by MATIN.
MARTIN: haha..!! that was fun seeing u scared. by the way lets go!
LOZ: z..! ok!
JADE: ^^

MARTIN was introducing to them their hide out while walking:
MARTIN: our superb hide out is at the computer lab it was freaking safe we got the view of the whole school haha^^
LOZ & JADE: that's cool..!!
MARTIN: be be shock seeing the rest of us will surprise you who is there!
LOZ: looking forward to it ha...!

they reached the door step of the computer lab:
MARTIN: look DA! DANG....!! the computer lab our best hide out ever the wash room is just near by.
LOZ & JADE: woah...!
MARTIN: hehe..! the rest are inside as well.

they enter the computer lab seeing the rest of them waving " HI....!!"
MARTIN: hey..!! look what we got here!
MARTIN, LOZ & JADE: HI...........!!

is was welly aranged by them placing the computer around as their CCTV and lots of signal as well.
food, drink and survivng good are welly stored up for the midst of danger.
they are school mate after all!

they met ALPHA & BILLY in the lab!

they formed into a team of 5 person they are greeting and discuss about the the things here.

they are chatting and putting down their stuff.
ALPHA: hey! LOZ! here is our CCTV that we used to keep watch the whole building that's how MARTIN found you because it was his turn everyone will have to take turns.
LOZ: OH i see interesting! so after MARTIN who will take the turn?
APLHA: hmm...! good question! BILLY will take the turn but usually BILLY takes the turn he will struggler with fear he is known as a coward!
LOZ: haha..!! that's funny!
BILLY CUTS IN the CONVERSATION: hey! hey! hey! how chould you guys call me a coward ? remember during our detention time whos the coward that dare not escape from the detention??
ALPHA: ok! ok! fine...!! by the way im not a bad kid any way.
LOZ: we are all bad kid come on..!!
BILLY: yeah...!!
MARTIN: ....zzZZ!

while they are chatting MARTIN spotted something in a CCTV it's a moving thing he got no ideal what the hell is that he asked the rest to take a look at what the hell is that..!
MARTIN: hey..!! guys!!
LOZ, JADE, ALPHA & BILLY: yeah..? what's up..?
MARTIN: look theres something moving around the canteen wonder what the hell is that some 1 have to take the turn to go check it out what the hell is that?
ALPHA: awr..! it gonna be a shitty moment!!
MARTIN: my turn is already over so come on next person take the turn!

no 1 restponded much MARTIN was pissed off asking for atleast 1 person to take the turn!
MARTIN: hey! DUDE!! that damn thing is moving it is really wierd thing at the canteen some 1 go get rid of that shit piece...!!

since no 1 restpond MARTIN passed the turn to BILLY it was aredy set before BILLY should take the turn.
MARTIN: hey..! PRETTY BOY..!! its your turn!! go...! we play fair games take this pistol it's your turn!
BILLY: not againt what a damn luck after all..!!
ALPHA: hahaha..!! that's what i mean by BILLY is known as a coward!
BILLY: ok fine..!! i go i'll show you who gonna be the hero here..!!
it was BILLY turn due to his rot luck he always get the turn where things flow scarily.
today service woot..! power great movie my church got there THE CLIMB:

was crying during the movie glad im not the only 1 crying.
< >
carry on with ma story THE MONSTERICAL PLANT - LOZ & JADE met MATIN in the school and MATIN intro them to the rest of the school mate:

they where class mate after all LOZ was scared by the PISTOL pointed on his head by MATIN.
MARTIN: haha..!! that was fun seeing u scared. by the way lets go!
LOZ: z..! ok!
JADE: ^^

MARTIN was introducing to them their hide out while walking:
MARTIN: our superb hide out is at the computer lab it was freaking safe we got the view of the whole school haha^^
LOZ & JADE: that's cool..!!
MARTIN: be be shock seeing the rest of us will surprise you who is there!
LOZ: looking forward to it ha...!

they reached the door step of the computer lab:
MARTIN: look DA! DANG....!! the computer lab our best hide out ever the wash room is just near by.
LOZ & JADE: woah...!
MARTIN: hehe..! the rest are inside as well.

they enter the computer lab seeing the rest of them waving " HI....!!"
MARTIN: hey..!! look what we got here!
MARTIN, LOZ & JADE: HI...........!!

is was welly aranged by them placing the computer around as their CCTV and lots of signal as well.
food, drink and survivng good are welly stored up for the midst of danger.
they are school mate after all!

they met ALPHA & BILLY in the lab!

they formed into a team of 5 person they are greeting and discuss about the the things here.

they are chatting and putting down their stuff.
ALPHA: hey! LOZ! here is our CCTV that we used to keep watch the whole building that's how MARTIN found you because it was his turn everyone will have to take turns.
LOZ: OH i see interesting! so after MARTIN who will take the turn?
APLHA: hmm...! good question! BILLY will take the turn but usually BILLY takes the turn he will struggler with fear he is known as a coward!
LOZ: haha..!! that's funny!
BILLY CUTS IN the CONVERSATION: hey! hey! hey! how chould you guys call me a coward ? remember during our detention time whos the coward that dare not escape from the detention??
ALPHA: ok! ok! fine...!! by the way im not a bad kid any way.
LOZ: we are all bad kid come on..!!
BILLY: yeah...!!
MARTIN: ....zzZZ!

while they are chatting MARTIN spotted something in a CCTV it's a moving thing he got no ideal what the hell is that he asked the rest to take a look at what the hell is that..!
MARTIN: hey..!! guys!!
LOZ, JADE, ALPHA & BILLY: yeah..? what's up..?
MARTIN: look theres something moving around the canteen wonder what the hell is that some 1 have to take the turn to go check it out what the hell is that?
ALPHA: awr..! it gonna be a shitty moment!!
MARTIN: my turn is already over so come on next person take the turn!

no 1 restponded much MARTIN was pissed off asking for atleast 1 person to take the turn!
MARTIN: hey! DUDE!! that damn thing is moving it is really wierd thing at the canteen some 1 go get rid of that shit piece...!!

since no 1 restpond MARTIN passed the turn to BILLY it was aredy set before BILLY should take the turn.
MARTIN: hey..! PRETTY BOY..!! its your turn!! go...! we play fair games take this pistol it's your turn!
BILLY: not againt what a damn luck after all..!!
ALPHA: hahaha..!! that's what i mean by BILLY is known as a coward!
BILLY: ok fine..!! i go i'll show you who gonna be the hero here..!!
it was BILLY turn due to his rot luck he always get the turn where things flow scarily.