Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
you can make a guest what i draw:

it's a place in SINGAPORE guest where? i scribbler it with pen.
i didnt make it to school today due to my infection so stay at home rest hoping to get well.
this coming saturday is my prac 6, booked a circuit revision before my prac 6, yesterday i went to warm up with my circuit revision. i really need practice didnt go for my prac for really long time. been disappointed for too long.
today i watched a movie call GAMEBOY KIDS (1992) andy lau movie, there's Aaron KWON in this movie they are so cool during thsoe day. hope to see them act again.

nice action movie without violence but idiotic action with humour, watched it through MIO TV. actually i clicked it by accident that's why i watched it.
by the way today had my night supper with HUI YANG at ang mo kio central macdonald.
you can make a guest what i draw:

it's a place in SINGAPORE guest where? i scribbler it with pen.
i didnt make it to school today due to my infection so stay at home rest hoping to get well.
this coming saturday is my prac 6, booked a circuit revision before my prac 6, yesterday i went to warm up with my circuit revision. i really need practice didnt go for my prac for really long time. been disappointed for too long.
today i watched a movie call GAMEBOY KIDS (1992) andy lau movie, there's Aaron KWON in this movie they are so cool during thsoe day. hope to see them act again.

nice action movie without violence but idiotic action with humour, watched it through MIO TV. actually i clicked it by accident that's why i watched it.
by the way today had my night supper with HUI YANG at ang mo kio central macdonald.