awesome day of lg fellowshiping
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
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im on MC for a long day due to my leg sadly, i wanna go back to work i need the income. i running out of cash soon.
no work making me wonder how am i going to replenish mack my money?
by the way now it's already 4:08AM, im still not sleep yet updating about wad happen on that date stated above:
today i was totally bored at home, wondering wad to do having mc from work having no income.
was logging into the net, searching for TAKO YAKI PAN. found a few detail of places to get it, DAISO or TAKASHIMAYA; so i decided to make my way down to TAKASHIMAYA to buy my TAKOYAKI PAN, i wanna make TAKOYAKI at home as my snack to fly my day by like a kite.
i get changed and washed up make my way down half way entering the MRT, i was facing the MRT door about to go in half way the door open, saw two person standing side by side facing me with those damn firmilier face.
it's LIANNA and MING XIANG, surprised by their present, both of them stepped out of the MRT wondering where am i going; with the word:"where you going? we are having our LG at YIO CHU KANG STADIUM for a jog".
i replied with a stunt:"huh? LG at this early timing? i thought i still got lots of time to make my way to TAKASHIMAYA to buy my TAKOYAKI PAN"
LIANNA answered with a eye strucking up saying:" LG is at 3:00PM now is aredy 2PM+, it's about to start"
so im speechless replying:" oic!". we a change of mine i decided to follow them instead of getting my damn TAKOYAKI PAN, but deep down in my heart i wan to own my own TAKO YAKI PAN badly and desperately.
so after all i tabbed in the station for nothing, gladly it doesn't cause much due to my student fair. so i make my way down to YIO CHU KANG STADIUM following them. met MING QUAN and some of the rest, meeting them excite me.
i tooked picture randomly during the timing where i just reached the stadium; where MING XIANG settled down taking out his LAB TOP in hand.

the reflected face on the screen of the lab top is ming xiang.
plan of jogging is kind of ruined by those people playing their touch rugby, so tobias decided to choose a damn location which is his school NAN YANG POLY, i was kind of pissed of transpassing people school just for damn jogging, i rather make my way down to BISHAN STADIUM isn't it much better? but no choice rest of them so long for cheap MACDONALD and using their place for free.
i was speechless, after all the only good thing there is the macdonald and that's it. so i decided not to jog out of 2 reason, 1st reason is my leg isn't that well yet, 2ndly using their place is really a bad ideal.
any school that i doesn't belong to i will just hate it without a reason.
when making our way out of the place i was so happy it's like finally can get the hell damn outcasting shit out of there.
hanged around ANG MO KIO roam around till the night come, i love hanging out with them some how, but not in the place i dun like to be.
that's all for today
< >
2 random photo taken during the last week LG, was rehersing for LG with MING XIANG and LIANNA:

taken using the mac book pro that i brought to lg.
using mac book to upload:

im on MC for a long day due to my leg sadly, i wanna go back to work i need the income. i running out of cash soon.
no work making me wonder how am i going to replenish mack my money?
by the way now it's already 4:08AM, im still not sleep yet updating about wad happen on that date stated above:

was logging into the net, searching for TAKO YAKI PAN. found a few detail of places to get it, DAISO or TAKASHIMAYA; so i decided to make my way down to TAKASHIMAYA to buy my TAKOYAKI PAN, i wanna make TAKOYAKI at home as my snack to fly my day by like a kite.
i get changed and washed up make my way down half way entering the MRT, i was facing the MRT door about to go in half way the door open, saw two person standing side by side facing me with those damn firmilier face.
it's LIANNA and MING XIANG, surprised by their present, both of them stepped out of the MRT wondering where am i going; with the word:"where you going? we are having our LG at YIO CHU KANG STADIUM for a jog".
i replied with a stunt:"huh? LG at this early timing? i thought i still got lots of time to make my way to TAKASHIMAYA to buy my TAKOYAKI PAN"
LIANNA answered with a eye strucking up saying:" LG is at 3:00PM now is aredy 2PM+, it's about to start"
so im speechless replying:" oic!". we a change of mine i decided to follow them instead of getting my damn TAKOYAKI PAN, but deep down in my heart i wan to own my own TAKO YAKI PAN badly and desperately.
so after all i tabbed in the station for nothing, gladly it doesn't cause much due to my student fair. so i make my way down to YIO CHU KANG STADIUM following them. met MING QUAN and some of the rest, meeting them excite me.
i tooked picture randomly during the timing where i just reached the stadium; where MING XIANG settled down taking out his LAB TOP in hand.

the reflected face on the screen of the lab top is ming xiang.
plan of jogging is kind of ruined by those people playing their touch rugby, so tobias decided to choose a damn location which is his school NAN YANG POLY, i was kind of pissed of transpassing people school just for damn jogging, i rather make my way down to BISHAN STADIUM isn't it much better? but no choice rest of them so long for cheap MACDONALD and using their place for free.
i was speechless, after all the only good thing there is the macdonald and that's it. so i decided not to jog out of 2 reason, 1st reason is my leg isn't that well yet, 2ndly using their place is really a bad ideal.
any school that i doesn't belong to i will just hate it without a reason.
when making our way out of the place i was so happy it's like finally can get the hell damn outcasting shit out of there.
hanged around ANG MO KIO roam around till the night come, i love hanging out with them some how, but not in the place i dun like to be.
that's all for today
< >
2 random photo taken during the last week LG, was rehersing for LG with MING XIANG and LIANNA:

taken using the mac book pro that i brought to lg.