Friday, October 15, 2010
Friday, October 15, 2010
not like things flow accordingly, not any event or work day like i expected.
but it's still a day i step out of my house like as usual.
a settled and gentle wind flow by my face calmly; caused me a blink with astonishment, looking out to the tree that given a block to the sun; releasing a countless mess of yellowish leaf with lazy daze filled up the ground.
i started looking at the date wondering "what a season of leaf fall".
after a second of stare; i decided to take picture of it and that's why the picture appear here. it was a relaxing to the eye to my own point of view.
actuall the reason why i leave the house, is to meet out with my fellow friends and mate for a swimm and sun tanning. listing down here who was there:
HAFIZ, LYCA(HAIZ love 1, if im not wrong that's her name), SYAFIQ, ZAHIRA and ZAHIRA boy friend; RAICA(if im not wrong that's his name).
did snap a shot:

yeah!; a random 1 haha^^.
actually didn't play much there's always a different between hanging out with pure gender and mix gender, if you compare a mix gender and a pure gender hangout; pure gender hangout will bring fun to the limit breaking. for a mix gender idle the male or a female will stay cool and not expressing who they really are.
example: with a girl around the guy will remain cool and prevent unglamness instead of going wild and expressing their fun as a outing.
with guy around the girl will stay so glamorously instead of fooling around as who she truly is.
that's my own point of view; based on my own experience.
after the fun time at the beach, oops! i mean my fun time at the beach; went to wash up and change.
rushed off to SONGS OF THE SEA for work with HAFIZ and SUHAILA. SUHAILA long pang HAFIZ and me with BICYCLER -_-!!, wierd right?. but it's true; we tried all kinds of technic to feet 3 person in 1 pathetic bicycler. after so many way of feeting manage to travel smoothly, it really works.
amazing thing is SUHAILA managed to paddle it; with 2 person squeezing behind.
it was really humorous, laugthing while trying; i can admit it's humourous; it's because the public who saw did laugth.
another picture shot during after work:

HALLOWEEN FESTIVAL is really close, seeing places around being decorated in a HALLOWEEN theme.
after the work meet out with the rest for late night dinner at the HOKKER.
< >
actually my fun time at the beach is building SAND CASTLE:
A sand castle is something we can keep building it. when building a sand castle it may seems endless, but 1 thing about building a sand castle is to show a person perseverence through the process of extending the sand castle.
the more effort we place in it; the more it will grow and conquer up the rock. there's many choice of area to extend to.
there's still a circumstances of sea flooding it away, but it still have to go on extending stronger and stronger for it strong hold.
it must keep extending instead of stopping there, we will never know how much area it could conquer. keep increasing it and we will see how gigantic it will become.
it got alot of potential area it can occupied, keep growing without stopping.
who knows the sand castle can formed into a reclamed land, you will never know.
that will apply to your life as well, keep improving yourself, although it may take alot of effort but there's always a room for improvement we will never know how supreme it could be unless we perservere through.
it's a promise that life will not be like a bed of rose, there's always a trouble ahead us how we shape to it not how it shape us. through overcoming trouble and trial we will grow even stronger.

today i had been working extending the castle can't believe it did give me inspiration.
not like things flow accordingly, not any event or work day like i expected.

a settled and gentle wind flow by my face calmly; caused me a blink with astonishment, looking out to the tree that given a block to the sun; releasing a countless mess of yellowish leaf with lazy daze filled up the ground.
i started looking at the date wondering "what a season of leaf fall".
after a second of stare; i decided to take picture of it and that's why the picture appear here. it was a relaxing to the eye to my own point of view.
actuall the reason why i leave the house, is to meet out with my fellow friends and mate for a swimm and sun tanning. listing down here who was there:
HAFIZ, LYCA(HAIZ love 1, if im not wrong that's her name), SYAFIQ, ZAHIRA and ZAHIRA boy friend; RAICA(if im not wrong that's his name).
did snap a shot:

yeah!; a random 1 haha^^.
actually didn't play much there's always a different between hanging out with pure gender and mix gender, if you compare a mix gender and a pure gender hangout; pure gender hangout will bring fun to the limit breaking. for a mix gender idle the male or a female will stay cool and not expressing who they really are.
example: with a girl around the guy will remain cool and prevent unglamness instead of going wild and expressing their fun as a outing.
with guy around the girl will stay so glamorously instead of fooling around as who she truly is.
that's my own point of view; based on my own experience.
after the fun time at the beach, oops! i mean my fun time at the beach; went to wash up and change.
rushed off to SONGS OF THE SEA for work with HAFIZ and SUHAILA. SUHAILA long pang HAFIZ and me with BICYCLER -_-!!, wierd right?. but it's true; we tried all kinds of technic to feet 3 person in 1 pathetic bicycler. after so many way of feeting manage to travel smoothly, it really works.
amazing thing is SUHAILA managed to paddle it; with 2 person squeezing behind.
it was really humorous, laugthing while trying; i can admit it's humourous; it's because the public who saw did laugth.
another picture shot during after work:

HALLOWEEN FESTIVAL is really close, seeing places around being decorated in a HALLOWEEN theme.
after the work meet out with the rest for late night dinner at the HOKKER.
< >
actually my fun time at the beach is building SAND CASTLE:

the more effort we place in it; the more it will grow and conquer up the rock. there's many choice of area to extend to.
there's still a circumstances of sea flooding it away, but it still have to go on extending stronger and stronger for it strong hold.
it must keep extending instead of stopping there, we will never know how much area it could conquer. keep increasing it and we will see how gigantic it will become.
it got alot of potential area it can occupied, keep growing without stopping.
who knows the sand castle can formed into a reclamed land, you will never know.
that will apply to your life as well, keep improving yourself, although it may take alot of effort but there's always a room for improvement we will never know how supreme it could be unless we perservere through.
it's a promise that life will not be like a bed of rose, there's always a trouble ahead us how we shape to it not how it shape us. through overcoming trouble and trial we will grow even stronger.

today i had been working extending the castle can't believe it did give me inspiration.