fail my TP; felt real down. gonna carry on with life anyway on my holiday experiment.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
how am i gonna explane those feeling of failing TP for the 2nd round.
the night before the TRAFFIC POLICE TEST, i couldn't sleep been really worried and confuse on how the TP gonna be. the feel of getting posses with worry and fear; to the extend where my heart pump real fast where it trigger my blood to rush through my vessel; where motion took place like a nudge of a current.
been rolling around trying to get to sleep; subjective worrisome repeatively idealing around my mind which caused me to loose breath; to the extend where my body is wet by a cold sweat. an out break of nervousness is preveil. something keep flowing into my mind which is a thought of negativity saying to me that; im just not called up to ride a bike. with frustration i burst out with a piss anger; cannot be riding bike is my dream. i been working toward it for real long time; despite my limitation of finance, i will willingly sacrifice my time to get a part time job and a free lance job; just to gather that required sum of money for booking all my practical and TP test.
i went through those long journey with lots of obstacle which standing my way, more and more i hated my life and my untalented ness. im good at nothing; which said by how my pathetic life i had. passing this TP test means alot to me which hardly anyone can understand.
passing this TP test will add a point of deduction of my hated part of my life. some of my friend tell me GOD don't want me to ride bike; it's too dangerous. that's what my uncler and mom told me as well; same thing.
if god want me to ride bike i could have pass at the 1st attempt; i seriously pissed of by those rubbish. my as well ask me to give up in my dream and work. bike is my dream i want a bike; those word is all what they think. pure bullshit.
it's discouraging not even an encourage to me; i never gonna give up. idle i got a bike or live a hopeless life. there's nothing out there gonna fulfill my feelings and my emotion; only thing left is passing my TP and get a bike; it's a damn burden for years; which i haven't get through it yet.
how exactly different is; through the road revision the controlling of bike is much more easy. but went come to the TP time; wonder why am i got to nervous which im got controled instead.
i trying to stay calmn and even get the confident; but that doesn't work. the power of nervous kill away everything.
how exactly it's is i step into the room which everyone around who taking the TP test. i seated according to my number tag 21. everyone is around waiting for their turn to proceed to the test. the release 2 student at a time; it go 2 people a time; till 1 person clear they will release 1 more.
seeing the number of people proceeded followed by me; it really nervous. it's totally different from the PRACTICAL 7 and 4. which they release lots by lots instead of 2 people taking the test in a time.
through the test i already know i not gonna make it this round; but the damn false hope keep coming into my mind telling me that there's still a hope in passing. i is bullshit; i hate false hope.
i think is normal for human to see hope in things; but the fact there's no hope. there's no such thing as hope; only possibility. that already telling how foolish human being are.
show you my result slip how terrible it's:

(you can click to see it bigger, hope someone can explane to me what exactly WOBBLE and inappropriate posture means>)

that's the result that display the point; most of it is from WOBBLE damn. the shit thing is posture also they wanna count; and the green arrow dissappear so sudden i follow the green arrow sign but ended up it went off. that doesn't happen before but today; screw my luck seriously. previous attempt ig ot 34 point.
look what happen today; 66 point. it getting worst instead.
wonder how ; what can i do about it.
they state the point and mistake without saying where exactly it's. wobble and blind spot should indicate where exactly it's. signal wrong also should give a map and explane clearly where it is. now the problem here is they never let me know the mistake specifictly: wonder how am i gonna improve? fucking arrogant seriously those TP.
they are not sincere at all to give me the mistake in proper detail.
the previous round they also did not say the mistake exactly where it's, how am i gonna learn from it? it's really unfair.
seriously they are so dead.
< >
before mentioning about what exactly i gonna do; share to you some history of how those stuff are.
by the way from the pass few day i been gathering information on how to make party material like fire cracker rocket; i found no infomation on it; thought moon cake festival gonna be a good time to play rocket and fire work. gonna bring the spirit of the chinese celebration back. in the dynasty time chinese create and discover GUN POWDER and flammable stuff 1st; before the western travel over to china to learn from the chinese.
in the pass the chinese inventerd gun powder and fire cracker for new year celebration and party admosphere; never once they use it as weapon to hurt; come to a fight they will play a clean game like; fist to fist or cross melee weapon instead of chemical and explotion.
till the day where the western travel over to explore and gather information of gun powder and fire cracker. they decided to use the concept to make weapon that will kill people. how cruel and self fist they are in the pass; they use the gun powder to make gun and end up they use it to kill the chinese in the pass. they start bullying people; that's the reason why CHINA decided to rise up and in all midst they will go all way to stop the bully case; that's where they become so defensive and armed up with weapon as well.
the western have to history of bullying; that can be a possibility why there is terrorist; the ideal of dun powder as weapon been pass around till; now there's concept of newer and stronger impact of gun and bomb.
even now the terrorist equiped with gun and bomb; if the western don't come out the ideal of making gun powder as a weapon; the terrorist could have fight with PA RANG (knife) instead; it will be much more easier to stop the terrorist.
every nation will keep rising again another nation; the symbol that tells that is the NUCLEAR weapon they obtain. see now NORTH KOREA arm them self with lot of nuclear.
the american always want to invent new source of power that give much more efficiently; but instead they will make it as weapon as well; nothing they invent that will not be made as weapon.
power can goes on stronger and stronger; but 1 thing the earth will not beable to take it. Armageddon!
i found ideal of turning water into fire: ammonia nitrate, salt, ZINC powder; glind it together to form a black powder. make sure there's no water around or even the sweat. when any water keep contact with the black powder; it will ignite and cause green flame explotion. deadly sia. i saw it in the internet; think they gonna bann it real soon.
PING PONG BALL it a table tennis ball; which look small and harmless.
it easily be crushed just with bare finger, in order to form it back to round shape after the crush; place it in a boiling water. the heat will cause the inner air to expend.
it look real simple though; but it make up of a real material as a classic film strap of a movie film and a tape, which is highly flammable; just a fire that keep contact with the ping pong ball it will cause a chain of burn that rapture the the ping pong ball off.
fire ping pong ball can cause smoke mist; like a smoke bomb; usually joker like to cruch the ping pong ball and compress it into a rubbish ball from and wrap it with aluminum foil wrapper. it will form into a tight sealed ball; try linking a fire cracker stick to keep contact with the pink pong ball and stick out.
it will look like a bomb shape; when you light it up the spark will produce and trace after the stick that keep contact with the ping pong ball inside. when the ping pong ball keep contact with the fire, the flamming ping pong start react in the aluminum foil where causes the sealing aluminum to expend with lots of smoke licking out like a smoke mist.
i tried the method of aluminum foil wrapping up a match stick tightly and lighting it up; the match stick will got flamed up where the smoke and blow; will burn and penetrate through the aluminum foil; where smoke of mist will release out.
it's a cool stuff, its a small and really effective, especially if your kitchen cabinet infested by cockroach; you can make one and through it in the cabinet and smoke the cabinet from the inside; while the match reacting quickly close up the cabinet let the smoke chock the cockroach. trapping the smoke inside the cabinet.
how exactly it look like:
how exactly it look like; this is like a blank. it already got burned away.
can be made better then this. tomorrow after noon gonna try make it again; gonna test it on cockroach and pest.
gonna make 1 video of how the smoke bomb gonna work like.
< >
oh yeah about yesterday movie i watch: BRUNO the gay movie which i watched yesterday by accident:
the FAG relationship they in. BRUNO and DIESEL was together it show in the start of the movie.
diesel is bruno 1st gay fag friend: which they in an affair. terrible row play they had; sickening. when BRUNO lost his job as a funky model career; DIESEL dummed him and ran away with other gay fag.
for a girl who dump a guy because the guy lost his job; the word to mention that type of girl is: "BITCH"
for a gay FAG wonder what word to descript: cannot be BITCH. BITCH only apply to girl but not GAY FAG; wonder what word to use haha^^ cannot be slut also, prostitute or GIGOLO? cannot be that is among guy and girl; definitely not GAY FAG.
that word doesn't exist; thats show GAY shouldn't exist. no 1 is born gay; only influence of the environment that they brought up from. HOMOSEXUAL is a human error due to the terrible family back round they got.
for a person who get attracted by the same gender. that's obviously wrong and it's definitely a mistake.
show you 1 picture of a male and female cable:
if you wanna buy a audio extender to reach your computer to the further away stereo set definitely you need this cable.
the stereo will need to link to the female side, the male side of the cable have to link to the computer.
example if the person give you a cable which both side also male, you will definitely will feel like smacking that person; for not giving you the right thing. even if they give you both side female; it will make you curse and swear.
GOD created human a male and a female to link them; just like ADAM and EVE.
it never mention ADAM and BOB or EVE and SARAH. so have to face the fact if you are a guy means u should be a guy.
how am i gonna explane those feeling of failing TP for the 2nd round.
the night before the TRAFFIC POLICE TEST, i couldn't sleep been really worried and confuse on how the TP gonna be. the feel of getting posses with worry and fear; to the extend where my heart pump real fast where it trigger my blood to rush through my vessel; where motion took place like a nudge of a current.
been rolling around trying to get to sleep; subjective worrisome repeatively idealing around my mind which caused me to loose breath; to the extend where my body is wet by a cold sweat. an out break of nervousness is preveil. something keep flowing into my mind which is a thought of negativity saying to me that; im just not called up to ride a bike. with frustration i burst out with a piss anger; cannot be riding bike is my dream. i been working toward it for real long time; despite my limitation of finance, i will willingly sacrifice my time to get a part time job and a free lance job; just to gather that required sum of money for booking all my practical and TP test.
i went through those long journey with lots of obstacle which standing my way, more and more i hated my life and my untalented ness. im good at nothing; which said by how my pathetic life i had. passing this TP test means alot to me which hardly anyone can understand.
passing this TP test will add a point of deduction of my hated part of my life. some of my friend tell me GOD don't want me to ride bike; it's too dangerous. that's what my uncler and mom told me as well; same thing.
if god want me to ride bike i could have pass at the 1st attempt; i seriously pissed of by those rubbish. my as well ask me to give up in my dream and work. bike is my dream i want a bike; those word is all what they think. pure bullshit.
it's discouraging not even an encourage to me; i never gonna give up. idle i got a bike or live a hopeless life. there's nothing out there gonna fulfill my feelings and my emotion; only thing left is passing my TP and get a bike; it's a damn burden for years; which i haven't get through it yet.
how exactly different is; through the road revision the controlling of bike is much more easy. but went come to the TP time; wonder why am i got to nervous which im got controled instead.
i trying to stay calmn and even get the confident; but that doesn't work. the power of nervous kill away everything.
how exactly it's is i step into the room which everyone around who taking the TP test. i seated according to my number tag 21. everyone is around waiting for their turn to proceed to the test. the release 2 student at a time; it go 2 people a time; till 1 person clear they will release 1 more.
seeing the number of people proceeded followed by me; it really nervous. it's totally different from the PRACTICAL 7 and 4. which they release lots by lots instead of 2 people taking the test in a time.
through the test i already know i not gonna make it this round; but the damn false hope keep coming into my mind telling me that there's still a hope in passing. i is bullshit; i hate false hope.
i think is normal for human to see hope in things; but the fact there's no hope. there's no such thing as hope; only possibility. that already telling how foolish human being are.
show you my result slip how terrible it's:

(you can click to see it bigger, hope someone can explane to me what exactly WOBBLE and inappropriate posture means>)

that's the result that display the point; most of it is from WOBBLE damn. the shit thing is posture also they wanna count; and the green arrow dissappear so sudden i follow the green arrow sign but ended up it went off. that doesn't happen before but today; screw my luck seriously. previous attempt ig ot 34 point.

wonder how ; what can i do about it.
they state the point and mistake without saying where exactly it's. wobble and blind spot should indicate where exactly it's. signal wrong also should give a map and explane clearly where it is. now the problem here is they never let me know the mistake specifictly: wonder how am i gonna improve? fucking arrogant seriously those TP.
they are not sincere at all to give me the mistake in proper detail.
the previous round they also did not say the mistake exactly where it's, how am i gonna learn from it? it's really unfair.
seriously they are so dead.
< >
before mentioning about what exactly i gonna do; share to you some history of how those stuff are.

in the pass the chinese inventerd gun powder and fire cracker for new year celebration and party admosphere; never once they use it as weapon to hurt; come to a fight they will play a clean game like; fist to fist or cross melee weapon instead of chemical and explotion.
till the day where the western travel over to explore and gather information of gun powder and fire cracker. they decided to use the concept to make weapon that will kill people. how cruel and self fist they are in the pass; they use the gun powder to make gun and end up they use it to kill the chinese in the pass. they start bullying people; that's the reason why CHINA decided to rise up and in all midst they will go all way to stop the bully case; that's where they become so defensive and armed up with weapon as well.
the western have to history of bullying; that can be a possibility why there is terrorist; the ideal of dun powder as weapon been pass around till; now there's concept of newer and stronger impact of gun and bomb.
even now the terrorist equiped with gun and bomb; if the western don't come out the ideal of making gun powder as a weapon; the terrorist could have fight with PA RANG (knife) instead; it will be much more easier to stop the terrorist.
every nation will keep rising again another nation; the symbol that tells that is the NUCLEAR weapon they obtain. see now NORTH KOREA arm them self with lot of nuclear.
the american always want to invent new source of power that give much more efficiently; but instead they will make it as weapon as well; nothing they invent that will not be made as weapon.
power can goes on stronger and stronger; but 1 thing the earth will not beable to take it. Armageddon!
i found ideal of turning water into fire: ammonia nitrate, salt, ZINC powder; glind it together to form a black powder. make sure there's no water around or even the sweat. when any water keep contact with the black powder; it will ignite and cause green flame explotion. deadly sia. i saw it in the internet; think they gonna bann it real soon.

it easily be crushed just with bare finger, in order to form it back to round shape after the crush; place it in a boiling water. the heat will cause the inner air to expend.
it look real simple though; but it make up of a real material as a classic film strap of a movie film and a tape, which is highly flammable; just a fire that keep contact with the ping pong ball it will cause a chain of burn that rapture the the ping pong ball off.
fire ping pong ball can cause smoke mist; like a smoke bomb; usually joker like to cruch the ping pong ball and compress it into a rubbish ball from and wrap it with aluminum foil wrapper. it will form into a tight sealed ball; try linking a fire cracker stick to keep contact with the pink pong ball and stick out.
it will look like a bomb shape; when you light it up the spark will produce and trace after the stick that keep contact with the ping pong ball inside. when the ping pong ball keep contact with the fire, the flamming ping pong start react in the aluminum foil where causes the sealing aluminum to expend with lots of smoke licking out like a smoke mist.
i tried the method of aluminum foil wrapping up a match stick tightly and lighting it up; the match stick will got flamed up where the smoke and blow; will burn and penetrate through the aluminum foil; where smoke of mist will release out.
it's a cool stuff, its a small and really effective, especially if your kitchen cabinet infested by cockroach; you can make one and through it in the cabinet and smoke the cabinet from the inside; while the match reacting quickly close up the cabinet let the smoke chock the cockroach. trapping the smoke inside the cabinet.
how exactly it look like:

can be made better then this. tomorrow after noon gonna try make it again; gonna test it on cockroach and pest.
gonna make 1 video of how the smoke bomb gonna work like.
< >
oh yeah about yesterday movie i watch: BRUNO the gay movie which i watched yesterday by accident:

diesel is bruno 1st gay fag friend: which they in an affair. terrible row play they had; sickening. when BRUNO lost his job as a funky model career; DIESEL dummed him and ran away with other gay fag.
for a girl who dump a guy because the guy lost his job; the word to mention that type of girl is: "BITCH"
for a gay FAG wonder what word to descript: cannot be BITCH. BITCH only apply to girl but not GAY FAG; wonder what word to use haha^^ cannot be slut also, prostitute or GIGOLO? cannot be that is among guy and girl; definitely not GAY FAG.
that word doesn't exist; thats show GAY shouldn't exist. no 1 is born gay; only influence of the environment that they brought up from. HOMOSEXUAL is a human error due to the terrible family back round they got.
for a person who get attracted by the same gender. that's obviously wrong and it's definitely a mistake.
show you 1 picture of a male and female cable:

the stereo will need to link to the female side, the male side of the cable have to link to the computer.
example if the person give you a cable which both side also male, you will definitely will feel like smacking that person; for not giving you the right thing. even if they give you both side female; it will make you curse and swear.
GOD created human a male and a female to link them; just like ADAM and EVE.
it never mention ADAM and BOB or EVE and SARAH. so have to face the fact if you are a guy means u should be a guy.