Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
a boring day as usuall school and slacking moment after school:

slacked with SYAFIQ, HAFAIZ and LE CHUAN under a block.
i think i have to stop smoking aredy, i must quit before it too late.
oh yeah! by the way heard from my friend that my name no longer appear in the S.O.S schdule meaning im jobless now, they fired me i guest so.
no money no dream definitly, so im just a living dead man, becoz once a person who lost his dream it consider a dead man like i am right now.
was so pissed off till speechless, when im speechless doesn't mean im handless; i got nothing to say but something to draw and scribbler.
i was angrily scribbleling:

the pirate fought againts the GOD of the sea POSEIDON, the whole sea was stormed terrifyingly; but the PIRATE fought it through to survive and make his way to become god.

the pirate penetrate through the sea hurricane to make his to getrid of the SEA GOD POSEIDON.
the SEA GOD got slashed by the PIRATE; the PIRATE swinged his hook with a slash of beam penetrated through the SEA GOD. the SEA GOD got eliminated.

the death of the SEA GOD causes destruction of the sea; it flushed endlessly with a wave.
the PIRATE was surfing through to look for the SEA GOD head and folk spear in order to optaint the power of the SEA GOD.

through the surf and search the PIRATE found the SEA GOD HEAD AND FOLK SPEAR; POSEIDON POWER optained.
next the pirate gonna head toward MOUNT OLYMPIA and gether his crew member back.
a boring day as usuall school and slacking moment after school:

slacked with SYAFIQ, HAFAIZ and LE CHUAN under a block.
i think i have to stop smoking aredy, i must quit before it too late.
oh yeah! by the way heard from my friend that my name no longer appear in the S.O.S schdule meaning im jobless now, they fired me i guest so.
no money no dream definitly, so im just a living dead man, becoz once a person who lost his dream it consider a dead man like i am right now.
was so pissed off till speechless, when im speechless doesn't mean im handless; i got nothing to say but something to draw and scribbler.
i was angrily scribbleling:

the pirate fought againts the GOD of the sea POSEIDON, the whole sea was stormed terrifyingly; but the PIRATE fought it through to survive and make his way to become god.

the pirate penetrate through the sea hurricane to make his to getrid of the SEA GOD POSEIDON.
the SEA GOD got slashed by the PIRATE; the PIRATE swinged his hook with a slash of beam penetrated through the SEA GOD. the SEA GOD got eliminated.

the death of the SEA GOD causes destruction of the sea; it flushed endlessly with a wave.
the PIRATE was surfing through to look for the SEA GOD head and folk spear in order to optaint the power of the SEA GOD.

through the surf and search the PIRATE found the SEA GOD HEAD AND FOLK SPEAR; POSEIDON POWER optained.
next the pirate gonna head toward MOUNT OLYMPIA and gether his crew member back.