reconstruct the earth into heaven; is it really possible?
Monday, October 17, 2011
show you what i draw today:
today went to school late; class start at 8 i reached at 1pm+. my lecture MR RAJAH is care free; that's the good point.
today ended at 4pm+ suddently don't feel like going back home. instead i head down to TECK WHYE to find my mom.
think about it i realize i got a difficulty drawing: screw my mind, screw my hand. im wonder why i loose grip of it. lost hand of it really a quick.
i didn't draw for quit long; long before i even went of the THAILAND trip. now having such difficulty.
what i trying to draw is the description of the millennial kingdom; wonder how does earth turn into heaven. it kind of weird; heaven will come down to earth?
i thought heaven is located a another DIMENSION; wonder why do the end time course talks about the day of the millennial kingdom come; where the earth will be restore to a beautiful heaven. im actually thinking how disgusting the earth gonna be in future, it kind of turn me off making me wonder how can such a disgusting planet gonna be heaven.
im thinking if earth is heaven i will rather go hell. i been doing research on JESUS will come back the 2nd time with the group of his partner to restore the earth. (reconstruct is what people explane to me)
human mind really limited; they use word that can never descript how it's. so i trying to go beyond word to descript isn't it like that?
it mention in the BIBLE the son of man with the 7 lamb stand. could it be like that?
im thinking reconstruct can it be like that? refer to the drawing:

i been trying to imagine how it gonna look like turning the earth into heaven?
with my human limited mind causes me to sketch it out.
the end time course place alot of ? in my mind.
show you what i draw today:

today ended at 4pm+ suddently don't feel like going back home. instead i head down to TECK WHYE to find my mom.
think about it i realize i got a difficulty drawing: screw my mind, screw my hand. im wonder why i loose grip of it. lost hand of it really a quick.
i didn't draw for quit long; long before i even went of the THAILAND trip. now having such difficulty.
what i trying to draw is the description of the millennial kingdom; wonder how does earth turn into heaven. it kind of weird; heaven will come down to earth?
i thought heaven is located a another DIMENSION; wonder why do the end time course talks about the day of the millennial kingdom come; where the earth will be restore to a beautiful heaven. im actually thinking how disgusting the earth gonna be in future, it kind of turn me off making me wonder how can such a disgusting planet gonna be heaven.
im thinking if earth is heaven i will rather go hell. i been doing research on JESUS will come back the 2nd time with the group of his partner to restore the earth. (reconstruct is what people explane to me)
human mind really limited; they use word that can never descript how it's. so i trying to go beyond word to descript isn't it like that?
it mention in the BIBLE the son of man with the 7 lamb stand. could it be like that?
im thinking reconstruct can it be like that? refer to the drawing:

i been trying to imagine how it gonna look like turning the earth into heaven?
with my human limited mind causes me to sketch it out.
the end time course place alot of ? in my mind.