post for all those day i never post
29 August 2009 Saturday Service day
damn im late for service today service not bad jasemine poon teaching for today sermon when service end suddently saw johnathan lim appear then ask him follow me hang around.
joseph , john , johnathan and me hang around today no Xin Mei dare not call her she studying so 4 of us go Clarke Quay for dinner and slack today joseph no car go Clarke Quay becoz im broke need go collect cash then can go explore around the hong kong street food area then we found this hallal western, chinese food store serve by a malay man who can speak chinese not bad.
after that went to Central Shopping mall opposite my mother place to look for snack to eat so can slack i didn;t know central got such nice place for snack at basement hehe^^ ever see a Giant Crab before ? it's such a beautiful Sushi store but quite poor thing they show video of people slottering fish with hand:

It's Japanese giant Crab

johnathan and me buy sushi and some nice japanese scalob and pregnant fish so later on 4 of us go to the Boat Quay to slack around and view the scenery of the damn dirty river and some pretty girl around just see only but no comment haha^^
28 August 2009 Friday
in school i nearly got killed by Yong Xiang my class mate i just make fun of him the took out the knife trying to force the knife in my stomach thank god i am fast enough to grab his hand i twisted his hand i was thinking should i smash his face or not i just hold on to him but i dun wanna hurt him i just push him away and he still wanna fight he say spare without weapon come on he aredy used a knife then i just use my leg all the way he freaking slow and clumsy still wanna pick a fight if i report to police say he wan use weapn assult he chould have been charge aredy.
Today it's friday end school 12 pm wah haa...! so zai can go home sleep.
i reach back home around 1+ gonna 2 pm then i kind of hungry im a vegetarian for the pass 2 day then today i went back home i cannot take it i saw a roasted chicken, roasted fish, roasted pork and sweet prawn i eat all up like a monster breaking the chicken and finish the fish eat them up haha^^
later full aredy go bath apply oilment in my face then go take a nap wake up at 7 - 8pm saw my brother friend at my house sian sia no privercy never mind go be friend with him my brother friend it's a fighter lol he hang a punching bag in my house i just punch and train with him abit.
around 10 pm like that my bro wanna borrow father car go to Old Changi Hospital but father dun wan lend car then later on my brother korean friend aredy reach my house area aredy then it's was a dissapoinment we just took cab together there's 4 person my bro, his fighter friend, his Krean friend and me.
wasted money took cab to pasir ris go red house so boring nothing special then took cab again to east coast there then later on take some picture most of the photo at my brother korean friend damn it he must email me the photo.
i ask that korean guy took a picture for me but abit blur:

here it is waiting for more picture from that korean guy he must email so can update more
freaking regret going out sia no car have to dawn over till 1st bus the korean guy went of aredy his friend in trouble gonna get beaten up real badly he gonna go help then only my bro, his fighter friend and me dawn how i wish i can go fight along but it's a stupid fight a group of korean guy fighting another group of korean guy lame shit.
i wanna see my brother fighter friend fight sia never see mai muay thai chaiya fight people before haha^^
27 August 2009 Thursday
today i watched the movie Final Destination with my school mate stupid show damn piss me off why they cant escape the death why all so stupid?
the crapper's thing its giving u the hope that they gonna escape the death in the end all died in a stupit way no 1 survived just a dissapointment.

there's Faiz, Hamzar, Hariz, Sharrif, Jessical, Lester, Estar and me went for the movie
it's was after school we went to Dhoby Ghaut Cathay i think around 3 pm like that they reach there but i go saperate way i went to Clarke Quay to get cash so can hang out the later on after collected i quickly rush to Dhoby Ghaut Cathay to meet them they get the 5pm movie ticket so obviously i on time 1 stop only from my mom place.

i shared money with lester to get pop corn cerameal pop corn nice after the movie we hang around cannot even eat together most are the malay they all fasting so restpect in some way then go out saperate way i living around red line most of them green line so too bad
25 August 2009 Tuesday
i skip school no mood to go school becoz im still angry of my uniform spoild by that Fucking napolian guy yesterday.
at home damn bored i must atleast make good use of my time do my auto cad work and some school work if not burn my day of for nothing.
after 2-3 hour of school work tired go try something new with my Blender haha i use HL Milk, Oreao Cookie, Milo powder and Ice to blend it together become Milo Milk with Oreo ice blended and i put ice cream ontop to build a mountain haha^^ i took some picture of it proudly present:

i called it a Milo Ultra Man!!

have you ever heard of Milo Dainosor?? that's a common drink in a indian prata store that time i saw Milo Gozilla sia wad a funny name sia at a dunno wer prata shop wer my bro drive me go for supper and now i gonna name my this drink haha Milo Ultra Man becoz i think ultra man it's powerful enough to fight gozilla and dainosor lol^^
24 August 2009 Monday

i draw it in class the Bionic Orc haha^^
today damn it in school my uniform it's gone after PE around 4+ pm changing in the toilet that shit Napolian guy Sagar keep offing the toilet light my friend and i are all changing shirt that morron keep offing i ask him to stop playing he keep playing stupid Napolian he disgrace Napolian sia Napolian should be manly not childish wad i warn him if not i pour the oilment in his face then later he still play i no choice i mean my word then i pour then he not happy wan find trouble then never mind let him do wad ever he want if god it's real enough he will punish that morron accordingly.
my uniform dirt by a yellow color stain from the oilment thx to the Freaking napolian.
after school meet joseph and vic to play pool and later on bring them go AMK Park Mac for dinner i called Seko to come join me in mac she came glad she come with Purema and Luna oh ya luna dawn her house over night never saw her for some time haha then we walk joseph back home coz its late aredy i hold their dog for a walk haha^^

this pic taken by victor at Ang Mo Kio Park Macdonald
23 August 2009 Sunday
Sabeth day should be relaxing but never mind la get money aredy can buy Xing Chao Yu intro by my friend it's a cheap chinese oilment for skin and muscle i just happen to wanna try on my face see will it help my pimple

after i bath i dry my face then pour it freaking burning my face tears keep rushing out of my eye damn it sia.

that's i appied on my face turn my face yellowish i look retard but never mind just post it nothing much
damn im late for service today service not bad jasemine poon teaching for today sermon when service end suddently saw johnathan lim appear then ask him follow me hang around.
joseph , john , johnathan and me hang around today no Xin Mei dare not call her she studying so 4 of us go Clarke Quay for dinner and slack today joseph no car go Clarke Quay becoz im broke need go collect cash then can go explore around the hong kong street food area then we found this hallal western, chinese food store serve by a malay man who can speak chinese not bad.
after that went to Central Shopping mall opposite my mother place to look for snack to eat so can slack i didn;t know central got such nice place for snack at basement hehe^^ ever see a Giant Crab before ? it's such a beautiful Sushi store but quite poor thing they show video of people slottering fish with hand:

It's Japanese giant Crab

johnathan and me buy sushi and some nice japanese scalob and pregnant fish so later on 4 of us go to the Boat Quay to slack around and view the scenery of the damn dirty river and some pretty girl around just see only but no comment haha^^
28 August 2009 Friday
in school i nearly got killed by Yong Xiang my class mate i just make fun of him the took out the knife trying to force the knife in my stomach thank god i am fast enough to grab his hand i twisted his hand i was thinking should i smash his face or not i just hold on to him but i dun wanna hurt him i just push him away and he still wanna fight he say spare without weapon come on he aredy used a knife then i just use my leg all the way he freaking slow and clumsy still wanna pick a fight if i report to police say he wan use weapn assult he chould have been charge aredy.
Today it's friday end school 12 pm wah haa...! so zai can go home sleep.
i reach back home around 1+ gonna 2 pm then i kind of hungry im a vegetarian for the pass 2 day then today i went back home i cannot take it i saw a roasted chicken, roasted fish, roasted pork and sweet prawn i eat all up like a monster breaking the chicken and finish the fish eat them up haha^^
later full aredy go bath apply oilment in my face then go take a nap wake up at 7 - 8pm saw my brother friend at my house sian sia no privercy never mind go be friend with him my brother friend it's a fighter lol he hang a punching bag in my house i just punch and train with him abit.
around 10 pm like that my bro wanna borrow father car go to Old Changi Hospital but father dun wan lend car then later on my brother korean friend aredy reach my house area aredy then it's was a dissapoinment we just took cab together there's 4 person my bro, his fighter friend, his Krean friend and me.
wasted money took cab to pasir ris go red house so boring nothing special then took cab again to east coast there then later on take some picture most of the photo at my brother korean friend damn it he must email me the photo.
i ask that korean guy took a picture for me but abit blur:

here it is waiting for more picture from that korean guy he must email so can update more
freaking regret going out sia no car have to dawn over till 1st bus the korean guy went of aredy his friend in trouble gonna get beaten up real badly he gonna go help then only my bro, his fighter friend and me dawn how i wish i can go fight along but it's a stupid fight a group of korean guy fighting another group of korean guy lame shit.
i wanna see my brother fighter friend fight sia never see mai muay thai chaiya fight people before haha^^
27 August 2009 Thursday
today i watched the movie Final Destination with my school mate stupid show damn piss me off why they cant escape the death why all so stupid?
the crapper's thing its giving u the hope that they gonna escape the death in the end all died in a stupit way no 1 survived just a dissapointment.

there's Faiz, Hamzar, Hariz, Sharrif, Jessical, Lester, Estar and me went for the movie
it's was after school we went to Dhoby Ghaut Cathay i think around 3 pm like that they reach there but i go saperate way i went to Clarke Quay to get cash so can hang out the later on after collected i quickly rush to Dhoby Ghaut Cathay to meet them they get the 5pm movie ticket so obviously i on time 1 stop only from my mom place.

i shared money with lester to get pop corn cerameal pop corn nice after the movie we hang around cannot even eat together most are the malay they all fasting so restpect in some way then go out saperate way i living around red line most of them green line so too bad
25 August 2009 Tuesday
i skip school no mood to go school becoz im still angry of my uniform spoild by that Fucking napolian guy yesterday.
at home damn bored i must atleast make good use of my time do my auto cad work and some school work if not burn my day of for nothing.
after 2-3 hour of school work tired go try something new with my Blender haha i use HL Milk, Oreao Cookie, Milo powder and Ice to blend it together become Milo Milk with Oreo ice blended and i put ice cream ontop to build a mountain haha^^ i took some picture of it proudly present:

i called it a Milo Ultra Man!!

have you ever heard of Milo Dainosor?? that's a common drink in a indian prata store that time i saw Milo Gozilla sia wad a funny name sia at a dunno wer prata shop wer my bro drive me go for supper and now i gonna name my this drink haha Milo Ultra Man becoz i think ultra man it's powerful enough to fight gozilla and dainosor lol^^
24 August 2009 Monday

i draw it in class the Bionic Orc haha^^
today damn it in school my uniform it's gone after PE around 4+ pm changing in the toilet that shit Napolian guy Sagar keep offing the toilet light my friend and i are all changing shirt that morron keep offing i ask him to stop playing he keep playing stupid Napolian he disgrace Napolian sia Napolian should be manly not childish wad i warn him if not i pour the oilment in his face then later he still play i no choice i mean my word then i pour then he not happy wan find trouble then never mind let him do wad ever he want if god it's real enough he will punish that morron accordingly.
my uniform dirt by a yellow color stain from the oilment thx to the Freaking napolian.
after school meet joseph and vic to play pool and later on bring them go AMK Park Mac for dinner i called Seko to come join me in mac she came glad she come with Purema and Luna oh ya luna dawn her house over night never saw her for some time haha then we walk joseph back home coz its late aredy i hold their dog for a walk haha^^

this pic taken by victor at Ang Mo Kio Park Macdonald
23 August 2009 Sunday
Sabeth day should be relaxing but never mind la get money aredy can buy Xing Chao Yu intro by my friend it's a cheap chinese oilment for skin and muscle i just happen to wanna try on my face see will it help my pimple

after i bath i dry my face then pour it freaking burning my face tears keep rushing out of my eye damn it sia.

that's i appied on my face turn my face yellowish i look retard but never mind just post it nothing much