misery life is what life all about to me.
Sunday, October 23, 2011
i can't deny the fact that i felt real empty, how i try to fill that emptiness with stuff but, it just doesn't work. still i felt real empty wonder why.
i heart missing someone, i bought the IPOD touch 3 Casing wanting to pass to a friend of my but i dare not; i saw her holding her IPOD touch 3 which already have a red casing on it.
i bought a purple casing for her but, ended up i dare not pass it to her. that's really screwed.
i now holding on to the casing wonder what am i gonna do with it? im suppose to be passing it to her but; now she already got 1 red 1. felt really stucked.
by the way today is the end time course, not so bad. not everything can be taken.
JING MEI show me her SKETCH BOOK, filled with her childhood drawing look real funny and cute. she ask me to fill it with drawing so i decided to sketch things out randomly with my heart:
so i pictured out a rain forest in my mind and try to fill it up with animal; but with misery it blocked up my vission. i nearly draw the one i misses out; thank goodness i didn't draw it out.
so instead i draw man with a hat looking up the water fall; seeing the rain deer.
i never been using pencil to draw for real long; been using pen all the time. now i try to get back long lost habit of using pencil to draw.
realize pencil is a good tool to use then pen. pencil tone can be control instead of a pen.
overall i still prefer using pen to draw.
coincidently JING MEI can relate with the rain deer; she tell me that it remind her of her dream which made her tears. so im kind of amaze. i that's a compliment.
by the way her child hood drawing is kind of random: she draw her mom, which make me laugh. i should have take picture and share it.
i should start practicing using pencil. i set my mind to keep drawing non stop; life is sucks any way. no where i can go or even travel; drawing gonna fill up my life, which i can express it out.
sharing to people it doesn't help much, drawing it out is really a relief.
all the snapshot i made:

been trying to take photo of it but failed all the time.
i can't deny the fact that i felt real empty, how i try to fill that emptiness with stuff but, it just doesn't work. still i felt real empty wonder why.
i heart missing someone, i bought the IPOD touch 3 Casing wanting to pass to a friend of my but i dare not; i saw her holding her IPOD touch 3 which already have a red casing on it.
i bought a purple casing for her but, ended up i dare not pass it to her. that's really screwed.
i now holding on to the casing wonder what am i gonna do with it? im suppose to be passing it to her but; now she already got 1 red 1. felt really stucked.
by the way today is the end time course, not so bad. not everything can be taken.
JING MEI show me her SKETCH BOOK, filled with her childhood drawing look real funny and cute. she ask me to fill it with drawing so i decided to sketch things out randomly with my heart:

so instead i draw man with a hat looking up the water fall; seeing the rain deer.
i never been using pencil to draw for real long; been using pen all the time. now i try to get back long lost habit of using pencil to draw.
realize pencil is a good tool to use then pen. pencil tone can be control instead of a pen.
overall i still prefer using pen to draw.
coincidently JING MEI can relate with the rain deer; she tell me that it remind her of her dream which made her tears. so im kind of amaze. i that's a compliment.
by the way her child hood drawing is kind of random: she draw her mom, which make me laugh. i should have take picture and share it.
i should start practicing using pencil. i set my mind to keep drawing non stop; life is sucks any way. no where i can go or even travel; drawing gonna fill up my life, which i can express it out.
sharing to people it doesn't help much, drawing it out is really a relief.
all the snapshot i made:

been trying to take photo of it but failed all the time.