Friday, July 30, 2010
Friday, July 30, 2010
hmm..!! wad a great day today school start at 10AM end at 11AM, it's just a 1HR of S.W(SPORT & WELLNESS) played table tennis, soccer and kicking of punching bag perspired, after everything went to TAMP SAFRA LAN shop to slack by playing LEFT 4 DEAD 2 with ma fellow classmate XIN XIONG, HAFIZ, RAZZLY, MARCUS & not sure who else.
had my lunch in the lan shop COMBO INSTANT CUP NOODLE & a bottle of 100 PLUS for only S$2.40, great discount tey got there, actually i still prefer instant noodle come by bowl instead of a cup not filling enougth.
i just played for 1 hour then go to the SAFRA wash room with HAFIZ have to change and wash up for work later. take quite a good shower there, they have shoup provided there really a hygine.
working is really great, it's consider a blessing to have this job, out of all job i ever work i can gladly say this job is the best. there's no job that will 100% satisfy people sure there's a prob in it.
by the way today working is really good reached sentosa at 4PM to CLOCK in and go rounding around switching on the machine and lights. after get everything done really got nothing much to do have to wait till 7.45PM for the SONG OF THE SEA to run today i incharge of follow spot light.
while waiting really bored take a golf cart go rounding around sentosa silo so beach with HAFIZ & NA AN take turn to drive the golf cart glad i did try consider this my 1st time to driving a golf cart.
overall this job is great there's no biarst-ness but friendly people, i love to be around friendly people..!!
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it was a long year of successfull human cloning, the esperimenter decided to pick all the best children and clone them for weapon test & human organ spare part.
a clone human do have feelings like normal human being, they are just all being abused in the testing of weapon. some of them get their organ part forced out of them by the human organ bank.
there was a man who happen to be the chosen 1 according to the prophecy he will be the great leader of the clone, JASON is his name.
JASON was happen to be a doctor that worked at the cloning center, he was passing by all the organ reaping chamber he heard lots of screaming voices of the clone where their organ part have been plucked off, he really feel sad for those clone child.
he happen to look into the room seeing a clone girl was screaming while the nurse is plucking off her eye ball for the spare part. after seeing so much abusing of the clone child his heart filled with guilt, he lack of sleep every night the scene of the suffering clone child been playing it reapeatively in his mind, it like a nightmare that haunt him.
1 day he burst out locking himselve in his room keep shivering, feeling the pain for the clone child things just came into his mind he really don't know what to do, after a long shiver some thing came into his mind which open up his eye to see all the potential of the clone child.
he decided to make those clone child as his weapon intead of just seeing them suffer and die. after a month of planning, he load himselve with weapon, bullet proove versal and explosive item. picking a day of opportunity where he can capture as much hostage as possible.
he draw out the map of the whole clonning center he capture all the doctor and nurse around as a hostage storing them up in the clonning center he started to gether all the clone child and explane everything to them.
after the clone child had all gether he share make a vow and appology to all of them saying " everyone listenn up! i am here to get you out of the suffering we are all living things that fight to live we have to fight for our right all of you here do have feelings everyone here need to have a father from now on since you are all clone im here to be the father that gonna lead you to stand up for all your right"
he build morel and gave command to all the clone child to put them at work by forming them into a army of clone where they rise up and make use of the clonning center.
due to all the kidnapping of all the doctor and nurse the goverment force dare not attack them, JASON make use of the clone child to operate the whole clonning center, he continously keep clonning human to build a big number of clone army.
he get over powered started to bring punishment to the ungreatfull beings.

had my lunch in the lan shop COMBO INSTANT CUP NOODLE & a bottle of 100 PLUS for only S$2.40, great discount tey got there, actually i still prefer instant noodle come by bowl instead of a cup not filling enougth.
i just played for 1 hour then go to the SAFRA wash room with HAFIZ have to change and wash up for work later. take quite a good shower there, they have shoup provided there really a hygine.

by the way today working is really good reached sentosa at 4PM to CLOCK in and go rounding around switching on the machine and lights. after get everything done really got nothing much to do have to wait till 7.45PM for the SONG OF THE SEA to run today i incharge of follow spot light.
while waiting really bored take a golf cart go rounding around sentosa silo so beach with HAFIZ & NA AN take turn to drive the golf cart glad i did try consider this my 1st time to driving a golf cart.
overall this job is great there's no biarst-ness but friendly people, i love to be around friendly people..!!
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a clone human do have feelings like normal human being, they are just all being abused in the testing of weapon. some of them get their organ part forced out of them by the human organ bank.
there was a man who happen to be the chosen 1 according to the prophecy he will be the great leader of the clone, JASON is his name.
JASON was happen to be a doctor that worked at the cloning center, he was passing by all the organ reaping chamber he heard lots of screaming voices of the clone where their organ part have been plucked off, he really feel sad for those clone child.
he happen to look into the room seeing a clone girl was screaming while the nurse is plucking off her eye ball for the spare part. after seeing so much abusing of the clone child his heart filled with guilt, he lack of sleep every night the scene of the suffering clone child been playing it reapeatively in his mind, it like a nightmare that haunt him.
1 day he burst out locking himselve in his room keep shivering, feeling the pain for the clone child things just came into his mind he really don't know what to do, after a long shiver some thing came into his mind which open up his eye to see all the potential of the clone child.
he decided to make those clone child as his weapon intead of just seeing them suffer and die. after a month of planning, he load himselve with weapon, bullet proove versal and explosive item. picking a day of opportunity where he can capture as much hostage as possible.
he draw out the map of the whole clonning center he capture all the doctor and nurse around as a hostage storing them up in the clonning center he started to gether all the clone child and explane everything to them.
after the clone child had all gether he share make a vow and appology to all of them saying " everyone listenn up! i am here to get you out of the suffering we are all living things that fight to live we have to fight for our right all of you here do have feelings everyone here need to have a father from now on since you are all clone im here to be the father that gonna lead you to stand up for all your right"
he build morel and gave command to all the clone child to put them at work by forming them into a army of clone where they rise up and make use of the clonning center.
due to all the kidnapping of all the doctor and nurse the goverment force dare not attack them, JASON make use of the clone child to operate the whole clonning center, he continously keep clonning human to build a big number of clone army.
he get over powered started to bring punishment to the ungreatfull beings.