17 JANUARY 2010 Sunday
17 JANUARY 2010 Sunday . the day i am lost.
1. Breakfast
2. Prac 3

^^ sweet pirate sia!
no work rest breakfast with my sibling and father early in the morning tired not enougth sleep. today i got motor prac 3 at 1.05pm damn emergency brake i speed up from gear 1 to 3 i i press the the both brake to hard and i turn my hander the whole bike skii..!!
i also skii out from the bike thank god i didn't roll or fall.
show u how i ski..!!:

i jump out of the bike with my hand and leg on the ground ski-ing away from the bike i on good position thanks to the wet ground my instructor say me cool haha^^.
after everything i still have to retake my figure of 8 i move against the traffic and accidentaly cycler at the rocky ground and grass my instructor scold me sia he say think wad "scrambler huh" lol.
go back home didn't watch ONE PIECE scared i will get adicted to it i play GRANADO ESPADA very nice online game never play for so long now play miss the design and the charactor:
my Muskerteer, Elimentalist and Fighter muahaha^^..
me and my crew member was traveling to complete a quest.

crew forming!!

my Muskerteer!!


Fighter 2 handed Swordman!!

crew photo taking after completing sir lyndon and the rest of the Quest! haha^^
16 JANUARY 2010 Saturday
today work from 12.30pm to 5.30pm.
damn it i got a feeling that that fat manager Mohamad got a problem with me always target every small little thing i do dunno wads his problem.
just a damn window curttern i also never really thouch it before no ideal about that fucking damn curttern the manager must make fun of me just becoz i no ideal about that curttern.
sriously pissed me of i am trying to be nice but he keep forcing me to rebell.
if i loose my mind rebell i wont soften my heart at all i am struggling in life any way so i dun mind use it to the fullest and end it by ending 4 life.
1 stone kill 4 bird!!
1. Breakfast
2. Prac 3

^^ sweet pirate sia!
no work rest breakfast with my sibling and father early in the morning tired not enougth sleep. today i got motor prac 3 at 1.05pm damn emergency brake i speed up from gear 1 to 3 i i press the the both brake to hard and i turn my hander the whole bike skii..!!
i also skii out from the bike thank god i didn't roll or fall.
show u how i ski..!!:

i jump out of the bike with my hand and leg on the ground ski-ing away from the bike i on good position thanks to the wet ground my instructor say me cool haha^^.
after everything i still have to retake my figure of 8 i move against the traffic and accidentaly cycler at the rocky ground and grass my instructor scold me sia he say think wad "scrambler huh" lol.
go back home didn't watch ONE PIECE scared i will get adicted to it i play GRANADO ESPADA very nice online game never play for so long now play miss the design and the charactor:
my Muskerteer, Elimentalist and Fighter muahaha^^..
me and my crew member was traveling to complete a quest.
crew forming!!
my Muskerteer!!
Fighter 2 handed Swordman!!
crew photo taking after completing sir lyndon and the rest of the Quest! haha^^
16 JANUARY 2010 Saturday
today work from 12.30pm to 5.30pm.
damn it i got a feeling that that fat manager Mohamad got a problem with me always target every small little thing i do dunno wads his problem.
just a damn window curttern i also never really thouch it before no ideal about that fucking damn curttern the manager must make fun of me just becoz i no ideal about that curttern.
sriously pissed me of i am trying to be nice but he keep forcing me to rebell.
if i loose my mind rebell i wont soften my heart at all i am struggling in life any way so i dun mind use it to the fullest and end it by ending 4 life.
1 stone kill 4 bird!!