Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
today bought 2 more figuring but a different series of figure; only bought 2 there's total of 7 figure to complete short of 5 more sad case.
i saw a mini FINAL FANTASY at DHOBY GHAUT highest level, full set from a VOLUME 1 to VOLUME 4 figure set; dying to get it. gone case now kind of broke wanna find a job so can complete my figuring.
the 2 figure that i bought is:

NAMI & NICO ROBIN; this 2 figure left with 1 so rather get this 2 1st.
after shop for figuring went over to NEXUS for DECO ministry; helping out them in DECO, i think i went there the earliest:

that's my bag.
father in heaven hallowed be your name your kingdom come your will be done give me money to complete all those figure which i longing to complete it comit this prayer to your name AMEN!
today bought 2 more figuring but a different series of figure; only bought 2 there's total of 7 figure to complete short of 5 more sad case.
i saw a mini FINAL FANTASY at DHOBY GHAUT highest level, full set from a VOLUME 1 to VOLUME 4 figure set; dying to get it. gone case now kind of broke wanna find a job so can complete my figuring.
the 2 figure that i bought is:

NAMI & NICO ROBIN; this 2 figure left with 1 so rather get this 2 1st.
after shop for figuring went over to NEXUS for DECO ministry; helping out them in DECO, i think i went there the earliest:

that's my bag.
father in heaven hallowed be your name your kingdom come your will be done give me money to complete all those figure which i longing to complete it comit this prayer to your name AMEN!