Friday, May 21, 2010
Friday, May 21, 2010
Awsome SW cancel for today meaning no class lor longer sleep.
but think about it actually it's something bad i wasted my time sleeping 1 21st MAY 2010 to live i wasted it into my unesesary sleep.
im king of guildthy ofcoz burn my time off but i really thankful to god that he still back me up to catchup with my deco member to make my day more fruitful by pushing me to NEXUS to help STEPHEN they all they really desperately need a help like my.
so it was quite late everning 6PM+ i gonna rush but my damn brother push all the house chor to me all the dishes he used he push it to me and he run away leave me alone till my father got no 1 else to scold scolded me ask me wash it thank god dish washing is really damn easy too me he increase my washing speed till my father amaze by my speed.
then done aredy then quickly rushed to NEXUS reached there 8PM STEPHEN was surprise he say he really glad that some 1 came down to help he was really thankful definitly i also wanna thank god that i really a help to them.
helped them to push the work rush and make it done as fast as possible tool some mess picture around so can upload in my blog to keep it alive:

those board is cutted by me nice right?

painting work.

painting and writting work to do.

measuring and cutting work.

messes to clear.

measurintg huge white blank board.

decoration item.

no ideal wad is it for but look cool.

ei..!! that's me haha^^

papper cutting and photo pasting work done by me also.

chiong deco till late night.

take by KAI ERN it was damn blur he just testing out my camera.

KAI ERN the comedient guy he the saviour too he brought alot of supper back from star buck coffee pro sia he.

written by me those board.

the 2 helping hand usefull people.

me me me..!!
oh ya i got back my NDS few day back thank god it really keep me entertained:

actually after deco i did not went home i still hanging around the rest go back home aredy i walk to paradiz to play lan ofcoz i thaught i gonna play alone but glad that i saw the rest of my NEPAL friends who i know them through SAGAR RAI they are really fun people joint some of them in the game play till late catch my 1st train back home.
heard from PRAMOD GURUNG he flying off to NEPAL soon sad gonna miss him ofcoz missing them 1 by 1 wondering wad do they think how will they feel hmm.
i think i gonna send him off.
Awsome SW cancel for today meaning no class lor longer sleep.
but think about it actually it's something bad i wasted my time sleeping 1 21st MAY 2010 to live i wasted it into my unesesary sleep.
im king of guildthy ofcoz burn my time off but i really thankful to god that he still back me up to catchup with my deco member to make my day more fruitful by pushing me to NEXUS to help STEPHEN they all they really desperately need a help like my.
so it was quite late everning 6PM+ i gonna rush but my damn brother push all the house chor to me all the dishes he used he push it to me and he run away leave me alone till my father got no 1 else to scold scolded me ask me wash it thank god dish washing is really damn easy too me he increase my washing speed till my father amaze by my speed.
then done aredy then quickly rushed to NEXUS reached there 8PM STEPHEN was surprise he say he really glad that some 1 came down to help he was really thankful definitly i also wanna thank god that i really a help to them.
helped them to push the work rush and make it done as fast as possible tool some mess picture around so can upload in my blog to keep it alive:

those board is cutted by me nice right?

painting work.

painting and writting work to do.

measuring and cutting work.

messes to clear.

measurintg huge white blank board.

decoration item.

no ideal wad is it for but look cool.

ei..!! that's me haha^^

papper cutting and photo pasting work done by me also.

chiong deco till late night.

take by KAI ERN it was damn blur he just testing out my camera.

KAI ERN the comedient guy he the saviour too he brought alot of supper back from star buck coffee pro sia he.

written by me those board.

the 2 helping hand usefull people.

me me me..!!
oh ya i got back my NDS few day back thank god it really keep me entertained:

actually after deco i did not went home i still hanging around the rest go back home aredy i walk to paradiz to play lan ofcoz i thaught i gonna play alone but glad that i saw the rest of my NEPAL friends who i know them through SAGAR RAI they are really fun people joint some of them in the game play till late catch my 1st train back home.
heard from PRAMOD GURUNG he flying off to NEPAL soon sad gonna miss him ofcoz missing them 1 by 1 wondering wad do they think how will they feel hmm.
i think i gonna send him off.