another day of fellowship; carry on the day with no sleep.
Sunday, August 28, 2011
today is some how great day; but i haven't sleep from yesterday till now. 2PM head down to cuppage plaza for the hope kid event thinging. JABEZ ex sherperd need help; so she ask me to sign up to help.
that KIRBY is a big fat liar; from now on i don't think i will ever trust him ever again. he said he on his way down to cuppage plaza; ended up i wait till everything over. he still did not show up and did not get back to me. hmm that will be my last time trusting him; no more i put an end to trusting him.
by the way today hanged out with friend; JABEZ, EUGENE and CHIN HOE. they also register for the help out. after everything actually had our lunce at PONTIAN WANTON SHOP @ LEVEL 1 CUPPAGE PLAZA.
after that: we head down to CITY HALL MARINA SQUARE area to fellowship.
shopped around saw random stuff:

super duper cute GUINEE PIG; look really like a pig. it hairless; PEH HO! GUINEE PIG.
another random weird photo:
i know i look really retard. we shop for food for the fellowship; it some how like a picnic.
shop for BEST FRIES, JCO DONUT, WATER and ETC. we chill at the top part of MARINA SQUARE area; open air area.
took photo randomly; store some memory. atleast this time round i manage to fellowship with some west people; yesterday i fellowship with CENTRAL and EAST people. really different thing; WEST side people i think is much more child like. especially EUEGENE and CHIN HOE.
some is unglam; never mind happy can already. lots of task to do after the meet up; gonna make a mod out figure of an animal.
show you picture of them and the DONUT:

that's from my web cam.

that's the only photo taken today hmm..!! kind of a interesting day; seems so unexpected.
i still so pissed of by the yesterday BLACKSHOT; screw those round and the damn luck. bomb by granede non stop; out of the entire map to land at. it just wanna land it at me. screw the game seriously.
the opponent throw the granede blindly but it just always hit me by chance; my luck cannot make it.
< >
i think that's all for today gonna have a good sleep; d-_-b..zzZZ!
today is some how great day; but i haven't sleep from yesterday till now. 2PM head down to cuppage plaza for the hope kid event thinging. JABEZ ex sherperd need help; so she ask me to sign up to help.
that KIRBY is a big fat liar; from now on i don't think i will ever trust him ever again. he said he on his way down to cuppage plaza; ended up i wait till everything over. he still did not show up and did not get back to me. hmm that will be my last time trusting him; no more i put an end to trusting him.
by the way today hanged out with friend; JABEZ, EUGENE and CHIN HOE. they also register for the help out. after everything actually had our lunce at PONTIAN WANTON SHOP @ LEVEL 1 CUPPAGE PLAZA.
after that: we head down to CITY HALL MARINA SQUARE area to fellowship.
shopped around saw random stuff:
super duper cute GUINEE PIG; look really like a pig. it hairless; PEH HO! GUINEE PIG.
another random weird photo:
shop for BEST FRIES, JCO DONUT, WATER and ETC. we chill at the top part of MARINA SQUARE area; open air area.
took photo randomly; store some memory. atleast this time round i manage to fellowship with some west people; yesterday i fellowship with CENTRAL and EAST people. really different thing; WEST side people i think is much more child like. especially EUEGENE and CHIN HOE.
some is unglam; never mind happy can already. lots of task to do after the meet up; gonna make a mod out figure of an animal.
show you picture of them and the DONUT:

that's from my web cam.

that's the only photo taken today hmm..!! kind of a interesting day; seems so unexpected.
i still so pissed of by the yesterday BLACKSHOT; screw those round and the damn luck. bomb by granede non stop; out of the entire map to land at. it just wanna land it at me. screw the game seriously.
the opponent throw the granede blindly but it just always hit me by chance; my luck cannot make it.
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i think that's all for today gonna have a good sleep; d-_-b..zzZZ!