felt left out; method to get into topic.
Sunday, October 30, 2011
now i didn't do any drawing due to my phone battery flat; couldn't snap any photo of the drawing. by the way i don't have anything to update for today, although im free today.
i dawn over from the saturday till today morning. heading down to teck whye to have my good long sleep. spend the night away fellowshipping with my group member and the rest. yesterday is ESS theme is: LIFE AT STARBUCK. abit stupid some how.
something to share:
this photo is something which i saw it by coincident. there's lots of famous people displayed in this landscape picture.
i just can't really identify everyone in this picture. all i know they are just people who got into the history and also topic to be talk about it.
topic come in many form. how you wanna update your self with the requirement.
actually come to a group gathering and chat; frankly speaking im always the 1 who will always get left out.
sometime do you ever feel outcast or lonely among the peer around you? did you ever wonder why?
in the group; there's lot of different kind of people with different interest and ideal of things. this may not happen to some of you; maybe because you are loud spoken or entertaining. that's good for you cheer!
but this is only for people who experience what i refer to.
no matter how those moment of getting left out in topic and chat; 1 thing never lost grip of who you are. never try to be someone else; it will ruin things up in a long run. it will gonna be real disappointing which you can never imagine it.
to my experience what i used to do before is really a foolish act: everyone of my peer gathers; there's some people who are loud spoken and crappy which attract much more attention. never feel left out; it's just a short moment which last for awhile.
im just so tempted to do foolish stuff which will attract attention. it's really foolish it gonna be. im really glad i did not do it due to my observation around; seeing some particular person did it which attract people's attention for just a short period of time. ended up his reputation is completely ruined; get this clear i did not mean he's beyond hope. there's still way to be short out.
that's what i see it with my naked eye; self control is what i can suggest. you can attract attention only if you really need it. there's a necessary and a unnecessary attention to be magnetized.
sometime if you wanna get into the topic there's certain requirement. just like getting work done; tool is what it's needed.
what i can advice here is; update your self with knowledge. flexibility of linking the particular topic into what ever you know; making sure it's as close as possible in the same time you can introduce the subject that involved in your topic.
another risky move is making a joke out of their topic; that's commonly used by hooligans, which is not really a good ideal. observe weather that particular person can take that joke.
chatting in a group is like a poll. listening ear and attention is drawn; base on how interesting your subject is. what i did in a pass is; trying to make those sickening boring time comes to pass, is by taking out my anti social device like my MAC BOOK, IPHONE, DRAWING NOTE PAD or even walk way. those method doesn't solve anythings.
getting into a conversation CONFIDENT, LISTENING EAR, TROLL FACIAL SMILE EXPRESSION, BODY POSTURE & SENSE OF HUMOR is needed. i gonna share to you how to be confident in conversation; firstly listening ear plays apart as well. listen and observe what they talks about give a most attentive present smile which will brighten the people around you. firstly people will gain see a light in you where their eye will naturally draw towards you. after through the process of listening you can act as confident as you can like as if you are there involve in their sharing(ALTHOUGH YOU ARE NOT SURE WHAT THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT). you need to work and try real hard to convince them that you know what they talking about.
that's where you can bomb a word which make it sounds that you are really there experience what they share about it.
do remember give them chance to talk as well, when their talking listen carefully what their topic; just smile and knock your head like as if you strongly agree. but be wise not everything is agreeable.
im sure you are not getting a fool out of your self. the picture of the smilling guy is refer to a troll smile im talking about, i don't think he's charming of having a pleasing look to me but he's smile just makes my day just by looking at his crappy smile. that's how you should smile when come to a conversation. it's depend, don't give such smile when the topic is about their social circle funeral.
i hope that will help you. you can exercise on the mirror how to smile like that. till you get the hand of it.
the power of that face is where you can never tell weather he's angry or sad; he just look ridiculously happy. you can try starring at that face to catch any spot where will tell is he angry or sad?
now i didn't do any drawing due to my phone battery flat; couldn't snap any photo of the drawing. by the way i don't have anything to update for today, although im free today.
i dawn over from the saturday till today morning. heading down to teck whye to have my good long sleep. spend the night away fellowshipping with my group member and the rest. yesterday is ESS theme is: LIFE AT STARBUCK. abit stupid some how.
something to share:

i just can't really identify everyone in this picture. all i know they are just people who got into the history and also topic to be talk about it.
topic come in many form. how you wanna update your self with the requirement.
actually come to a group gathering and chat; frankly speaking im always the 1 who will always get left out.
sometime do you ever feel outcast or lonely among the peer around you? did you ever wonder why?
in the group; there's lot of different kind of people with different interest and ideal of things. this may not happen to some of you; maybe because you are loud spoken or entertaining. that's good for you cheer!
but this is only for people who experience what i refer to.
no matter how those moment of getting left out in topic and chat; 1 thing never lost grip of who you are. never try to be someone else; it will ruin things up in a long run. it will gonna be real disappointing which you can never imagine it.
to my experience what i used to do before is really a foolish act: everyone of my peer gathers; there's some people who are loud spoken and crappy which attract much more attention. never feel left out; it's just a short moment which last for awhile.
im just so tempted to do foolish stuff which will attract attention. it's really foolish it gonna be. im really glad i did not do it due to my observation around; seeing some particular person did it which attract people's attention for just a short period of time. ended up his reputation is completely ruined; get this clear i did not mean he's beyond hope. there's still way to be short out.
that's what i see it with my naked eye; self control is what i can suggest. you can attract attention only if you really need it. there's a necessary and a unnecessary attention to be magnetized.
sometime if you wanna get into the topic there's certain requirement. just like getting work done; tool is what it's needed.
what i can advice here is; update your self with knowledge. flexibility of linking the particular topic into what ever you know; making sure it's as close as possible in the same time you can introduce the subject that involved in your topic.
another risky move is making a joke out of their topic; that's commonly used by hooligans, which is not really a good ideal. observe weather that particular person can take that joke.
chatting in a group is like a poll. listening ear and attention is drawn; base on how interesting your subject is. what i did in a pass is; trying to make those sickening boring time comes to pass, is by taking out my anti social device like my MAC BOOK, IPHONE, DRAWING NOTE PAD or even walk way. those method doesn't solve anythings.
getting into a conversation CONFIDENT, LISTENING EAR, TROLL FACIAL SMILE EXPRESSION, BODY POSTURE & SENSE OF HUMOR is needed. i gonna share to you how to be confident in conversation; firstly listening ear plays apart as well. listen and observe what they talks about give a most attentive present smile which will brighten the people around you. firstly people will gain see a light in you where their eye will naturally draw towards you. after through the process of listening you can act as confident as you can like as if you are there involve in their sharing(ALTHOUGH YOU ARE NOT SURE WHAT THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT). you need to work and try real hard to convince them that you know what they talking about.

do remember give them chance to talk as well, when their talking listen carefully what their topic; just smile and knock your head like as if you strongly agree. but be wise not everything is agreeable.
im sure you are not getting a fool out of your self. the picture of the smilling guy is refer to a troll smile im talking about, i don't think he's charming of having a pleasing look to me but he's smile just makes my day just by looking at his crappy smile. that's how you should smile when come to a conversation. it's depend, don't give such smile when the topic is about their social circle funeral.
i hope that will help you. you can exercise on the mirror how to smile like that. till you get the hand of it.
the power of that face is where you can never tell weather he's angry or sad; he just look ridiculously happy. you can try starring at that face to catch any spot where will tell is he angry or sad?