Saturday, april 3, 2010
Saturday, april 3, 2010
i wanna thank GOD that my saturday is not boring thought i gonna adjust it by going for lan gaming but never mind GOD adjust it for me so i save my resource.
i got called down to SUNTEC CITY CONVENTION HALL 601. for DECORATION it was fun decorating with ROSES with my fellow DECO MATE they are all cool and nice people very surportive because god people are nice i like..!!
actually have to reach there by 10AM but i over slept due to yesterday BBQ so late so i woke up at 4PM prepare chiong go help out!!
took some picture around some photo took by them waiting for them to facebook me!!

the group photo!

i find my slipper match the rose around haha^^

all the rose we arange!!

just took it haha^^

this is cool..!!

it's done finally

it's suntec CITY.....!!
i wanna thank GOD that my saturday is not boring thought i gonna adjust it by going for lan gaming but never mind GOD adjust it for me so i save my resource.
i got called down to SUNTEC CITY CONVENTION HALL 601. for DECORATION it was fun decorating with ROSES with my fellow DECO MATE they are all cool and nice people very surportive because god people are nice i like..!!
actually have to reach there by 10AM but i over slept due to yesterday BBQ so late so i woke up at 4PM prepare chiong go help out!!
took some picture around some photo took by them waiting for them to facebook me!!

the group photo!

i find my slipper match the rose around haha^^

all the rose we arange!!

just took it haha^^

this is cool..!!

it's done finally

it's suntec CITY.....!!