Saturday October 3 2009
hey!! i got the x2 family photo aredy from Xin mei face book:

this picture tooked on the family day event Monday SEPTEMBER 21 2009
oh ya mom place computer fixed now i can stay there aredy wont bored entertaint by the computer there haha^^
today service day woke up around 3pm prepare rush down to CLarke Quay to see the computer good or not not bad sia.
then around 5+ pm rushed to somerset for service im wondering wad to do for mid autumn heard from Ace RP side got people celebrate dun know wanna joint or not but in the end never follow.
after service around 7+ pm i think went to meridiern without any plan Xin Mei wanna redraw money so can eat together so i follow her to Plaza Singapura to draw her cash.

then later on back to meridiern food court to eat with the group johnathan lim also there haha^^ with my bro at meridiern food court thinking of hanging out sia becoz it's lunar festive's dun wan lunar to pass just like that sia but there's joseph, john, Johnathan, my bro and Xin Mei joseph car where got space sia like that then my bro later on just not going then johnathan follow my bro becoz he dun wan my bro to be alone like that.
actually i wanna take mrt go becoz of my student fare but my bro like abit grumppy like that such a broken plan.
then in the end there only joseph, john, xin mei and me going to east coat park.
we went to east coast Xin Wang HONG KONG cafe john, Xin Mei and i only eat something light becoz we at meridiern aredy eat aredy quite full i try their Ying and yang combination of coffee and tea nice sia intro by my bro.
joseph not yet eat so he have to eat he free on saturday monday to friday need go camp no time hang out so he choose to go further place.

later on went to the beach to slack at the rock me play fire with my zippo liquid and zippo lighter haha^^
then later on late aredy go home and Xin Mei left her wallet at my bag feel bad trying to call her cant contact her dun know why like that sia.
i reach home after every thing i saw a stack of photo graph taken by my cousin during my grand mother B-Day celebration at Shakura shuki i dun know how to upload in the com so i use hp to take it so quality like shit:

my dad and sis.

my dad and me haha^^

my grand ma.

aunt and grand ma.
hey!! i got the x2 family photo aredy from Xin mei face book:

this picture tooked on the family day event Monday SEPTEMBER 21 2009
oh ya mom place computer fixed now i can stay there aredy wont bored entertaint by the computer there haha^^
today service day woke up around 3pm prepare rush down to CLarke Quay to see the computer good or not not bad sia.
then around 5+ pm rushed to somerset for service im wondering wad to do for mid autumn heard from Ace RP side got people celebrate dun know wanna joint or not but in the end never follow.
after service around 7+ pm i think went to meridiern without any plan Xin Mei wanna redraw money so can eat together so i follow her to Plaza Singapura to draw her cash.

then later on back to meridiern food court to eat with the group johnathan lim also there haha^^ with my bro at meridiern food court thinking of hanging out sia becoz it's lunar festive's dun wan lunar to pass just like that sia but there's joseph, john, Johnathan, my bro and Xin Mei joseph car where got space sia like that then my bro later on just not going then johnathan follow my bro becoz he dun wan my bro to be alone like that.
actually i wanna take mrt go becoz of my student fare but my bro like abit grumppy like that such a broken plan.
then in the end there only joseph, john, xin mei and me going to east coat park.
we went to east coast Xin Wang HONG KONG cafe john, Xin Mei and i only eat something light becoz we at meridiern aredy eat aredy quite full i try their Ying and yang combination of coffee and tea nice sia intro by my bro.
joseph not yet eat so he have to eat he free on saturday monday to friday need go camp no time hang out so he choose to go further place.

later on went to the beach to slack at the rock me play fire with my zippo liquid and zippo lighter haha^^
then later on late aredy go home and Xin Mei left her wallet at my bag feel bad trying to call her cant contact her dun know why like that sia.
i reach home after every thing i saw a stack of photo graph taken by my cousin during my grand mother B-Day celebration at Shakura shuki i dun know how to upload in the com so i use hp to take it so quality like shit:

my dad and sis.

my dad and me haha^^

my grand ma.

aunt and grand ma.