last time memory and dairy is stored in a photo album and a written word behind of it.
Monday, August 29, 2011
today i woke up at 10AM+, woke up with a shock, thinking: i over slept and gonna be late for school. suddenly text a message to my class mate for info.
it seems to be holiday today!; but there's still worry in my heart wonder; isn't MR RAJA told me about coming back to class on monday? and today is monday. i should report to him right. i thinking of calling him, but i don't have his contact number; so i decided to asking my classmate for RAJA number.
classmate replied:"today RAJA on COURSE la, that's why no class". so i ended up confuse with worry. huh? will i be in deep shit?
there's nothing i can do. today will be staying at home the whole day, gonna get something to do.
i was sitting using my MAC BOOK PRO to play DIABLO 2; i played it yesterday with my bro link with him; using GARENA. GARENA is a superb software for local area.
but i cannot be using computer the whole day; i should get a life or something.
somthing came to my mind; oh yeah! i can start blogging: but wonder what to blog it's too early to blog, if not there won't be any topic to type about.
i suddenly thinking if my dad were to blog about his child hood till now, how would it gonna look like? although that's impossible.
only thing i can do is open up all his memory that stored in his container; countless of photos; from his child hood, teen, young adult, married till im borned.
his childhood is really very happening compared to now the new era; i realize something. this new generation and my generation; we are all really dumb + weak.
my dad time is where fun and game is not about sitting on the chair and table with computer games.
his child hood is always out door, those day where he and his friend go for hunting steal chicken and cook. they fight together, play together, climb rock and tree together. those days majority of the man can do jump flip from the rock to the grass.
but now this era people just simply do a back flip; they will end up pausing and scared + not be able to do it.
i was wondering why do my dad so versitile? when his car break down; he know how to fix it. the house water heater burned up and break down; he simply open it up and fix it. the washing machine spoild; he just screw open the hole metal plate out and fix the the washing machine. my house cloth iron break down; he open up the iron using a copper wire to coil around something and it beable to work again.
i remember my house got 1 sink for brush teeth and wash hand; i use it to washing my leg instead. suddenly my leg accidentaly step on the sink and the whole sink loose out from the wall and break. my dad scolded me, with a drill on his hand drilling a screw into the wall for the metal hook of the sink; lifting up the sink and fix it back on the wall. suddenly saw him took a silicon from his tool and glue the coner up.
i was wondering how is he that prepared, he got no certificate. he's speciallize in machinery. i realize that im kind of useless.
show u the photo of my great grand father; which is my dad grand father:
i garentee everyone in this picture is dead. im thinking which is my great grand father. i heard stroy about him. he's a rich carpenter.
during the JAPANESE occupation time; my great grand father is the carpenter for the JAPANESE; his project and work brought lots of money to his family. the whole large sum of money is enough to buy a land and invest gold. but the foolish thing is he did not do so. he end up saving lots of money and stored in alot of box.
during the automic bomb time japan surrender; those money can no longer be use, my great grand father ended up going crazy; he commited suicide. what a waste, if not i could have be a rich man. all his fucknig fault, im now as good as poor.
my great grand father got a skill to make wooden wine container and box with any nail or screw. he don't even use glue to glue them together.
his hands on pass on to my grand father, my grand father is a carpenter too. his skill is not like my great grand father. things that pass on to generation is deproved.
now i think should not share too muc habout it. yeah back to my father story. those days there's no facebook, no blogspot, no twitter, no google or even hand phone.
photo is not stored up in software or any drive. but instead is washed out from film, there's no such things as tagging photo, email photo or bluetooth photo.
there's lots of photo which impossible for me to upload it here.
those days where every photo that they take they wanna send to their friend they were need to wash it out extra and mail it to the mail box. where the photo in the mail will be send to the friend. all it takes is time and patient.
those days where they wanna meet their friend or even girl friend; they were have to set a time and place. they cannot be late; they must be early in advance. when u lost; there's no such thing as sms:"where are you ?" or even call.
those people in the pass are really patient. compared to now we are really impatient and slightly dummer. especially me haha^^ damn it!
now photo here, sorry for the bad quality. it blur not because of the photo, is my phone camera never take properly. the photo graph quality is great:
thats my mom.

those are just some photos.
that's my dad, when he was young.

that's my mom sister marry in thailand, they mail a photo over to keep contact.

that's the conainer with lots of album.
this is where i still young:

that's my sibling and me, when we were all young.
time flys real fast, my parent had their child hood differently.
that's like my dad blogspot. now album is all saved in the internet, facebook and even blogspot.
oh ya today suppose to be studying; gone case!
< >
by the way good thing i head down to CCK on the correct timing; my mom sick, she catch a cold shivering. i take her temperature 38.6: i think she fever sia. so i ask her lets take taxi to the hospital; she don't want. then what can i do? only thing i can do is pray.
quickly i rush down to 7eleven to buy PANADOL flu and cold remedy and PI PA GAO. quickly i mix the cold remedy with hot water stir it up into a drink. use a spoon of PI PA GAO feet her and let her drink down the remedy. later on she get better. thank god sia; asked my group member to pray for her.
at 1st i look in the cabinet for medicine; see what my uncle got. in the end see alot of medicine definitly none of it is for cold or fever. all is for stomach and abs.
today i woke up at 10AM+, woke up with a shock, thinking: i over slept and gonna be late for school. suddenly text a message to my class mate for info.
it seems to be holiday today!; but there's still worry in my heart wonder; isn't MR RAJA told me about coming back to class on monday? and today is monday. i should report to him right. i thinking of calling him, but i don't have his contact number; so i decided to asking my classmate for RAJA number.
classmate replied:"today RAJA on COURSE la, that's why no class". so i ended up confuse with worry. huh? will i be in deep shit?
there's nothing i can do. today will be staying at home the whole day, gonna get something to do.
i was sitting using my MAC BOOK PRO to play DIABLO 2; i played it yesterday with my bro link with him; using GARENA. GARENA is a superb software for local area.
but i cannot be using computer the whole day; i should get a life or something.
somthing came to my mind; oh yeah! i can start blogging: but wonder what to blog it's too early to blog, if not there won't be any topic to type about.
i suddenly thinking if my dad were to blog about his child hood till now, how would it gonna look like? although that's impossible.
only thing i can do is open up all his memory that stored in his container; countless of photos; from his child hood, teen, young adult, married till im borned.
his childhood is really very happening compared to now the new era; i realize something. this new generation and my generation; we are all really dumb + weak.
my dad time is where fun and game is not about sitting on the chair and table with computer games.
his child hood is always out door, those day where he and his friend go for hunting steal chicken and cook. they fight together, play together, climb rock and tree together. those days majority of the man can do jump flip from the rock to the grass.
but now this era people just simply do a back flip; they will end up pausing and scared + not be able to do it.
i was wondering why do my dad so versitile? when his car break down; he know how to fix it. the house water heater burned up and break down; he simply open it up and fix it. the washing machine spoild; he just screw open the hole metal plate out and fix the the washing machine. my house cloth iron break down; he open up the iron using a copper wire to coil around something and it beable to work again.
i remember my house got 1 sink for brush teeth and wash hand; i use it to washing my leg instead. suddenly my leg accidentaly step on the sink and the whole sink loose out from the wall and break. my dad scolded me, with a drill on his hand drilling a screw into the wall for the metal hook of the sink; lifting up the sink and fix it back on the wall. suddenly saw him took a silicon from his tool and glue the coner up.
i was wondering how is he that prepared, he got no certificate. he's speciallize in machinery. i realize that im kind of useless.
show u the photo of my great grand father; which is my dad grand father:

during the JAPANESE occupation time; my great grand father is the carpenter for the JAPANESE; his project and work brought lots of money to his family. the whole large sum of money is enough to buy a land and invest gold. but the foolish thing is he did not do so. he end up saving lots of money and stored in alot of box.
during the automic bomb time japan surrender; those money can no longer be use, my great grand father ended up going crazy; he commited suicide. what a waste, if not i could have be a rich man. all his fucknig fault, im now as good as poor.
my great grand father got a skill to make wooden wine container and box with any nail or screw. he don't even use glue to glue them together.
his hands on pass on to my grand father, my grand father is a carpenter too. his skill is not like my great grand father. things that pass on to generation is deproved.
now i think should not share too muc habout it. yeah back to my father story. those days there's no facebook, no blogspot, no twitter, no google or even hand phone.
photo is not stored up in software or any drive. but instead is washed out from film, there's no such things as tagging photo, email photo or bluetooth photo.
there's lots of photo which impossible for me to upload it here.
those days where every photo that they take they wanna send to their friend they were need to wash it out extra and mail it to the mail box. where the photo in the mail will be send to the friend. all it takes is time and patient.
those days where they wanna meet their friend or even girl friend; they were have to set a time and place. they cannot be late; they must be early in advance. when u lost; there's no such thing as sms:"where are you ?" or even call.
those people in the pass are really patient. compared to now we are really impatient and slightly dummer. especially me haha^^ damn it!
now photo here, sorry for the bad quality. it blur not because of the photo, is my phone camera never take properly. the photo graph quality is great:

that's my mom sister marry in thailand, they mail a photo over to keep contact.

that's the conainer with lots of album.
this is where i still young:

that's my sibling and me, when we were all young.
time flys real fast, my parent had their child hood differently.
that's like my dad blogspot. now album is all saved in the internet, facebook and even blogspot.
oh ya today suppose to be studying; gone case!
< >
by the way good thing i head down to CCK on the correct timing; my mom sick, she catch a cold shivering. i take her temperature 38.6: i think she fever sia. so i ask her lets take taxi to the hospital; she don't want. then what can i do? only thing i can do is pray.
quickly i rush down to 7eleven to buy PANADOL flu and cold remedy and PI PA GAO. quickly i mix the cold remedy with hot water stir it up into a drink. use a spoon of PI PA GAO feet her and let her drink down the remedy. later on she get better. thank god sia; asked my group member to pray for her.
at 1st i look in the cabinet for medicine; see what my uncle got. in the end see alot of medicine definitly none of it is for cold or fever. all is for stomach and abs.